Warring States Call

Chapter 909 Soup

Chapter 909 Soup
"How many more soldiers and horses will the king plan to send!" Sun Wu said with a serious face.

"How much do you want!" Han Yi pulled up the grass below, played with him in his hands, and said with a smile.

"If Qin sent 20 yuan! Another 15 yuan will be needed!" Sun Wu looked serious, obviously paying more attention to Bai Qi and Wang Jian, the most important thing is!He didn't believe Yue Fei a little bit!How could this mediocre and unknown person be able to stop this famous general in the world.

Han Yi threw the green grass in his hand down the mountain, and said calmly: "Ruo Ruo Gu will tell you! Gu Ruo Gu doesn't even have [-] soldiers and horses in his hands, believe it or not!"

"This...!" Sun Wu's face was serious, and he had no way to deal with Han Yi's making things difficult. He was not the enemy of ten thousand, so how could he deal with the enemy's army of millions?
"Let's do this! There are [-] Hu Zhejun in Shangyong, and hundreds of thousands of Chu refugees have gathered there, and they haven't been dealt with yet. I will give you a banner order to recruit yourself. After handing over the Hu Zhejun You command! Cooperate with Zhou Di's Sapphire! Wang Ye's Yue Fei! I think it should be enough!" Han Yi stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face.

"This..." Sun Wu also had no idea in his mind, the arrogant warrior is not something he can control with his current white body, a white body like him!He didn't have any military exploits, Han Yi himself put him in the position of general in command, which is already an exceptional promotion, and the people below must not accept it.

"You don't have to worry about anything! The Hu Zhe Army is a relative army of Gu! You go with Gu's token! Even if they are dissatisfied in their hearts, they will act according to Gu's generals! Then you can show your strength But the premise is that you have the ability! Do you understand?" After finishing speaking, Han Yi took out a gold-shaped token from his arms, stretched out his hand, and signaled Sun Wu to come and get it.

Sun Wu knelt on the ground, stood up after a while, and stepped forward to take the token, but Han Yi refused to let go, so Sun Wu looked up at Han Yi, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Your Majesty...you...! "

"Sun Wugu is very optimistic about you! After the war is over! The position of the generals of the four towns! There must be a place for you! What Gu promised you will be done! I hope you will not let Gu down!" Han Yi finished speaking. Let go of the token in his hand, and to be honest, Han Yi is really worried about this guy!This guy hasn't contributed his Summoning Points yet!right!wealth!status!None of these three things shook this guy's heart!Han Yi was also vaguely worried.

Sun Wu took the token, looked at Han Yi, as if he had made a major decision, and said solemnly: "My lord! After this battle is over! What will the king do..."

"This battle is over! The lone general conquers the Central Plains! Take all the land from the east! Include the countries in the northern border! Take Qin! Unify the north! Cross the river to take the south and unify the world! There is no distinction between countries! Wealth! Create a peaceful and prosperous world!" Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, facing the dusk under the setting sun, majestic.

Sun Wu held the token in his hand, looked at Han Yi and said for a while: "The grand plan and great achievements of the king are really extraordinary! But it is unrealistic! After this battle is over! When the time comes, will I be with the king for the festival of the emperor and his ministers or with friends?" The righteousness may even be uncertain, but the only thing that can be guaranteed is that I will be there! Wang Jian and Bai Qi will not be able to cross the western border... Farewell!"

Han Yi looked at the back of Sun Wu's leaving, and said half aloud: "Come on!
"The last general is here!" Elai, who was standing aside, watched Sun Wu leave, then ran to Han Yi with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty!"

"Tell Xin Qiji! Send someone to watch him! What's wrong with this guy! You know...!" After finishing speaking, Han Yi patted Xiao Bai below, signaling him to follow him.


While delegating power!Han Yi also made two-handed preparations!To achieve 14% trust!sorry!Han Yi really can't do it, and the king has that heart and soul!Sincerely!Maybe when fighting the world, they are all good buddies!Brothers!But he really took the throne!Everything has changed!Become so fragile, Han Yi has been the king for [-] years, for those generals who hold great power, Han Yi [-]% delegate power and trust!Even though the civil servants under him impeached one by one, saying that they wanted to reduce their military power, Han Yi still didn't do it, but this Sun Wu!He is different from them... Han Yi also had to guard against it.

"Your Majesty, it's very cold in the spring now! Add more clothes!" Elai held an animal skin coat in his hand, and came to Han Yi to put it on.

Han Yi exhaled now, and could clearly see the white water vapor.

"How are the soldiers!" Han Yi looked back at Dian Wei and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry...the soldiers are still holding on!" Dian Wei said calmly.

"Stay! Who told them to hold on! Didn't they say that each soldier was given a piece of clothing to keep out the cold? What's going on!" Han Yi's face changed drastically, and he ran down the foot of the mountain, grabbed a soldier, and tore off his clothes in one go. In addition to the armor, there are two or three thin pieces of clothing.

Then the soldier's face was flushed from the cold, and he shivered from time to time. When he saw Han Yi, he quickly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty!"

"What's going on!" Han Yi looked at the three of them with a livid face.

"My lord! Now the battle is imminent! Lord Wang Meng and the others have no time to distribute the clothes! It will take three days to arrive," Elai said helplessly.

"You bastard!" Han Yi reached out to snatch the whip from Fei Lian's hand, and yanked it at the armor on Elai's body.

Just as he was about to be beaten, Han Yi lost his temper immediately

, Han Yi stuck his waist and threw away the whip in his hand. With an embarrassing face, he pointed at the evil one and said, "Go! Go! Tell the Huotou army to add a meat dish tonight! Make some hot soup for the soldiers ! Drive away the cold! Hurry up!"

"No!" Elai quickly ran away, running to the back.

Han Yi looked at Fei Lian behind him and said, "How much time does Yan's army have to catch up!"

"Report to Your Majesty! There are still fifteen days!" Fei Lian said solemnly.

"Very good! Send out all the wolf shadows in your hands! Collect information!"


The night is coming, and this land is destined not to be too peaceful.

A team of war horses riding a thousand dust!The first person held a long spear and charged forward against the cold wind.

"Little General Huo! Little General Huo, why don't you rest for a while! This man is not tired! The horse under his crotch should be tired too!" Veteran Yang Ye came with the treasured sword in his hand, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"What's the old general's intention! Could it be that he's tired! Now is a great opportunity to hurry, and the border between the two countries is ahead, and we can rest for three hours, and then the war will begin!" Huo Qubing's eyes froze. The golden light is as excited as a hungry wolf in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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