Chapter 966

The dark cave, the entrance of the cave is not very big, it can only accommodate two people walking side by side. The rainwater from the mountain slides down the steep hillside and gathers together, forming a stream of water the size of an index finger. The surrounding area is mostly woodland and muddy water Wet the whole ground.

Han Chen raised his hand to cover his eyes to prevent the rainwater from flowing into his eyes. He paused for a while, looked at the surrounding environment and said, "Tie up the horses in the nearby forest. Brothers who are slightly injured, divide them into two teams to take care of them. Come in, brothers!"

"No!" Yan Xia held the broken knife in his hand, turned around and looked around, the jungle was dense, and the leaves were connected to the leaves, there was barely an extra place to shelter from the rain, and he called to the soldiers behind: "Brothers! Follow me as long as you can move!"

"No!" A few slightly injured soldiers, dragging their tired bodies, leading the horses, wearing broken clothes and broken armor, the wounds bleed from time to time, and the bruises were washed by the rain, staining the clothes on their arms red, looking It was extremely miserable.

Han Chen took a deep breath, looked at the seriously injured soldier and said, "The wounded, go in! Ziyi, follow me to scout around!"

Guo Ziyi took off her turban, twisted the water on it, wiped the blood on her face, and said with a heavy breath, "Okay!"

The rain in the sky is getting heavier and heavier, and the clouds are layered one after another, like the dark flock of sheep, rushing slowly, covering the high sun above.

Not long after, the entire army and horses settled down. The ground in the cave was littered with rocks, and there was a small hole above the sky. Rainwater fell down the hole, bit by bit, making the black rock have more raindrops. groove.

Vines the size of the baby's wrist are clinging to the walls, and the rain has just fallen, so the cave doesn't appear to be damp yet. Except for the hole, which can show a glimmer of light to illuminate the corners, other places can only Saw a little light.

Li Jing dragged his exhausted body, throwing some rainwater every step he took, looked around and said, "Cut some vines and light some fires, the rain won't stop for a while, let's spend the night here tonight! "

"No!" A few soldiers who were fairly agile climbed up, and cut down some vines after a while.

Li Jing sat on a rock, took off his boots, exposed his swollen feet, and poured water from his boots. It didn't matter, but when he arrived, he poured out a lot of sewage and stones.

A strange smell came out, and Li Jing himself looked stinky, but he had no choice but to take off the armor on his back. There were wounds everywhere on his back and chest, and some wounds even appeared a little inflamed due to the rain.

Li Jing looked at the arrow behind his back, sweat broke out on his head, and a low growl came from his throat. He was about to pull out his hand, but he couldn't reach it at all. This movement is not a big deal, but it will always involve the surrounding Li Jing bared his teeth in pain from the wound, at this moment he happened to see Hua Mu, and immediately said: "General Hua! Can you please pull out the arrow on the back for me.

Huamu's dark eyes glanced at Li Jing, her long eyelashes were slightly closed, her willow eyebrows slightly twisted, and she turned her head, her words seemed indifferent, but more of shame and anger, she immediately said: "You Call someone else to come! And the place inside is mine, no one should come here! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Li Jing was stunned for a moment, he didn't do anything, what is this guy doing, isn't he just drawing an arrow, and as for fighting and killing, he was whining like a bitch, but Li Jing didn't say anything.

At this time, Mu Ying walked over with a smile, took a piece of cloth, wiped her hands, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth, as if she had malicious intentions: "Let me help you."

"Okay!" Li Jing didn't have time to respond, so she responded, Mu Ying took her clean cloth, aimed at the not-so-deep arrow behind Li Jing, and suddenly exerted force!Li Jing's expression changed immediately, the veins on his neck became violent, and he roared hysterically: "Ah!"

Blood flowed out from the wound, Mu Ying hurriedly spread the prepared cloth up and down, the white linen cloth was immediately dyed red, Mu Ying patted Li Jing's back and said: "What is it called! I can't die!"

"Hoo... ph... ph... ph... ph...!" Li Jing shook off the cold sweat on his head, his messy hair stuck to his forehead, slid down his chin, dripped to the ground, Li Jing His eyes were dull, and he immediately said: "Sure enough, I am still good at leading troops in battle, and this job of charging into battle is not suitable for me!"

"What are you thinking about!" Mu Ying cursed with a smile, patted Li Jing on the shoulder and said, "Lie down by yourself! I'll go remove the armor!"

"Okay!" Li Jing responded, and then saw Mu Ying stepping down the front, taking off her helmet, and three thousand black hairs fell down suddenly. Qi, this is also the result of the experience in the military camp. When the heavy armor is removed, the bronze skin is revealed, and the strong muscles are emitting the male hormones all the time.

Li Jing's pupils also shrank slightly. What he admired was not Mu Ying's male hormones, but Mu Ying's back. On Mu Ying's back, there were no less than seven or eight incisions, not counting those tiny incisions. The arrow wound, can be said to be full of scars, and thanks to Mu Ying's tough man, if it were an ordinary person, she might have fainted already.

Thousands of soldiers in the cave took off their armor, gathered around the fire, roasted red iron pieces, and pressed them against the fire.
On the wound, after a short while, the wound was stopped, but there would be more burns on the body.

And these rough big guys gathered around chatting, bragging, saying how many soldiers they had killed on the battlefield, and how many generals they had beheaded, but they didn't know who would survive here without crawling out of the dead Yes, which one doesn't have a few heads around his waist.

Compared with these rough men, Huamu seemed out of place. He huddled alone in the darkest corner of the cave. When these men took off their clothes, a trace of embarrassment would flash on his cheeks, and he could only hug him with his hands. Knees, turned her head, not allowing herself to look at them, the heavy and damp armor made her face slightly pale, the knife wound on the back was bleeding from time to time, the pain was unbearable, red The red lips, like candied dates, gradually condensed hoarfrost at this moment, like a winter wall with a layer of frost, every heavy breath that spewed out became white, and he also Alone in the corner of the mountain, gradually forgotten by people in the corner.

The night is long, how can she survive it.

(End of this chapter)

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