Chapter 870
"The third sword is to kill you unrighteously. You are a king who is licentious all day long, and still use villains! Let the witches bring disaster to the country and the people! Let the foolish king die!" Le Shu directly slashed twice with the bronze sword in his hand.

The blade cut across King Zhongshan's throat, and blood flowed out from the wound, splashing Leshu all over.

At this moment, King Zhongshan didn't know who the real person who wanted to kill him was until his death. He could only leave this world with endless regret.

Seeing that Zhongshan was dead, Le Shu threw the bronze sword in his hand, and said coldly: "The country cannot be without a master for a day! Let General Chai be in charge of the overall situation! We are willing to support General Chai as king!"

Chai Rong looked at the soldiers behind him and snorted coldly: "Presumptuous! Just after the previous king passed away, you set up a new master. You have a king in your eyes! What is the difference between us and rebellious officials and thieves!"

"But the general country cannot be left without a master for a day...!" Le Shu saw Chai Rong's virtue and was stunned on the spot. Didn't he agree that you will be the king and I will be the general?Why now...

"Yes, General! Your Majesty didn't leave any heirs!" All the generals behind agreed.

Chai Rong touched his beard, and then said: "Yesterday, I heard from the maid in the harem that a lady is pregnant, and we will wait here in peace. I will temporarily lead the government until the lady gives birth to a prince. Help him become the new king together!"

"That's the only way to go...!" Some old officials replied.

Le Shu was stunned for a moment, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Why didn't I...!"

Chai Rong gave him a hasty look, and then the guy shut up. Chai Rong sneered, joking that the king of Zhongshan is no good, he still has himself, he just needs to work hard and do more activities tonight, and cast the net widely!Focusing on fishing, Chai Rong burst out laughing at the thought.

"The envoy from the Kingdom of Wei is here!" A eunuch behind hurriedly ran over.

Chai Rong, who was secretly complacent, immediately regained his composure, wondering what this guy was doing at this time, and Chai Jin who was behind stepped forward and said, "Brother! Are we...!"

"No rush! Someone come and clean this place up!" Chai Rong glanced at the blood stains all around and his expression changed.

"No!" All the eunuchs were in a hurry, and after a while, the place was no different from usual.

Chai Rong looked at the King Zhongshan Sword that Le Shu had abandoned on the ground, stepped forward to pick him up, pressed it on his waist, and waved to the eunuch in the front hall: "Call him in! "


After a while, a man came wearing a red cloth, holding a roll of cloth in his hand, came to the center of the hall, looked left and right, and said with a puzzled expression: "Go to Wei Guohui again! Where is King Zhongshan!"

Chai Rong took a look, and then said: "Your Majesty has been unwell for the past few days, please tell me if you have anything to do!"

Hui Shi looked at the heroic Chai Rong, and said with a puzzled expression: "General, don't joke with the old and the young. This is a major issue that concerns the survival of the country. If you are not careful, you will be destroyed. Let the king of Zhongshan come out." !"

Chai Rong's face changed slightly, but he was still calm. He looked at Hui Shi and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry! Just tell me, I have an overview of the government. I have the Zhongshan King's Sword and seal that the King rewarded me. If you have anything to say, just say it." Bar!"

Hui Shi glanced at the sword in Chai Rong's waist, hesitated for a while, and sighed: "Forget it! Then I'll just say it! This time I came to Zhongshan under the order of my king to launch the seven kingdoms to attack Korea. Yes, it is well known that in the list of famous generals that appeared in the Jixia Academy in Qi State, South Korea alone stood half of the country, and the lips are dead, the teeth are cold, and the generals should consider it!"

"Seven Kingdoms! Which Seven Kingdoms!" Chai Rong looked a little curious, but it sounds interesting.

"Count my country of Wei! And you Zhongshan! The country of Yan in the north" and the country of Qi in the east!Qin State in the west!Wu of the South!The two countries have a total of seven countries!I don't know if the general is interested! Hui Shi stroked his beard and smiled.

"Sir, you are not joking! You, Wei Guo, have an appointment with Han Yi! Now you are playing such a banner, it is really shocking!......!" Chai Rong sneered, but he was really moved Well, Zhongshan has lost his wife and lost his army in the past two years!Caught in the midst of the four kingdoms, there is almost no potential for development. He, Chai Rong, also remembered a slogan. He wants to be emperor for ten years, calm the world for ten years, and let the people recuperate for ten years!Ten years to create a peaceful and prosperous world!
Of course, this is just a dream. The Warring States was unified by the survivors of Qin Fen VI, and there is nothing comparable to the troubled times of his era.

"One moment and another moment! General, you have to think about it!" Hui Shi stroked his beard and said with a smile, he was still very confident in persuading Zhongshan.

Wu Yong, who had been standing aside without speaking, took a step forward and said, "But I don't know how many countries are willing!"

"Hahahaha! Counting you Zhongshan, it's quite a lot. The Crown Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom has been persuaded by us, and the Qi Kingdom must have no problem. Jiang Xiaobai will never let this opportunity go! Qin has long thought about it." What a shame! I don’t know the general...!" Hui Shi’s meaning is self-evident, as long as you agree, everything else is fine.

Chai Rong opened the cloth, looked at the words on it, and said half aloud: "I don't know what Wei Guo thinks of Zhao Guo!"

"The general is far-sighted! Zhao Guo doesn't want to see the situation where the Korean family dominates, and he doesn't dare to make people angry! He will definitely remain neutral when the time comes. I don't know what the general will do!" Hui Shi said and said. While observing the surrounding environment.

Chai Rong stroked his beard, this deal is very cost-effective, the opportunity is once in a lifetime, but I don't know if it will work.

After a while: "That's the case! As long as Qi! The Qin and Qin countries send troops, I Zhongshan will do my part, and I hope to bear the brunt of it!"

"Okay! The general is really happy! But one more thing is that the troops of the Yan Kingdom have to use the road from Zhongshan, otherwise they can't send troops to help!" Hui Shi said with a serious face.

"No! What if the Yan Kingdom takes over the land! Wouldn't we be in danger of subjugation!" Wu Yong snorted coldly.

"Indeed! This matter is inappropriate! Besides, why didn't the country of Yan send troops in your country of Wei? As far as I know, your two countries are bordering each other!" Chai Rong said with a serious face, and now Zhongshan is in his pocket. How can others get their hands on it?

"Hahahahahaha! Don't get excited! Why don't you do this! The soldiers of Yan Kingdom are dispatching troops at the border between our two countries, so you should be at ease!" Seeing that their worries were not unreasonable, Hui Shi took one for himself. A compromise.

"So best!"

"In this case, let's go to Qi State again! General, please prepare for battle..."

(End of this chapter)

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