Chapter 954

Yue Yun's whole body exuded this fierce murderous aura, that faint aura solidified again at this moment, condensing into a white aura visible to the naked eye. This white aura originated from Yue Yun's body, like Running at high speed, the water in the body is evaporated, forming white gas.

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes, and the illusory aura on Yue Yun's body made Luo Yi tremble with fear. Sweat rolled down Luo Yi's cheeks, and he sighed: "No wonder Guo Huai and Sun Yang can't beat you. In your hands, these two boys are not too wronged!"

Holding the silver hammer in both hands, Yue Yun urged the horse to walk forward. Every step he took was like the climax of music, and the whole land seemed silent. No one could see Yue Yun's eyes, the sun in the clear sky!It was already noon, and the sky in front seemed to be sprinkled with blood, reflecting the ground below, which was extraordinarily magnificent, the bloody Shura field, and the horses neighing!The smoke filled the air.

All of this has been cut off from Yue Yun and Luo Yi, it's as if there are only two people left in this battlefield.

"Roar!" Yue Yun suddenly raised his head, and under the black helmet, a bright color appeared. These pupils were like greedy wolves in the dark night, and the greenness made one's heart tremble.


"I said...this working! Ha!" The blood shadow, the real blood shadow, swung the silver hammer in Yue Yun's hand, and the white energy on Zhou's body was swayed by the bloodless hammer. Down, it seemed to have turned into a red smell, blasting away.

Luo Yi narrowed his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Bloody spirit! This little guy...wrong...hah"

Luo Yi deserved to be an experienced man, he could see through Yue Yun's aura at a glance that it wasn't the supreme aura, so he hurried up his horse and shouted: "Let's work together! We must not let this cub go!"


The eighteen black shadows all went to Yue Yun, but Yue Yun couldn't control so many, and they attacked Luo Yi with one blow.

Luo Yi's face turned cold, he held guns in both hands, stood horizontally above his head, and hit Yue Yun's double hammers.

"Boom... Ding Dong... Tear...!"

The dust was flying, the swords were shining, and the sound of weapons being ripped and pulled. It was the horse under Luo Yi's crotch that couldn't hold it first. With a roar, he almost lost his footing. He took three steps back again and again to stabilize his figure.

"Chain!" Two cavalrymen, each holding a black chain in their hands, each with a head, rode their horses towards Yue Yunsuo.

Yue Yun's expression was startled, he dropped the silver hammer in his hand, hung it under the horse, and pulled out the big sword with the tiger's head in his arms with one hand, the white energy condensed on the blade, and swung it away.

"Ding Dong!...Crack!"

The edge of the knife snapped!Reveal a U-shaped knife edge!Yue Yun's face was startled, and taking advantage of the opportunity, the soldiers on both sides joined forces and prepared to surround Yue Yun.

Luo Yi, who was standing behind to stabilize his figure, laughed loudly and said: "Boy! This is made of fine iron, no matter how hard you try, you can't cut him down! Today your life is over, for the soldiers of this corpse! Atonement! Go! Kill!"

Dozens of Yanqi were about to grab Yue Yun's throat with their scimitars. At this moment, Yue Yun felt an endless chill. He felt the entrance of hell, where thousands of bloody soldiers stretched out their severed fingers and arms. Grabbing towards Yue Yun, he wanted to cover them in that icy darkness.

Yue Yun seemed to be tired, he had no strength, the strength in his body disappeared at this moment, at this moment he thought of his younger brother, his father!And my own……… mother.

Before the expedition!His mother washed the shirt for him, put it on for him, looked at the majestic Yue Yun, patted the dust on his shoulders, and said earnestly: "Yun'er! Come back alive! I will cook barbecue for you ………!”

"Mother...Mother...Mother...Ah!" Yue Yun opened his eyes here, his eyes were red, and streaks of blood appeared in Yue Yun's eyes, like blood snakes, that illusory aura It's back again, much stronger than before.

"Ding, Yue Yun breaks through the power! Add 1 to the basic force value, the force value is 100, and the current force value of Yue Yun is 117!"

"Drink!" Yue Yun threw away the tiger-head saber in his hand, pulled up the iron chain with one hand, exhausted all his strength, the white air above his hands was constantly floating, and the blue veins on his arms were like tendons , Yue Yun grabbed one in one hand and turned around with one hand.

"Dingling... Dingling!" The iron chain turned away at this moment, and the soldiers on both sides who were tightly controlling Yue Yun's hands pulled out the iron chain from his hand, and two of them were directly thrown away. out.

The iron chain was whipped on the horse, and the soldiers who came slowly were knocked to the ground at this moment, some did not dare to step forward, and kept retreating. Luo Yi saw all of this, and cursed damn it in his heart: This kid has broken through!Instead, this battlefield has become a sharpening stone for this kid!
"Come here!" Yue Yun broke free from the iron chain, and pulled the stubborn soldier with one hand, each holding the chain around his neck, with a sudden force on his arms, Yue Yun's turban fell down, Three thousand black hairs fell down, and the blood coagulated on the hair, condensing the hair into a rope.

"Ah... woo... woo... ah... save... save!" Yan Qi, who was wrapped around his neck by Yue Yun, turned purple, and kept turning the iron chain with both hands, trying to break free It opened, but it was of no use, the iron chain around his neck was getting tighter and tighter, the bloodshot eyes on his eyes became bigger and bigger, his breath became smaller and smaller, and finally he couldn't bear the huge force, and died Death.

Among them, there were several Yanqi who wanted to save others, but they were hammered by Yue Yun one by one. The blood in his body surged, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and lay unconscious on the ground.

Yue Yun threw the corpse aside casually, and said expressionlessly, "Old man! It's your turn!"

Luo Yi felt a pain in his heart!Each of these Yanyun Eighteen Riders is his lifeblood. Now that one is dead and the other is injured, how can he not feel sorry for him, and said angrily: "Little man! You are too deceitful! I won't kill you today! It's hard to understand what's in my heart Hate! Kill"

"Beat the wolf, beat the wolf head! Let's get you, old man, first!" Yue Yun urged his horse to go up, and he fought against the 18 people by himself. It was indistinguishable, but in the end it was Yue Yun who had the upper hand. , These eighteen people were suppressed by Yue Yun.

Guo Kan, who was standing behind, stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "Pass my order! Kill left and right by mistake, while the old general controls the young general, you hurry up and seize the time!"


Guo Kan looked at Yue Yun and said with emotion: "The all-powerful situation has changed his color, why is such a person not the son of my country of Qin!"

(End of this chapter)

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