Warring States Call

Chapter 958 5 Cavalry

Chapter 958 Five Hundred Cavalry
On the battlefield, the entire Yiyang City looked extremely dilapidated, full of war and rubble!Flow arrow, the air is filled with a corrosive, stench.

"Hoo!" A cold arrow shot across Cao Ren's cheek, and Cao Ren was startled. Leaning against the wall post behind him, Cao Ren looked in a state of distress, with dust and blood all over his body, and a few more cold arrows on his arm. Withdrawing the scabbard, holding the sword in one hand, gritted his teeth, and pulled out the cold arrow suddenly with force, cold sweat broke out on his head, before Cao Ren had time to think, he threw the sword aside, tore off the cloak behind him, and wrapped it casually , with an embarrassed face, said: "Damn it! What did Wei Jun eat today! You are so ruthless!"

"General! The army of Wei is crossing the river! What should we do with our army!" Duan Gui beside him said with an embarrassed expression on his face. The cold arrows were like a rain of bits and pieces, and the entire shield was shot at the hedgehog.

"Have you crossed the river?" Cao Ren murmured to himself. Once the long river passed, their line of defense was only left with a city wall!Fighting down!Sooner or later, the city will be destroyed. Cao Ren rolled his eyes and said half aloud, "You are here to watch! I will go down for a while."

"Nuo" Duan Gui immediately took over Cao Ren's position. In the past few days, Wei Guo has been attacking day and night. The brain's response.

Under the city wall, the underdogs are attenuated!Crying and screaming, except for the blood and the broken sword, Cao Ren dragged his tired body to the front of the hall, snorted heavily, and wanted to fall asleep, but he still held his eyes and said, "Quick! All the generals above the school lieutenant are here for the ceremony!"


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cao Ren couldn't stand it anymore, he fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, and snored within three breaths.

The reason why Pang Juan has not entered the army these days is because he does not want to take advantage of the Wei army. Once Pang Juan breaks through Yiyang, the main route of the Han army will be placed on Wei Guo, and the loss of Wei Guo will be very large at that time. On the contrary, it is cheaper for other countries.

Not long after, all the generals had already entered the palace, their eyes were not very energetic, and some of their heads were even wrapped in blood. Looking at Cao Ren who was sleeping with his head up in the high hall, everyone looked a little tired, and some even The generals are still dozing off, which naturally includes Wu Yan and Han Yi. Standing next to them is Zhou Chu. These are also the three young generals who were promoted earlier. According to the rank, the three are not qualified, but this time During the great battle, most of the partial generals died in battle, so some school lieutenants had to be replaced.

Bao Yuan looked at Cao Ren who was dozing off, and then reminded him in a low voice: "General Cao! General Cao... General Cao!"

The last cry of a violent kite was extremely loud, and Cao Ren was woken up. Cao Ren reluctantly opened his hazy eyes, swallowed his saliva, exhaled heavily, and then said: "The generals are here!"

"Why did the general ask us to come here!" Bao Yuan found a place to sit down, this time he really couldn't stand it anymore, and he was too tired from these people.

"Have the people in the city been removed?" Cao Ren asked with a sip of water to moisten his throat.

"Yiyang is a big city! There are more than 20 households in the city, and there are still thousands of households, at least they will last for a few days!" Bao Yuan said with an embarrassed face.

"Hey! When the Wei army crosses the river, we will be surrounded by the enemy from one side! Therefore, no matter what, we cannot let the Wei army cross the river this time," Cao Ren said with an embarrassed face.

"What good strategy does the general have!" Everyone looked at Cao Ren and said seriously.

"The gate of the west gate is on flat ground! The state of Wei has already set up a battle there! There are no obstacles outside the gate, and the enemy soldiers must drive straight into the city. I need an army! Go ahead and charge, and by then I will We will gather the forces in our hands and break through the encirclement to kill!" Cao Ren said with an embarrassed face.

There is no doubt that this battle will be defeated, but it is better to kill him and return the carbine, and let Pang Juan know that he is not easy to mess with!
"Are you going to abandon the city now, General?" Bao Yuan asked with an embarrassed expression.

"That's right! We don't have any food and grass in our hands. Bao Yuan, you go down to make arrangements now, and take the wounded soldiers with you! Go ahead with the common people! I can only delay you for half a day!" Cao Ren took the token in his hand and handed it over Say to Bao Yuan.

"This! The last general has orders!" Bao Yuan hesitated for a while, but thought that there had been no reinforcements in the city for two months, so she continued to fight!It was also a heavy loss.

After receiving the order, Bao Yuan withdrew. Cao Ren looked around and said solemnly, "Next! I have [-] elite soldiers in my hands! I will be the first to go out of the city to challenge the enemy's tens of thousands of people, rush left and right! Disturbing the enemy's formation, I would have wiped them out of the city, and then went south, this battle is close to death! Who dares to take it?"

None of the generals around dared to move, Han Chen also had a little more worry in his heart, let him play, there is absolutely no problem, I am afraid that what Cao Ren is saying now is good, and they will really finish it in a while, this guy will be a kid on his own Run away, then it will really be a battle to the death.

"Let me come!" Yan Liang said with a resolute face, wearing armor, and a serious expression.

"General Yan Liang is a general in the army. If you go to battle! The enemy's attention must be focused on the general, so it's not appropriate!" Cao Ren shook his head, and this sentence denied Yan Liang and Wen Chou. , Looking forward, there are only a few people left who are really suitable.

But none of these dozens of people had the guts. Han Chen took a deep breath, stepped forward and said, "General! The last general is willing to go!"

"Yeah!" Wu Yan looked up at Han Chen, stood up after a while and said, "The general is willing to go!"

"The last general is also willing!" Zhou Chu, who was unknown below, also stood up. He had always been dissatisfied with Han Chen, so how could he give up this time.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou looked at the three of them, pressed the swords in their hands, and said with emotion: "You have great courage! If you can come back alive from this battle, I'm afraid it will also be his famous battle!"

"Okay! If that's the case! Then...!" Cao Ren was about to give an order, but Han Chen hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, general!"

"What! Do you regret it?" Cao Ren hadn't issued the token yet. When he looked at Han Chen, he frowned. This kid caused him to lose the military power, and he didn't like him. Get lost.

"No! I just hope the general can give me five hundred cavalry!" Han Chen took a deep breath. Even if Cao Ren was unjust, he still had enough means to escape.

"Cavalry horses?" Cao Ren stroked his beard, and said half aloud, "Okay! I'll give you five hundred cavalrymen!"

(End of this chapter)

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