Chapter 963

Han Chen came up to Wei Shu on a horse, rolled over, and said nonchalantly, "When you were killing people, did you ever think about whether the person you killed was suffering several times more pain than you are now!"

"Painful?" Wei Shu recalled the hundreds of people he had killed. Scenes appeared in his eyes. Bloody soldiers... Generals... Slaves... Stretched out their bloody hands and put chains on them. on his neck.

"I'm waiting for you in hell!"

"I'm waiting for you in hell!"

"I'm waiting for you in hell!"

Han Tunmeng knelt down on the ground, and the last words he said before his death appeared in front of Wei Shu's eyes. Han Tunmeng was dripping with blood, and one arm had long since disappeared. When he came to Wei Shu's side, he said with a bleak smile: " We met Wei Shu again! Hell is waiting for you!"

All of this appeared in Wei Shufang's eyes, and only Wei Shu could see it all. His expression was distorted, frightened!ferocious!Fear!Unwilling!All the emotions surfaced on his face, and he finally left this world with an unspeakable expression, and his sins will be wiped out, and no one knows who will be ticked off next...

Han Chen pulled out the spear on Wei Shu's body and wanted to cut off Wei Shu's head, but the lights went out when he died, so let his family leave a whole body.

"Kill!" The battlefield was filled with smoke!The soldiers and chariots confronted each other, and the war horses neighed between square inches!The people turned on their backs, and Mu Ying killed the soldiers in front of him with a single knife. Dragging his tired body, he took a few steps back and he could hardly hold on anymore.

"Kill!" Dozens of Wei soldiers, armed with long spears, rushed forward quickly. Once the spear passed, Mu Ying would surely die. There were mostly wounds on the thighs and the whole body, but there were no fatal injuries, but the long-term battle made him a little bit overwhelmed.

"Get out of here!" Mu Ying seemed to have put all her energy into it, sweeping away thousands of troops with one move, swiping a knife to kill, and passing by, dozens of soldiers were bloody.

However, wave after wave, even Mu Ying couldn't take it anymore, several long knives were coming at him, at this moment Mu Ying really couldn't stand it anymore, she slowly closed her eyes, feeling the bones of her body, Pain engulfed his limbs, and he only needed to touch his chest lightly, and he could stay here and rest well.

"Go!" Numerous shots of cold guns enveloped Mu Ying's body, and none of the soldiers who charged forward were spared, and all of them were hit.

Only then did Mu Ying open her eyes, and when she saw Han Yi's eyes filled with excitement, she said, "General! You're here!"

Han Chen was riding a war horse, with disheveled hair moving in the wind, looking unusually elegant. A hole the size of a human head in the blood armor covered Han Chen's left shoulder. Shu threw his war horse to him and said, "Do you want to die so young at such a young age? Why don't you make contributions with me!"

"General! Let's get out first!" Mu Ying got on her horse, and her limp legs finally had a place to stay. Mu Ying was also uncomfortable, and the centurion's armor itself didn't have much defensive power. , in addition to protecting the heart, the limbs and head are completely exposed. Compared with the soldiers, the only thing more is the shoulder pads.

Han Chen urged his horse up, charging back and forth, gathering the generals around him within a few rounds. While watching, Yan Liang had already led his people out first, and many generals had already broken out of the city. Even General Cao Ren has already been killed.

Internally and externally attacking, within three rounds, the Wei army retreated steadily. Without Wei Shu, they had already lost their previous courage.

Of the 1000 soldiers behind Han Chen, only more than [-] were able to return, and almost all the remaining brothers stayed in the war.

Cao Ren accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately ordered: "Little General Han! You should lead the people to retreat first!"

"That's it! Then I'll leave it to the general." Han Chen also looked embarrassed, looked at the soldiers under his command, saluted Cao Ren, and urged his horse to retreat to the south.

Cao Ren gazed ahead, and said half aloud: "Yan Liangwenchou, the two of you are dead! You must delay until dusk, and the others retreat!"

"No!" Yan Liang held a big knife in his hand, covered in blood armor, and stared at the front with tiger eyes. The combined strength of him and Wen Chou was only 800 people. Looking at Wei Zu who was retreating steadily, they Don't dare to kill them all, just fight and retreat immediately,

"Come on, stop and go! Drive!" I saw two strong generals coming with tens of thousands of Wei soldiers behind them. The one on the left held a tiger-headed sword and wore Wei's crimson armor. He has a mustache, a tiger with a mountain on his chin, a black horse in front of him, a black cloak behind him, and a slightly dark complexion. The horse is stepping on the rain, and he is killing within a few breaths.

Yan Liangwen and Chou looked at each other, laughed loudly and said, "Brother! I'm afraid you and I won't be able to leave today!"

Wen Chou held the big knife in his hand, and said calmly: "Isn't it all? I'm afraid I will be tired after today!"

"Kill!" The two said in unison, urging their horses up, the 800 of them did it just to delay time, the grievances and grievances of the past years appeared in front of their eyes, they followed Han Jiu back then, and then returned to Han Yi, although there was no big storm , but the two of them can also be ranked first in this army, but because Han Jiu made Wei Yanyu unconscious for several years, and the prince disappeared, the two of them have never had a place in Han Yi's heart.

Although today's battle is not earth-shattering, everyone in the world knows that the two of them have been loyal to Han Yi from the beginning to the end!Loyalty to this country, even if it is a short-lived one, hopes to leave an impression in Han Yi's heart, but the two people's more expectation is to enter the Yanyuan Pavilion life and death.

"Who is coming! This general won't kill nameless rats!" Yan Liang brandished his sword, and at the first sight he took a fancy to the general beside the black general. The dog-like wolf helmet looks extraordinarily bright.

"General Zhang Gou'er! I'm here to kill you!" Zhang Gou'er waved the big knife in his hand, with a hint of greed in his eyes. Killing Yan Liang would be a stepping stone to his fame. In comparison, it's a piece of fat.

"Where did you come from, a cat or a dog! If you dare to come here, you will be begged to die!" Yan Liang couldn't help laughing, urging his horse to go up, with a look of contempt.

"Every man wants to die!" Zhang Gou'er's eyes turned red, he hated others saying that, and if he didn't kill Yan Liang today, he vowed not to be a human being.

"Ding, Zhang Gouer activates in anger, reduces Yan Liang's force value by 5 points, increases personal force value by 1, adds 1 to the force value of Black Tiger Golden Sword, increases 106 to the force value of Drunk Red Throat, and the current force value is [-]!"

(End of this chapter)

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