Chapter 907

With one blow, the two were evenly matched, and the sparks from the intersection of the mace and the hammer splattered in all directions, like fireworks in the dark night, and the sound resounded throughout the entire land.

Liang Lin saw that his face was not flushed and his heart was not beating. After one hammer, another hammer came to pick up the rice dumpling, but Qin Qiong's palms were numb. Fortunately, it was nothing.

"There are not many people in the world who can take my hammer! You are not bad! Come on!" Liang Lin praised, and smashed the sledgehammer in his hand again.

Qin Qiong opened his eyes and shouted loudly: "The rat who sits in the well and watches the sky! Come!"


With every blow, the hammer and mace collided, and they all returned in vain. The two seemed to be fighting hand-to-hand to see who could hold on. But with every blow, Qin Qiong seemed powerless, and the speed of dancing the mace was slow. A lot, time one!I'm afraid it's not Liang Linfang's opponent.

Han Qinhu on the city wall was startled and said, "Who is this? He has fought General Qin Qiong for so long!"

"This is the Flying Tiger Lianglin of Zhongshan! This man once used the two silver hammers in his hand to beat all the invincible opponents in Zhongshan. Pang Juan had no choice but to retreat! It is also a great military exploit! General Qin Qiong fought three times in a row, I am afraid it is not This guy's opponent! The general should order the withdrawal first!" Liu Zhi said with a worried expression.

Han Qinhu pressed the sword in his hand, and said half aloud: "This trip is to avoid the sharp edge for now!"

"To make... the drum beating"

"Woo... slap...!"

When Qin Qiong heard the movement from behind, she immediately knew that she was going to retreat, but her face was serious, she looked at Liang Lin, and snorted coldly: "Go!"

The golden mace went straight to Liang Lin's throat, Liang Lin narrowed his eyes, put away the silver hammer in his hand, and was about to strike, but at this moment Qin Qiong sneered, and halfway, he took the mace and urged the horse to leave , looked back at Liang Lin and shouted: "Fight again in the future!"

"Looking at Qin Qiong who was running away, Liang Lin raised his sledgehammer with one hand, and snorted coldly: "Cowardless bastard!run away! "

Chai Rong in the army sneered, pulled out the sword in his arms and shouted: "Attack!"


Chai Shao and Chai Gui both wore battle armor and held a long spear in their hands. They shouted at the tens of thousands of soldiers behind them: "Siege the city!"

Li Ying, Shi Xiu, Yang Xiong, Shi Yong, the four of them put on strong and sharp-edged swords, and carried the ladder by themselves, rushing to the front of the formation, and the soldiers behind followed closely.

Han Qinhu took a look from above, and called to Liu Zhi: "Chai Rong doesn't even know he's here! Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to be so rampant, just listen! Use your troops when necessary I will send troops to help you, and now you must defend the city no matter what!"

"The last general has orders!" Liu Zhi said with a serious face. With Han Qinhu, he is full of confidence, and the morale of his subordinates is as immovable as a mountain. Chai Rong may be unexpected.

"Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin are under your command for the time being"


After Han Qinhu finished talking, he went down the city. Liu Zhi pressed the weapon in his hand, stared down at the tiger, and said half aloud: "Give me an order! Shoot arrows within 2000 steps! [-] people in the city are on standby, send Lei Shi!" Bring up all the logs!"


Li Ying looked up, riding a war horse, holding a longbow in one hand, and said gloomyly: "I'm back today!"

Said that Li Ying took out three cold arrows from behind, stared at the upper point with tiger eyes, sneered, took the sword with one hand, aimed at Liu Zhi's direction, squinted his eyes: "Hit!"

"call out………!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Seeing Po Changfeng shoot and kill, the lieutenant beside Liu Zhi quickly came to Liu Zhi with a shield and shouted: "General, be careful!"

"Dangdangdang!" The three arrows in a row were all blocked by the shield.

Liu Zhi looked in the direction of the arrow, his face became colder and colder, and he said with embarrassment: "Li Ying! I didn't kill him last time! How dare you come here this time to seek death! Someone bring the arrow!"


Chai Rong will not fight the offensive and defensive battle on the city wall seriously. He is still waiting for the Yan State to consume their troops, and he can wait for work.

Chai Rong looked at Wu Yong behind him and said with a smile, "You said I did the right thing this time! Or did I do it wrong!"

"Why does the general have such doubts!" ​​Wu Yong looked at Chai Rong in confusion.

"Today's Lingshou is extremely empty. I'm afraid there are not many people under him. There are only two or three hundred guards in each county. If Yan Kingdom takes advantage of the loopholes, we may be...!! Chai Rong said worriedly.

"Don't worry, general! If all the nobles in the royal palace are killed in battle, isn't it a legitimate thing for the king to succeed to the throne? Besides, all our food and grass! Armaments are all in the city! As long as the city is not lost, everything will be no problem. When the time comes, the general It is more than enough to become a king by yourself!" Wu Yong said with a smile, but tens of thousands of soldiers and horses have been gathered, and useless chariots have been sent there, it is not that easy to take down this city.


"Shouguancheng is those two generals!" Chai Rong said worriedly.

"The generals are: Zheng Tianshou, Wang Dingliu"

"These two people are not capable enough, and their temperaments are not good. I have ordered Fu Yanqing to be transferred!" Chai Rong said with a serious expression.

"My lord! No matter how urgent the battle is now! I'm afraid it will be too late!" Wu Yong said worriedly from the side.

"Whether it's okay or not! Send him over first and let those two guys defend the city! I'm really worried!" Chai Rong said worriedly.

Inside the castle
Han Qinhu sat on the stone bench, took a sesame seed cake and began to gnaw on it. He also held a piece of wood in his hand. His eyes were annotating the ants below, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"General! With our current strength, we can completely compete with them! Why don't we fight in the field!" Zhou Panlong pressed this kind of sword, and handed the water bottle to Han Qinhu, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Han Qinhu shook his head, took the kettle and drank it in a big gulp, calmly said: "This war is not that simple! It is not just a battle! There is also a national strength! Military strength! Economy! If you can't fight this time Recruit the enemy! The loser is us! And Zhongshan is our only chance! Absolutely not!"

"But guard here dryly! There is no chance!" Zhou Panlong said anxiously.

"I know your majesty's temperament very well. I am afraid that your majesty is planning to go on a personal conquest! Moreover, your majesty has sent a letter! You will know after reading it!" Han Qinhu said, throwing the letter in his hand to Zhou Panlong.

Zhou Panlong looked at the letter, and his face changed: "Your Majesty even dispatched tiger and leopard riders!"

"The sword is hidden in the sleeve, wait for the time to move! And the tiger and leopard cavalry is the opportunity for victory in this war!" After Han Qinhu finished speaking, he took the letter and threw him into the fire, turning him into ashes.

"What is the general's plan!"

"Huo Qubing's tiger and leopard cavalry will arrive in eight days! Eight days later! The whole army will attack! Hide Chai Rong! Buy them time!" Han Qinhu finished speaking and picked up a branch to stir the fire, making him burn even more prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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