Chapter 924

Anyone who can imprison the prison dragon is not the lord of the country, and this Chai Rong is a special case.

And the few remaining people knelt down on the ground, bowed their heads, looked tense, their hands were tied behind their backs, Chai Rong and others escaped unharmed, but they may not be sure. This black hall is like a wooden hall. The shackles of the system are like hell, and Han Yi, who is sitting on the top, can easily change their life and death as long as he gently moves his hand.

Han Yi looked at several people, and said to Peng Yue, "Untie them!"

"But the king... this...!"

"Let's untie it!" Han Yi waved his hand, with so many generals around, these few people will not be able to make any big waves!


"Gongsun Sheng!" Han Yi looked at the calm and composed old monk Gongsun Sheng, and said with a serious expression. He moved away from the sitting posture behind him, and the wind was calm, and his hands and feet were raised. This pair of powerful hands can determine his life and death .

"The crime will be here!" Gongsun Sheng shook the floating dust in his hand, with a light and calm look in his eyes.

"Gu is not a murderer, you are willing to surrender! Make atonement! The sins of the past! Gu... But let the past go!" Han Yi's eyes were bright, this time he didn't have much loss anyway, and he subdued them for that. One hundred thousand Zhongshan soldiers considered, killing them, I have to bear the eternal infamy, and it is not good for me to conquer the land of Zhongshan, the best policy is to recruit and surrender!This is also the main reason why Han Yi did not kill Chai Rong.

"I am willing to surrender!" Gongsun Sheng seemed calm, he knew that this war was going to be defeated, and he had already prepared himself for it. For him, surrender was their only choice...!
"Song Qing, Wang Ying, Shi En, Du Qian, what are you thinking about!" Han Yi stroked his beard. These four people still have more or less talents, and it's okay to accept them, at least it can make up for Han Yi's middle and lower class. talent.

"The ministers are also willing to surrender...!" Can the four of them not surrender, otherwise they will die without knowing how.

"Very good!" Han Yi stroked his beard and smiled, but when he looked at Song Qing with tiger eyes, he was more or less hesitant. He killed this guy's brother himself, so it's hard to guarantee that he didn't have hatred in his heart. After all, Zhongshan The attribute of Tiangangdisha is too ruthless, and there are too many constant factors, he hesitated for a while and said: "Gongsun Sheng! Song Qing...!"

"Wei Chen is here!" The two stood up and said calmly.

"You two will be enshrined as sacrifices and sacrificial wine for the Heroic Soul Pagoda. You two will go somewhere to offer incense to the heroic souls who died in our country!" Han Yi is also thinking about it. The Heroic Soul Tower and Yan Yuan Pavilion have not been in charge in recent years. , more or less incomplete, now is the time to send someone!
"The guilty minister takes orders! Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me," the two bowed.

Han Yi nodded, looked down at Wang Ying and the three of them, and said half aloud, "You are quite capable of waiting! Just stay under the tent and wait for dispatch! It's not a problem to be promoted!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will wait until death!" The three of them were overjoyed when they heard this, and thanked and bowed repeatedly.

Han Yi nodded, and said to Han Qinhu: "What happened to the [-] soldiers and horses in Zhongshan!"

"Your Majesty! The weapons in their hands have been confiscated! They are strictly guarded by soldiers, and now they are settled in the city, guarded by Qin Qiong and General Yu Chigong himself!" Han Qinhu clasped his fists and said solemnly.

"Well! Let's go and have a look!" Han Yi nodded, and then went down to look at these prisoners of war. They are all manpower. It is soldiers and horses.


"You wait for the three of you to come together, and Hu Yanzhuo by the way! Xu Ning! The two of you are called to come here!" Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, and if he wanted to subdue these soldiers, he might need more Bu Enze.

There was a lot of noise in the city. There were a large number of soldiers and horses gathered here. Their armor had been stripped off long ago. They looked nothing but a layer of blood. There were also some soldiers who were seriously injured and seemed to be dying. They They haven't eaten for two days. If this goes on, they will only die.

"Brother...Brother...Brother...! I'm so cold! I'm homesick! I can't hold it any longer!" A man was sitting on the ground, holding his thighs with both hands, beating hard She was trembling, her face and lips were white, her hair was messy, and there was a wound on her arm, and there was a festering wound on it, emitting a foul smell.

The man beside him was hugging his younger brother, warming him, and said with a serious expression: "Little brother, hold on! The people at home are still waiting for us to go back! You haven't married a wife yet! It's agreed." Returning home, you have to hold on!"

This man is also very cold, but he still keeps warming his younger brother. Once the cold wind passes, it is guaranteed to dissipate like smoke again. This year's spring cold is particularly severe.

Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong held the weapons in their hands, looked at the people below with tiger eyes, for fear that some of them would take the lead in rebelling, and were always on guard against these people.

There are not only thousands of pikemen below, but also thousands of archers above. As long as they dare to resist, they will shoot and kill with random arrows!

Qin Qiong said with a serious expression: "This year's spring is extremely cold! I don't know if these soldiers can hold on!"

"Oops! I said Lao Qin! You just eat radish and worry about it! This is not what we should care about! Come! Drink wine! Warm up!" Yu Chigong said, handing the wine gourd in his hand to Qin Qiong said with a serious face.

"Between the soldiers! Forget it!" Qin Qiong pushed it back with a sad expression. This time, many people might freeze to death, but there are not many clothes in the army now!Looking at the sky, the sky is cloudy, if it rains and snows, it might be...

"The king is here...!"

"Your Majesty...!" Yu Chigong hurriedly put away the wine gourd in his hand, but just as he closed it, a hand stretched out, held it firmly, opened it, and poured it into his mouth. He drank it in a big gulp, and shouted: "Good wine! I've been suffocated to death these days! Good wine!"

Only then did Yu Chigong see that it was Guo Jia, a drunkard today, and immediately stepped forward to snatch it: "Master Guo Jia, give it back to me quickly! Give it back to me quickly! The king is coming soon!"

"It's such a good wine! It's so clumsy! Old Heizi! You are so authentic! Let me finish it!" Guo Jia said and drank it in a big gulp.

"Drunkard! Give it back to me...!" Yuchi Gong was about to step forward, when he heard "Presumptuous!"

A few people turned around and saw that Han Yi had already stood in front of the crowd, roaring viciously, which was regarded as a kind reminder.

"I'm so disrespectful in front of the imperial court, please ask the king to atone for my sin!" Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong both knelt down quickly, and Guo Jia ran back behind Han Yi very honestly at this moment, and before leaving, he still unconsciously surrounded Han Yi. Return the wine gourd in his hand to Yu Chigong.

(End of this chapter)

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