Warring States Call

Chapter 952 Yanyun 8 Riding

Chapter 952 Yanyun Eighteen Riding

Within a square inch, the war horse neighed!People are on their backs!The soldiers and chariots confronted each other, and the people had already turned into blood men!The horse has already become a blood horse.

"Fight for the country! Even if you die, you have no regrets!" Yue Yun had no expression on his face, the silver hammer in his hand was dripping with blood, and then fell to the loess below the court, shouting: "Drive!"

"My son is here to pay for his life!" Guo Huai's eyes were red, holding the knife in both hands, holding the horse rope, and connecting his arms to the precious knife, he was unwilling to let go until his death.

Yue Yun's face was expressionless, like an Asura in the dark night, layers of dead energy enveloped his body, his pure white cheeks were covered with blood, this was the resentment of a young man, his eyes were like a tiger with two poles The silver hammer is the vise in the night, coming towards Guo Huai.

"Bury them with them!" Guo Huai's eyes seemed to have problems, he actually saw a fierce tiger, and he was going to kill it. At this moment, it was like a million corpses, every soldier stretched out his hands, It seemed to drag Guo Huai into the endless abyss.

"Blood! Roaring! Darkness! Helplessness! Pain... However, Guo Huai was never afraid of all of this.

"Ah...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Guo Huai was able to deliver the strongest blow.

Yue Yun just looked at Guo Huai like this, puzzled and said: "Knowing that you will die! You have no hesitation! Is this your attachment... If so! I also have my attachment... I want to Go back alive! Meet my mother!"

"Ha!" Yue Yun roared, his blood armor trembled, blood and debris fluttered on his body, an invisible momentum emerged, and the tiger descended, how could this little bird be able to stop it.

"Dingling!...Kacha!" The shattering of the blade at this moment, the soreness of Guo Huai's arms after exerting all his strength, disappeared completely at this moment. Guo Huai seemed unable to withstand the power of the silver hammer, and spit out blood from his mouth, killing his life. The last life was deprived, and in broad daylight under the clear sky, one left and one right seduced him, trying to take him away from this land.

Guo Huai has his unwillingness!He hasn't made any achievements yet!He has not yet seen the unification of the world, and he has not yet helped Yingzheng to unify the world. All of these will follow the shattering of dreams, float to the illusory sea of ​​stars, merge with them, and disappear in this land.

"Cough cough cough... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Guo Huai burst into tears and laughed, with tears in the corners of his eyes: "Daqin Wannian...boy! I'm waiting for you in hell!"

With a word closed, Guo Huai's last remaining vitality was deprived at this moment. His body was bound by chains and he couldn't move. His soul and will will be passed on to every Daqin disciple.

Yue Yun looked at Guo Huai, who was dying with reluctance, let out a breath of turbidity, turned his head, not looking at Guo Huai, who would rather die than submit, and went forward to kill. He never liked this endless killing, but he had to live to see it. His mother, he had to share the heavy burden on Yue Fei's shoulders, even if the sky fell, even if his Yue Yun's hands were shattered, it was enough to support the world.

"Kill......!" The word shook the sky, with a prolonged sound, no one dared to underestimate this young man at this moment, he is a breast tiger!A fierce tiger that will fight on the battlefield in the future.

Guo Kan in the distance couldn't do it anymore. The fine sweat on his head fell like rain, sweating profusely, and when the cold wind blew, he became more energetic. Guo Kan's eyes flashed, Guo Kan gritted his teeth, and exhaled heavily: "Quick! General Luo Yi! Block this young general! Send chariots! Charge head-on! Destroy their formation!"


Guo Kan's eyes were slightly closed, a stream of blood and tears fell in Guo Kan's eyes, and the dripping dissipated in Guo Kan's nostrils. If this situation is not restored today, he will definitely be ashamed of defeating the army and killing the general. This is not what Guo Kan wants .

On the battlefield, a general, holding a spear in his hand, was riding a black horse, and the armor on his body was buckled one by one. Suddenly, it turned out to be a white light armor of Shuanglong. The general wore a white helmet on his head. Ears open, a strand of red silk on the head, a beard on the chin, moving with the wind, breathing evenly on the body, staring at the front with a serious expression, eyes shining, watching the changes in the scene, and the whole body exudes a cold air From a distance, this general looks like a white wolf in the dark.

There are eighteen cavalry behind him, each of them is a dark horse with black armor and black spear!There is a scimitar at the waist, and each of them wears a black iron armor mask, only revealing a pair of eyes, overlooking the vast land.

"General Luo Yi! Take orders quickly!"

"What's the matter! Come quickly!" The leader was Luo Yi, stroking his beard with both hands, staring at the front with a blank expression, with a trace of coldness in his eyes, more of a kind of sinister.

"Under the order of the general! Go ahead and kill the enemy general! This person has already killed three generals in our army! General Luo, please act quickly!"

"Those people are dead!" Luo Yi stretched out his hand, and the soldier on the side took the wine gourd from his waist and handed it to Luo Yi. Luo Yi opened the wine gourd, took a sip, and looked extremely arrogant.

"Guo Huai! Sun Li and Mr. Ying have all died at his hands!"

"They are all good seedlings! It's a pity that they died young!" Luo Yi couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

"General Luo, please send troops quickly! Otherwise..." The soldier held the order!It seems that he is very dissatisfied with Luo Yi.

"Otherwise, so what! Hmph! Let's not talk about whether Guo Kan can order the old man. The old man only listens to the king in the world, and being sent by the king today is just to help him! Don't push your nose and face!" Luo Yi said with his hands Throwing his wine gourd on the ground, he looked at Yanyun Shibaqi beside him and said, "Follow me!"

"Drive!" A group of 18 people urged their horses up, like a python on a mountain!They rushed to the enemy line, what they did this trip was just beheading, as long as Yue Yun was beheaded, they would have nothing to do, and they would just retreat when the time came.

The messenger who stood at the same spot tightly grasped the token in his hand, this Luo Yi was used to domineering every day, and he was very unflattering.

Guo Kan, who was struggling to maintain his formation, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Luo Yi was leaving. This tiger is not easy to invite, but there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If even this tiger can't subdue him, Guo Kan has no choice but to retreat temporarily.

Nine battles a day, people are turned on their backs!Gunpowder smoke filled the air, Yue Yun charged into the enemy's formation, invincible, shocking the enemy's courage, when any general met Yue Yun, he turned his head and left, and Yue Yun also chased and killed all the way, beheading eighteen generals and countless small soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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