Warring States Call

Chapter 873 Sun Wu's doubts

Chapter 873 Sun Wu's doubts

The spring breeze reveals the clear dew, the cold wind blows the green leaves, the long arrows shine coldly, and the blood and rain condense into mud.

The ground made of bluestone slabs looks smooth when you walk on it. With the cleaning of the rain, the whole street is much cleaner than before. The horse-drawn carriage walking on the road has a special flavor. The noise of the rain, coupled with the The rain was soaking wet, and the surroundings became irritable.

The halberd bearers outside the city gate, holding a spear in their hands, accompanied by a sword at their waists, and wearing black armor, guarded the gate. There were ten men under the gate. Two of them were wearing pitch-black armor, standing in the rain, and the rain was crackling. They beat on the two of them, and the people behind guarded the city gate.

There are still thousands of people guarding the city wall. If any disturbance occurs, they will go down to the city immediately to quell the disturbance.

A convoy came in the rain. The leader was an old man, dressed in black, with an awning on his head, with a slightly hunchbacked body, holding the ox rope, urging the old ox from time to time, with a token pinned to his waist.

There are some boxes and sundries in the back of the carriage, but there is nothing to look at as a whole.

There were two or three young and middle-aged people behind them, pushing the cart aside, obviously they came with the old man.

"Who is coming...!" I saw a seven-foot sweat holding a tiger-headed sword in his hand, taking big steps, stepping on the rain, making a rattling sound, and staring at the front.

"Haha! Master Guan! We are from Tianfu, go to the barracks to deliver something to our general!" The old man stepped forward, with a smile in his eyes, and called up the token in his hand.

The big man looked at the token and said with a puzzled expression: "Which General Tian! There are too many General Tian in this city. If you continue like this, can we still do this job!"

Hearing this, the old man looked at the old man carefully, and found that this guy was looking at his waist from time to time. The old man knew it immediately, and then he took out a bag of money from his pocket and said: "It's a small thing! It's not a respect! To the officer The Lord is the money for the wine! We also obeyed the order of the lord, and I would like to ask the general to make it easier for you!"

The man took the wine money and weighed it in his hands. He got what he wanted, the corners of his mouth under the beard slightly raised, and he put the money in his arms, saying: "If that's the case! Then I will be disrespectful, let it go! "

"Thank you, General... Thank you, General...!" The old man looked back at the two men behind him and called out, "Quick!Walk! "

The group of people pushed the cart and walked towards the outskirts of the city. After ten steps, the man saw the box. His face was startled, and he said, "What's in this box!"

"Hey! Officer! Inside this box...!" The old man looked startled, turned pale, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "My lord wants this, please don't, General... !"

"Hmph! Get out of the way! I tell you that I am Gao Hu from the Gao family, and I am afraid that your Tian family will fail. If you don't let us see it, you will definitely hide it! Someone open it!" Gao Hu sneered.

Several soldiers behind Gao Hu stepped forward and opened the box one after the other. The old man and the two young men behind hurriedly stepped forward and stopped them: "No, general! No...!"

"Get the hell out of here...!" A few soldiers tried their best to push the two of them away, and then opened the two boxes.

Gao Hu stepped forward and saw that there was nothing else in the box. It contained two beauties who were as beautiful as flowers and jade, each of them was charming and charming. He raised his head to look at Gao Hu and said, "Butler Tian...why...!"

"What's going on here!" Gao Hu looked at the old man and said with his expression turned aside.

The old man hurried forward and called to the two women: "Go in! Go in!"

While talking about closing the box, he smiled honestly at Gao Hu and said: "The life in the army must be known to the general, my lord...that...hahaha!"

When Gao Hu heard this, he immediately lost interest. He thought he had made some great achievements, so he waved his hands and said, "Let's go!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, General, for your size!" The old man immediately stepped forward, urging the ox cart. As soon as he left the city gate, the old man whipped a few times, and the old ox also ran a lot faster.

Walking to the grove, the three of them returned to their original appearance. Xin Qiji took off the old man's coat this time, and said to the two women inside the box, "Come out!"


And the people behind that were Wu Sui and Sun Wu, the two women ran out of the box, bowed to Xin Qiji and said, "General!"

Xin Qiji nodded, and said to the two: "You guys did a good job! I'll leave it to you to deal with it! Remember to clean it up!"


Xin Qiji said to Sun Wu who was behind him: "I'm afraid the general will have to work harder next time, so follow me and leave!"

Sun Wu looked worried and said: "Is it just going to go like this! How long will it take to go!"

"Don't worry, general! There is a station ahead! With the horses we have prepared, we can't go south on this trip! We can't go north either, and we can't go in the direction of Philadelphia!" Wu Sui said with an embarrassed face.

"Crossing mountains and ridges is our best moment!" Xin Qiji threw the clothes he was carrying to the two women, took out some clothes from the box, and threw them to Sun Wu.

Sun Wu stroked his beard, then smiled and said: "Philadelphia has Tian Dan's [-] troops, and the north has Tian Ji's [-] troops. If I don't see Jiang Xiaobai, I will definitely start looking for it from Wu, but if you show any flaws, this Philadelphia will definitely be there again." It won't work!"

"This...!" Wu Sui looked at Sun Wu, stepped forward and said, "According to the general's wishes!"

"Go to Zhongshan! Then go around from Zhongshan to South Korea. Even if they find out, they will have no clue. As for Tian Ji, he is old-fashioned and doesn't know how to adapt. As long as he reaches Zhongshan, he will be safe." At this moment, Sun Wu is not like Xin Qiji. Looking at the map, he uttered a road out of thin air, and at the same time, Tian Dan!The topographical maps of Tian Ji's two sides are clearly analyzed, and they have a clear understanding of the enemy's character!A comprehensive analysis has been done on the methods of using military forces, which shows that he was able to write military methods, not just exaggerating.

Xin Qiji was stunned for a moment, secretly rejoicing in his heart, fortunately this kind of person is a friend, not an enemy, otherwise... it would be a trouble.

Xin Qiji looked up at the raindrops slowly dripping from the tree, and called to the two of them, "Let's go! Don't waste time, the king is already impatient waiting for you!"

Sun Wu glanced at Xin Qiji, looked at Xin Qiji and said: "Before I go! There is a problem that has troubled me for a long time. A person as careful as you is, logically speaking, it should be a rare beautiful jade. You can see it with Han Yihui's eyes." Ability, it is impossible not to discover your ability, or you should be famous all over the world, but you seem to...!"

Xin Qiji smiled blankly, looked back at Sun Wu, and put the bronze sword in his hand on his shoulder: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, you just need to know, sending you to the king is the last time you and I will meet, I want to go I don’t need to explain the way to you!”

(End of this chapter)

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