Warring States Call

Chapter 913 The Door God

Chapter 913 The Door God
Yang Xiong's death situation was really too miserable, the soldiers all around seemed to have met a prehistoric beast, backed up again and again and did not dare to step forward, with vigilance on their faces.

When Shi Xiu saw her brother was killed, she immediately said angrily, "Heitan will return my brother's life!"

Shi Xiu danced the long spear in his hand, and as he said that, he went to kill Yuchi Gong, but within three steps, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and several gun shadows shrouded towards Shi Xiu.

After this blow, Shi Xiu's face was startled, and she had to step back, looking at Qin Qiong who was standing in front of her, her expression changed drastically: "It's you!"

"Not bad!" Qin Qiong said in a deep voice, and the golden gun in his hand was aimed at Shi Xiu.

When Shi Xiu saw that it was Qin Qiong, he lost all fighting spirit in his heart!He is also very clear about this guy's ability on the battlefield. He is not sure that he can defeat four with one. It can be seen that Qin Qiong's combat power is more than two or three grades higher than his. Response, turned around and wanted to run away.

How could Qin Qiong let go of the battle exploits on his lips, throwing the tiger-headed golden spear in his hand, and piercing Shi Xiu's heart and lungs with one move, Shi Xiu spit out blood, lowered his head and looked at the head protruding from his chest The tip of the gun, I knew it was so!He should fight Qin Qiong to the death, so that he won't end up in such an embarrassing death.

Li Ying watched Shi Xiu being killed, his face was like frost, he picked up the arrow to lead the bow, pinched his fingers, and shot two arrows in salvo, shooting in the direction of Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong.

"Huh! Huh!"

Two long arrows, like the cold light in the dark night, shot towards the deadly exit of the two men. Qin Qiong looked over, as if piercing through his eyes, and saw Li Ying's cold arrow, three steps into one step, pulled out the long spear on Shi Xiu's body, Turning around and shooting, the kicker was sent flying, Yu Chigong was even more ruthless, directly grabbed a small soldier, and stood in front of him, blood splashed on Yuchi Gong's face.

Li Ying's face was livid, the arrow he just shot just returned in vain, without Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu staring at the front, this first line of defense is extremely fragile, the army behind Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong then fell Now, all that's left is hand-to-hand combat.

Shi Yong on the side couldn't hold back his breath, and just wanted to go forward to charge, but was stopped by Li Ying and said: "What do you want to do!"

Shi Yong said with a livid face: "What else can you do! Are you sitting here waiting to die? I will fight them!"

"Are you crazy! Are you that opponent named Qin Qiong? If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood! Commanding the army here honestly, I really can't hold it anymore, you and I retreat quickly!" Li Ying can be regarded as an old slicker. He was able to survive the last war. It can be seen that this guy is treacherous. He never exerts all his strength in doing things, and often has to reserve two or three points of strength. This is also the reason why this guy can survive until now.

"Could it be possible to make them so arrogant?" Shi Yong said with an embarrassed face.

"If you want to die, I won't stop you. If you want to go by yourself, I won't get involved anyway!" Li Yingying was extremely afraid of these two people, and he didn't dare to take the risk.

"You...or else I'll call General Liang Lin here!" Shi Yong said helplessly.

"Forget it! Send someone to ask for help from General Liang Lin," Li Ying said helplessly.

"It's you!" Shi Yong pointed to the lieutenant in front of him.

"Decree!" The deputy general rushed back after receiving the general order, holding the token in his hand, and shouted, "Get out of the way... get out of the way!"

"Battle report! Shi Xiu! The two generals Yang Xiong died in battle! Please also send General Liang Lin to resist! Otherwise, the front line will be in danger!"

"What! Yang Xiong and Shi Yong died in battle!" Before Chai Shao could say anything, Liang Lin couldn't sit still below. These were his two brothers, and they just disappeared.

Chai Shao also looked gloomy. This time, he lost two generals just at the beginning, which was a great blow to morale, and now the first line of defense has been broken, which is very unfavorable to the rear.

"The last general, Liang Lin, please fight! General, please let me avenge my revenge!" Liang Lin's eyes were burning with anger.

Chai Shao stared at Liang Lin who was speaking on the stage. If he was not allowed to go at this time, he would get into trouble with Chai Shao to some extent, and might tear down his stage. Chai Shao had no choice but to say: "In that case! Liang Lin General Lin, just go! Remember to be careful...!"

As soon as Liang Lin heard that Chai Shao agreed, he didn't even answer, and rode his own Galaxy Beast!Holding his own square needle and bright silver hammer, he rushed forward, as if a white square glowed, rushing out of a straight path.

Humu took a fancy to Qin Qiong's direction and shouted: "Damn you little thief! Give me back my brother's life!"

"Ding, when Liang Lin's Flying Tiger attribute is activated, the force value will be increased by 7. If someone dies in battle, the force value of Liang Lin will increase by 3 for each person killed in battle. If two people die in battle, the force value of Liang Lin will increase by 6, for a total of 13 points of force. , the basic force value is 103, the force value of the galaxy beast is increased by 1, the force value of the Lone Needle Bright Silver Hammer is increased by 1, and the current force value is 118!"

Qin Qiong looked up, his face turned pale, and he immediately took out the maces in his hand and shouted: "Get up!"

"Ding Qinqiong's door god attribute activates, blocking Liang Lin Feihu's skill, Liang Lin's force value is currently 105!"

"Ding, add 1 to the force value of Qin Qiong Jinshu's double copper mace, and the current force is 101"

Liang Lin caught the silver hammer in his hand and knocked it down with one blow. The two silver hammers fell towards Qin Qiong like two meteorites.

Qin Qiong's face was as frosty, he gritted his teeth, and the two maces in his hands went up by turns.


The sudden blow caught Qin Qiong by surprise, and he flew out with his feet floating in the air for three seconds before falling to the ground. He took four or five steps on his hind legs and stopped this time, with an embarrassing expression on his face. Staring at Liang Lin.

Qin Qiong stared at Liang Lin with embarrassment, this guy is much stronger than yesterday.

"Don't hurt my brother's life! Eat my whip!" Seeing that Qin Qiong was threatening, Yu Chigong didn't care so much, picked up the purple golden whip in his hand, and hit Liang Lin on the head.

Liang Lin snorted coldly, and clamped the horse's belly with his legs. The Yinhe beast under his crotch seemed to know Liang Lin's intentions, kicked his front hoofs, and kicked towards Yu Chigong's chest.

Yuchi Gong's face was startled, and he hurriedly rolled over, and his helmet fell to the ground

"I'm looking for death!" Liang Lin was furious, and immediately hit Yuchi Gong with the silver hammer in his hand, but Yu Chi Gong ran too far away, so he missed.

"Yeah! You're too deceitful! Both of you are going to die today!" Liang Lin was furious, and the silver hammer in his hand danced again, like a whirlwind in the air.

"Ding, Liang Lin's anger attribute activates. Every time Liang Lin gets angry, his force value will increase by 3! Up to 3 times, Liang Lin's force value is currently 108!"

"Ding, Qin Qiong's door god attribute is activated!"

"Ding, the current door god attribute is invalid!"

Han Yi, who was far away in the sky, rode Xiaobai and said in confusion: "Why can't this Qin Qiong be blocked? This is obviously a skill!"

(End of this chapter)

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