Warring States Call

Chapter 855 Chen Wu vs Gongsun Xiong

Chapter 855 Chen Wu vs Gongsun Xiong

Between the mountains and forests, the rain was getting heavier and the roads began to be muddy and difficult. The rustling sound of the rain on the leaves made the whole forest exude a strange atmosphere.

Ling Tong and others galloped through the woods on horses. The horses stepped on the muddy mud and splashed thick muddy water. The soldiers behind them also chased Ling Tong's pace.

"Stop!" Ling Tong put away the horse ropes, controlled the horses under him, and observed the surrounding situation. The soldiers behind him put down their horse ropes one by one, and the rainwater hit the armor, making a tinkling sound. , dripping down Ling Tong's helmet onto his cheeks, forcing Ling Tong to raise his hand to cover the rain above.

"What's wrong! What happened!" Chen Wu from behind urged his horse to come forward.

Ling Tong looked around and said with embarrassment: "Something's wrong! Something's wrong around here!"

"What's wrong! Look at the surrounding area...!" Before Chen Wu finished speaking, he stopped, looked at the soil below with his eyes, and said with a cold expression: "Horseshoe prints!"

This time Ling Tong noticed the horseshoe prints in front of him, which were fragmentary, and there were many footprints beside him. Ling Tong spat out the rainwater from his mouth, and said with embarrassment: "As expected, this Gongsun Xiong has Let's take a step!"

"What should we do next!" Chen Wu glanced at the soldiers behind him, grasped the horse rope behind him tightly, and looked around with tiger eyes. If he was walking forward, he would be in trouble. He knew that there were tigers on the mountain and he was walking on the mountain. Not what he hoped for.

Ling Tong was also in trouble. The soldiers behind him were all brought out by him, and they were more or less emotional. He looked up at the rain in the sky and said with embarrassment: "Which way is the lord taking!"

"It's a trail that bypasses Wu Tianci. Where the terrain is steeper than here, it's not easy to ambush! There should be no problem!" Chen Wu said seriously, shaking his hand.

"That's not necessarily the case. Gongsun Xiong will definitely inform Wu Tianci that we must not withdraw, or the lord will threaten us!" Ling Tong said helplessly.

"Then what to do! If you go in, you will die, and if you don't go, the Lord will be dangerous!" Chen Wu said anxiously.

"Go in! Go in and fight a war of attrition with them, lure them over, and lead them in the direction of Mingcheng, then we will retreat directly in the direction of Xuancheng!" Holding the horse under his crotch, he turned around, looked at the seventy or so soldiers behind him, and said solemnly: "Soldiers! The road ahead is a life-or-death road. Let's go down together! Are you afraid!!

"Don't be afraid...kill...kill...kill!"

"Very good!" Ling Tong picked up the shield behind him, looked at Chen Wu and nodded.

"Put it on..." Chen Wu understood instantly, and threw the clothes in his arms to the soldiers beside him. This person had a three-point resemblance to Sun Quan's, with similar stature and build!Putting on the white clothes prepared by Chen Wu, it still looks a little bit different.

"Let's go!" Seeing that everything was ready, Ling Tong raised the bronze sword in his hand, and killed a row of sycophants first.


Thousands of people in the forest have been dormant here for more than half a day. The leader stood under the woods, seeing no one around, then relieved himself, looked around and cursed: "Bastard! When is this damn weather going?" Stop! This rain......"

"Drive... drive...!" The sound of horse hooves came from behind Gongsun Xiong.

The soldiers behind hurriedly said: "General, the enemy is coming!"

"What!" Gongsun Xiong turned around, and before he finished urinating, he shook the soldier's face. The soldier touched the hot water on his face, and there was no boredom in his eyes. He hurried to the puddle beside him, Wiped his face.

When Gongsun Xiong saw it, he quickly squeezed on his trouser belt, walked forward, stared at the front with tiger eyes for a while and said, "Are you here?"


"how many people!"

"There are more than 70 people here and there!"

"Did you find out about Sun Quan?" Gongsunxiong said with an embarrassed face.

"There's a man in white in the crowd! The general can't get in!"

"Archers get ready! Shoot them off their horses!" Gongsun Xiong said seriously.


"Three hundred...two hundred...one hundred...!"



Ling Tong, who was leading the charge, turned his face aside, slashed the sword in all directions with his backhand, and shouted: "Defense!"


"Go!" Gongsun Xiong rode out first on a horse, and thousands of people behind him surrounded Ling Tong and the others tightly.

"My lord Quan, my king has something to discuss with you, so why is he in such a hurry to leave! Follow me back to the palace quickly, you and I can work together!" Gongsun Xiong sneered, and 1000 of him won the prize. Dozens of people are not a problem at all, and he doesn't want casualties, so he still focuses on persuasion.

The rain dripped on Ling Tong's armor, soaking Ling Tong's inner clothes. The rain seeped into his skin and slid down Ling Tong's back. When the cold wind blew, he became more awake. Ling Tong looked ahead. Gongsunxiong sneered and said, "Hahahaha! Gongsunxiong! You are exactly as I expected! Your dog's nose is really smart!"

"Whether it's a dog or a wolf! It's up to you this time, dismount your horses and disarm your weapons! Otherwise, don't blame him for being ruthless again, and it will be bad if he accidentally injures the son!" Gongsun Xiong pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and the rain flowed The sword's edge fell on the ground tick-tock.

"What nonsense! Go!" Chen Wu took the lead, took out the bronze long knife behind his back, and slashed away with a move, staring at Gongsunxiong.

"Bastard! Kill!" Gongsunxiong's face was startled, this guy... Gongsunxiong who reacted, threw the bronze sword in his hand to kill with one hand, picked up the bronze gun with his backhand, and urged the horse to kill.

"Ding Dong... Ding Dong...!" The two exchanged two moves in a row, and separated.

"Kill!" The soldiers behind him also went down the mountain like a tiger, Ling Tong's face turned cold, he picked up the bow and arrow with one hand, drew four arrows, and shot away.

Every sword shot will deprive a person of life.

"Ha..." The weapon in Chen Wu's hand changed, he missed a single blow, and turned his backhand to look at the horse's hoof.

Gongsun Xiong held the gun in both hands, gritted his teeth, picked up the long spear, and raised three shots, but he picked up Chen Wu's weapon abruptly.

"Stubborn! Then don't blame me! Go!" The spear in Gongsun Xiong's hand stabbed Ling Tong's chest.

"You deserve it too!" Chen Wu hacked to death a pawn who had come to him desperately, spit out a mouthful of saliva, the big knife stood in front of him, blood fell along the edge of the knife, and dripped on the ground, full of murderous aura, both of them showed A wave of cruelty.

(End of this chapter)

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