Warring States Call

Chapter 905 Qin Qiong Double Mace

Chapter 905 Qin Qiong Double Mace
Chai Rong was wearing heavy armor, followed by an army of tens of thousands, sent in a line formation, most of the soldiers under his command were veterans who had experienced many battles, and there were quite a few fierce generals under his command.

From left to right are Chai Shao, Chai Gui, Chai Jin, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Liang Lin, Li Ying, Shi Xiu, Yang Xiong, Shi Yong, Wang Ying, Shi En, Du Qian, Shi Qian, Huang Xin, Bai Sheng, Jiao Ting, Le He, Han Tao, Tang Long, Du Xing, Li Li, Yan Shun, Zheng Tianshou, Wang Dingliu, Fu Yanqing, Shi Yanchao, Le Shu, Le Chi, these are all Chai Rong's family assets .

Wars have already started in various places. This time, Chai Rong personally led the [-]th army under his command to besiege Jiagu. As long as this gate is regained, Han Yi's situation will inevitably be in chaos, and then his chance will come.

"General! The troops and horses are all ready! Now it's a city battle! The chariots are useless!" Yan Shun walked away with a serious look on his face.

"The general knows! Tell Le Shu to let the soldiers and horses in his hands lead the battle! If you win, the general will be rewarded." Chai Rong sneered, using him as a swordsman in order to consume his strength.



city ​​wall

As usual, Liu Zhi was wearing a black armor, and there was a tiger general standing next to him, wearing a golden tiger Fen Hai armor!Holding a long knife in his hand, the aura of his body spread out faintly, like a fierce tiger in the night, baring its sharp fangs.

"General Han! With the soldiers and horses in our hands! It is more than enough to deal with Chai Rong, and their combat power is not at the same level as ours. Why are you afraid of him!" Liu Zhi was so angry.

Han Qinhu shook his head and said: "The king's order has not yet been issued, and I will leave my post without authorization and come to help! This is already an arrogance! If you don't respect the king's order...!"

"This...!" Liu Zhi felt helpless when he heard it, but his anger was really hard to get over.

Le Shu rode a war horse under the city wall and said with a sneer, "Where is my son's music pool?"

"The last general is here!" I saw a young general, holding a silver spear in his hand, wearing a silver armor, he was very heroic, and he was full of vigor in the fight ahead.

"Let's fight! Make our army strong!" Le Shu said with a smile. He had made a special investigation and found that there was no killing god named Li Cunxiao in this city. Otherwise, he would not dare to let his precious son go up, no matter how arrogant he was. Go to die.

"The last general has the order!" After getting the order, Le Chi urged his horse forward, stood behind him with a long spear and snorted coldly: "People on the city wall listen up, I am the general, Le Chi! Open the door for me if you know the image, or wait for the city gate to open , not a blade of grass grows"

"You are so arrogant, the last general invites you to fight!" A general standing behind Han Qinhu stepped forward. He was like a wild lion with two golden maces on his waist and a tiger's head in his hand. With a sword and gun, and a red flying tiger armor, and his height of eight feet, it can be said that he is majestic and full of murderous aura.

Han Qinhu looked at Qin Qiong behind him, and calmly said: "Go! Don't hold back!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"General, I'm going to fight for my brother! I'm going now!" I saw a rustic person, but the Xuanhua ax in his hand was shining, which made people shudder. Except for Cheng Yaojin, this big tent , the second cannot be found.

Han Qinhu waved his hand, and Liu Zhi behind him looked puzzled and said, "General! This...!"

"Don't look at him carelessly. In fact, he is as careful as a hair, so it shouldn't be a problem!" Han Qinhu folded his hands in front of his chest, with confidence in his eyes. These two people are his capable men in his hands, so naturally he is not afraid of this little nameless General.

"Drive!" Qin Qiong rode up with a golden gun in his hand and rode up on his smoke-drawn flying swallow horse, shouting loudly: "Qin Qiong is here! Keep the head!"

"Hmph! Where did the unknown pawn come from! It's a pity that grandpa's silver gun wants to take the head of this unknown pawn like you, no matter! After I kill you, you will pick Li Cunxiao with the gun! Punch Jia Fu! Drive!" Holding silver guns in both hands, he made a move of the blue dragon to go out to sea, and the move was about to penetrate Qin Qiong's throat.

When Qin Qiong heard this, his face was startled. This guy dared to say that. He must have some skills. Let me try my best to see the truth of this guy.

After speaking, Qin Qiong single-handedly picked up the spear, and the cold spear flickered, and three or four spear shadows appeared. When the spear was lightly tapped, Yue Chi felt that his spear was out of his control, and the direction had completely changed. Qin Qiong saw a good opportunity, A cold light flashed, piercing through his chest.

Le Chi reacted conditionedly, holding the gun with both hands, the blood on the corners of his mouth spread, staining his cloth scarf, grabbing Qin Qiong's gun, but he didn't let it go, and was abruptly picked off by Qin Qiong, looking at Qin Qiong with an unbelievable expression, finger Then he couldn't say a word anymore.

"Chi'er!" Le Shu was shocked when he saw it, his eyes were red, his eyes were full of disbelief, he was dead!died!My own son is dead... Ah... I'm going to kill you!

"Hahahahaha! I thought it was so powerful! It turned out to be a silver gun candle head, which is not very useful." Cheng Yaojin behind laughed loudly.

"General Qin is mighty! General Qin is mighty!" shouted the soldiers on the city wall.

Qin Qiong glanced at the orchestra pit below, shook her head and said, "Don't blame me!"

"Ding Ning! Chang Jiang! Che Mu! Hu Yazi! Kill him! You go up together! Quick!" Le Shu snorted coldly, he wanted Qin Qiong to pay for his life.


The four tiger generals looked from a distance, they were hulking and burly, holding all kinds of weapons and rushing to kill them.

Qin Qiong narrowed his eyes, and casually picked up the silver spear that was standing upside down on the ground, and matched his golden spear with both spears. It turned out that he practiced double maces, but it was easy to use them.

"Drive...!" Cheng Yaojin hurried forward and said, "You won't be able to win by force! Brother, don't panic! I'll help you!"

"Don't come here!" Qin Qiong yelled loudly, seeing Che Mu and Ding Ning rushing forward, the spears in both hands of Qin Qiong were thrown away. Under Qin Qiong's tremendous force, the two spears seemed to be separated The stringed long arrow shot towards the two of them.

Che Mu and Ding Ning were startled, and were about to let go, but it was too late, the shot pierced through the chest and fell to the ground.

Chang Jiang and Hu Yazi saw that Qin Qiong had no weapons in his hands, and immediately said happily: "Quick! This guy has no weapons! Go!"

"Kill!" The two men, one with a long knife and the other with a long gun, went straight to kill.

"Hmph!" Qin Qiong sneered, urged the horse to mount up, and shouted: "Flying Swallow Horse!"

"Woo...!" The war horse under his crotch screamed, like a swallow, suddenly accelerated, and rushed to the side of the two, Qin Qiong crossed his hands, holding a golden mace in one hand, and shouted: "Here!"

The two golden maces were like two flood dragons, hitting the backs of the two of them. Under one blow, there was a muffled groan, and only a click was heard. It hurts the heart and makes it impossible to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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