Warring States Call

Chapter 940 Careful Xu Huang

Chapter 940 Careful Xu Huang

After hearing Zhang Liao's words, Xu Huang put his sword back into its sheath, stared at Zhang Liao with a pair of tiger eyes, pressed the sword in his right hand, and said with a serious expression: "If Zhang Liao let me know that you have any act of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, Don't blame me for being ruthless again!"

Zhang Liao looked at Xu Huang, hehe, put away his weapon, and said with a cold face: "Xu Huang! Ben Feiben will look down on you! If I want to kill you! If you don't do thirty moves! Your head will fall!"

After Zhang Liao finished speaking, he walked towards the map, folded his hands in front of his chest, and said with a serious expression: "I'm afraid this plan will not be so easy to succeed!"

Xu Huang took a step forward, looked at the map, and said with a gloomy expression, "What do you mean by that!"

"Look carefully! Wang Jian has 15 horses in his hands. If we take refuge in them, Wang Jian will definitely split us up and lead them into the city. It's not that simple! Given Wang Jian's cunning nature! I'm afraid it won't happen. Let your guard down so easily!" Zhang Liao said with an embarrassed face.

Xu Huang stepped forward, looked at the map, and looked at Zhang Liao, who knew it well, and said with a puzzled expression: "I mean what you mean! It seems that I have a plan!"

"It's not a good idea! I will personally choose eight hundred elite soldiers! Meet Wang Jian outside the city, but the premise is that Wang Jian personally sends someone to recruit us! It's just that we have already said that we will surrender. I don't know that the rats in the city will If the news gets in, what will they say!" Zhang Liao seemed to be thinking about something, but the sky is watching!He can only do his best and obey the destiny.

"That's not right! Where are General Lan Yu and Sun Wu! These two people haven't shown up until now!" Xu Huang looked puzzled, Jiang Song, who was the strongest here, also disappeared, and who here could resist Wang Yanzhang's spear .

"If my guess is correct, the two generals may have already taken a detour, passing through Shangyong and heading north to raid Wang Jian's camp, or going north to join forces with General Yue Fei to take down Qin general Bai Qi first!" Zhang Liao Speaking of this, the whole person's expression became cold.

"Wait! If the two generals go north! Then we have done nothing!" Xu Huang said with a serious face.

"No! If my guess is correct, General Zhang He has already acted!" Zhang Liao sneered, rubbed his wrist, took down the bamboo slips on the table, and sneered.

"General Zhang Liao!" I saw Zhang He coming up in a blood armor, and the tiger's eyes looked at Xu Huang, with deep fear in his eyes, and looked at Xu Huang, as if ten were afraid of him.

Xu Huang was also surprised and said, "Didn't he be...!"

Zhang Liao looked at the hostile Zhang Heyi and said with a smile, "Okay! Old Zhang, this guy has seen through my scheme! Don't think too much about it!"

Only then did Zhang He let go of his vigilance. After all, Xu Huang just now looked like a sell-out begging for glory. He saluted Zhang Liao and said, "This time, 130 people were captured in one fell swoop! Seventy or eighty rebels, all beheaded." Kill, most of them are spies of the Qin State! Soldiers of the dark guards! The rest are still being investigated! Le Jin and General Yu Jin are already investigating! In addition, the latest news is that General Lan Yu has led [-] troops to the north to join with General Yue Fei One of the soldiers, prepare to hit Baiqi hard!"

Zhang Liao stroked his beard, and said half aloud, "That's great! Strip these soldiers and release them from the city! By the way, let them hand over this letter to Wang Jian!"

Zhang Liao picked up the bamboo slips on the table and threw them to Zhang He with a serious expression.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Huang stroked his beard, his face looked worried, as if he had some concerns.

"What's the matter! General Xu! Didn't you have a good time playing just now?" Zhang He was obviously worried about what happened just now, and took the bamboo slips to sneer.

"General Zhang! What an offense just now! But there is one point that the two generals must be clear about! Among the more than 30 people, they are very clear about the terrain and the defense of the city wall waiting for us! Wei and Tie Yingrui are the two sharp swords of the Qin State, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is a piece of meat, and these more than 100 people cannot let go!" Xu Huang immediately rejected Zhang Liao's suggestion, and according to the conversation with Zhang Liao just now, Ruo Lan If Yu wanted to go north to join forces with Yue Fei, then they would stick to their positions and not reveal any random news.

"What General Xu said just now is true, and I don't recommend letting them go again! Moreover, most of these people are military officers and generals. It would be a pity if they were let go like this! Maybe we can get what we want from them. news!" Zhang He also had the same opinion as Xu Huangbao at the moment.

Zhang Liao stroked his beard and said in a low voice, "Alright! I'll leave this matter to you two! With 5 troops in our hands, it might not be difficult to defend this city. It depends on the concerted efforts of all the generals." !"

"The last general takes orders!" The two nodded, pressed the swords in their fingers, and walked out.

The two walked out of the big tent, Zhang He looked at Xu Huang with doubts on his face, and said: "General Xu! How did you see our plan! You are still blind!"

Xu Huang glanced back at Zhang He, looking at him with a hostile face, Xu Huang also said helplessly: "First! When I was about to take the bamboo slips to watch, General Zhang Liao threw the bamboo slips in his hand to the bonfire. Second, General Zhang Liao When I captured you, I didn’t kill you. Thirdly! When I captured you, the two generals, Le Jin and Yu Jin, turned a blind eye! Then when General Zhang made trouble for them, this happened! This last point is the most important thing. It's important!"

"What is it!" Every time Xu Huang said a word, Zhang He's face was startled. He didn't expect that the four of them combined would be full of flaws in front of Xu Huang.

"What's more! General Zhang Liao chatted with me for a long time about surrendering to the enemy! But he was just trying to test me. After all, compared with you four, I am still not a person who knows everything!" Xu Huang laughed at himself. .

"I heard what the general said! I'm really curious if I go down again! Where are you from, general!" Zhang He and Xu Huang came here together, and they recognized this guy's talent, but Zhang Liao!The ban!Yue Jin!The three of them are from Zheng country!And he was from the State of Lu, so Xu Huang didn't know who he was until now, so it was understandable to suspect him as a spy of the State of Qin, and this was the main reason for the four of them to avoid him.

"That's all! I'm originally from Xu country! When Xiang Yucheng broke Pengcheng, I was already a rootless duckweed!" Xu Huang said this, the whole person looked extremely melancholy, it was not his crime to destroy the country. , but it is really the shame of Xu Guo, and now Pengcheng has changed hands.

Zhang He looked at the melancholy Xu Huang, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The king is the master! You can still return to your hometown in the future!"

"I hope so!" Xu Huang sighed heavily, thinking that he was in Xudi and had no way to serve the country.

(End of this chapter)

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