Warring States Call

Chapter 943 Ambush

Chapter 943 Ambush
It was only then that everyone noticed Sun Wu's arrival. At first, some people thought that this guy was Lan Yu's entourage or a staff officer, but now it seems that this guy has a lot of background, and some people have even heard of his name. 24 generals are on the list, how can this guy be ranked No.5?
Holding the weapon, Yue Yun tugged at the side general and said, "Hey! General Li! What are the origins of these two! Why do I feel like my father still pays them three points!"

The partial general who was pulled by Yue Yun looked at Yue Yun and explained: "The general in the blue shirt is called Lan Yu! Let me tell you, how powerful is this guy? He is the only one under the king's command who leads the army as a surrender general." His general is named Lan Yu! He is famous for his bravery and courage in battle!"

"Is it so powerful? What about the other one?" Yue Yun's curiosity was immediately outlined, and he took it with him in this city every day. He had never seen a big man before, and he felt yearning in his heart.

"I don't know about the other one! But what they say is called Sun Wu! He is a general appointed by the king himself to take over the military power of General Lan. Also, I heard that this guy seems to be one of the 24 generals. Is it still low?"

"Is it that powerful?" Yue Yun clasped his hands in front of his chest, his face was a little puzzled, his tiger eyes looked forward, and he didn't even notice that Yue Fei had already stared at him.

"Cough, cough, cough...!" Zhao Yun hurried forward, pretending to be such a good person, and seeing Yue Yun's reckless appearance, he kindly reminded this guy that he didn't see it, so he can't blame him for the rest.

Yue Fei stared at Yue Yun, and snorted coldly: "Yue Yun!"

"Here!" Upon hearing this voice, Yue Yun stood up straight like a frightened cat, holding the weapon in one hand. If he hadn't shouted, he would have thought this kid was a stone statue?
Lan Yu and Sun Wu looked at each other, each with their own ghosts, Lan Yu looked like watching the excitement, while Sun Wu looked at him carefully, as if trying to see through him.

Yue Fei's face was livid, he looked at Yue Yun and snorted coldly: "Punish you to practice fifty times! Go back and copy the Art of War thirty times!"

"Ah! Father, can you have less!" Yue Yun was on the verge of crying. Isn't so much killing him?

"Above the main hall, there is only the commander! No father and son! Practice sixty times! Copy the art of war fifty times! If you don't finish it, you are not allowed to eat! You are not allowed to sleep!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yue Yun stood up, respectfully, bowed to Yue Fei, held his weapon, said nothing, forced a smile on his face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and walked towards the door, extremely depressed.

"This...General Yue! Could the punishment be too severe!" General Li looked embarrassed. After all, Yue Yun's punishment had something to do with him, so it's not too late to intercede.

Yue Fei glanced at it, and then said: "General Li! The dog is ignorant, so please don't be offended by the general! Let's continue discussing this matter!"

"This! Promise!" General Li could only nod his head and greeted him.

"General Yue! A tiger father has no sons! In the future, this kid may be another tiger general in our army!" Lan Yu laughed.

"General Lan's second praise! This kid is not so capable! Let's not talk about this for now, let's discuss the matter of this battle with nothing!" Yue Fei laughed, and directly stated the purpose of this trip.

"Okay! But this matter is decided by General Sun and I, you should wait to hear what General Sun has to say!" Lan Yu gave this opportunity to Sun Wu, not because she was afraid of him, but because Sun Wu was indeed capable. Although his sapphire is proud!But it is all proud of those who are not as good as him, as for Sun Wu, it is another matter.

"Oh! General Sun, please tell me something!" Yue Fei stroked the mustache. As the saying goes, there is nothing wrong with being famous. This Sun Wu probably has a strategy in his heart. Besides, he has also read the book of war written by Sun Wu. There are only a few words, but there are hidden weapons and firearms. If used well, it can even reach thousands of troops.

Sun Wu opened his slightly closed eyes, looked at Yue Fei and said, "This time, General Lan and I have brought 8 horses! And the food and grass we brought only lasted five days, and if we make our own decisions, we have already ordered them to set up camp and hide In the mountains and forests outside the city, no open flames are allowed to amplify the sound for five days, and no sound is allowed! General Yue Fei can go out of the city and fight Bai Qi! No matter whether it is victory or defeat! Instead, it can hit him hard!"

"What does General Sun mean by this! Don't you look down on our army and think that we are invincible? It's nothing! I don't know that Bai Qi is no longer the invincible god of war!" He was one of his own, and he had already slashed over with a knife.

"Ha! Bai Qi is indeed not the myth of invincibility in the past, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse! A lion pounces on a rabbit with all its strength! General, don't be careless!" Sun Wu looked at Chang Yuchun, the killing spirit on this man , how important it is, and the people here are veterans on the battlefield, this is not counting the generals under Han Yi's command who won like wolves and tigers. If these famous generals are in the hands of Wu Guo, why worry about Wu Guo being unhappy, Wu Guo is talented! have!But less!And there is a gap between the quality and the talents of the Central Plains.


"Don't be angry, General Chang! Didn't you say you want to be a pioneer? This time I will give you 2 horses first! Hurry up and get ready!" Yue Fei was afraid of causing any sparks, so he took the lead in dismissing Chang Yuchun. Play it safe.

"Okay! I'll go get ready now!" Chang Yuchun glared at Sun Wu, threw off his cloak and walked out of the city.

"Where is Zhao Yun!" Yue Fei looked at Zhao Yun and said seriously.

"The end is here!" Zhao Yun said firmly.

"You send out scouts to find out the news!" Yue Fei handed over the general in his hand to Zhao Yun. He still trusted Zhao Yun Yuefei extremely. Aiding the Kingdom of Shu, fighting against five enemy generals with one person, and beheading two of them in a row, is so majestic.

"Promise!" Zhao Yun accepted the order and went down to make arrangements.

"Let's make arrangements for the rest of the generals! Let's fight to the death with them in three days!" Yue Fei said solemnly. Yi is trying his best to overcome all opinions. If he doesn't get some results, then he will really be sorry for Han Yi.

Sun Wu listened to Yue Fei's layout from the sidelines, not rushing or impatient, but taking steps at every step. Such a talent is the most difficult to deal with. This time, Bai Qi met a difficult opponent. This dragon-tiger fight is more interesting. As for winning and It doesn't matter if you lose, because it is enough to have him, Sun Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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