Warring States Call

Chapter 968 I will be responsible

Chapter 968 I will be responsible

In the early morning, the sun shines on the dark rock wall through the hole. The empty rock wall, the original criss-cross vines, have been cut down and only the bare wall is left. There is still water dripping from the hole, falling into the groove. on, with a splash.

The bonfire had already been extinguished, and the cold wind blew through at night. The soldiers wrapped their clothes tightly, but they still couldn't block the cold wind. They could only shiver and resist the chill on their bodies.

"Hmm...!" Hua Mu, who was lying beside Han Chen, only felt his throat dry and wanted to drink water. Then he opened his hazy eyes, and what appeared in front of him was a young man in heavy armor. , the dilapidated armor, because of the thunderstorm, most of it was burned on one of the left shoulders, exposing his bronze skin, his hair was scattered and dry, his eyes were slightly closed, like an ancient Buddha nodding his head and closing his eyes, his nose bridge was high and dry. Her lips, like a beauty walking out of a painting, are so handsome.

Hua Mulan lifted her body, only feeling pain all over her body. When he found that his clothes had slipped off naturally, he realized that the wound on his back had been bandaged. The slap was slapped towards Han Chen's cheek.

The sleeping Han Chen may have been paying attention to the movements of the flowers and trees, and kept in this half-asleep state. Seeing something wrong with his eyebrows, he quickly opened his eyes, like a tiger opening his eyes, and was shocked in his heart: "What the hell?"

Han Chen dodged in a hurry, and this slap left only this slap. Han Chen quickly looked around, everyone was exhausted because of yesterday's war, and fell asleep for a while, so Han Chen felt relieved. Turning his head, he looked at Hua Mulan and said, "What are you doing! I saved you!"

"You prodigal son! Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Huamu could no longer hold back her throat, releasing her original voice, like a yellow warbler chirping. Xi Shi, but Han Chen thought it sounded particularly nice, so he hurriedly made a shh gesture for fear of waking up everyone.

Huamu also knew that he was too loud, his ears were red, and he punched him up, like a tigress descending the mountain, and vowed to teach Han Chen a lesson.

Han Chen was afraid of affecting Huamu's wound, so he could only defend instead of attacking. He quickly whispered, "Be careful! The wound hasn't healed yet, it will affect the wound in a while!"

"Go to hell...... Ah!" Maybe it was too hard, the wound on Hua Mulan's back was touched, she grinned her teeth in pain, the corners of her eyes almost shed tears, her expression was distorted, there was a sentence, no matter how severe it was A woman, she is also a woman.

Han Chen quickly pressed the flowers and trees, and said with a cold expression, "Don't move!"

It didn't matter, but Huamu was actually called to stop, and Han Chen approached, leaning on Huamu's side, checking his wounds. The head is but a finger away.

Huamu was stunned, looking at Han Chen who was leaning aside, and wanted to push him away, but the wound was too painful, so he had to give up this idea, with a sense of shame and anger on his face, and his ears had already It was flushed, and his two small hands were tangled in grabbing the corners of his clothes, rubbing him into wrinkles. His eyes rolled around, looking at Han Chen from time to time, and then looking in front of him. In the end, he had to turn his head away instead of looking at Han Chen.

Being so close to the flower and tree, Han Chen couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy when he heard the fragrance of osmanthus from the flower and tree. Looking at the wound on the flower and tree, he found that there was no bleeding. Next, looking at the flushed Huamu, he immediately smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with the wound, just don't exercise vigorously, here is the medicine, you take it first, apply it yourself later, I won't... help you! "

Han Chen took out a herb wrapped in cloth from his arms and handed it to Huamu. Huamu was obviously still angry, took the herb, put on his armor, quickly left the cave, and disappeared in front of Han Chen.

Han Chen looked at Huamu who was running away, staring at his back, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and muttered to himself, "I will take responsibility for you!"

Han Chen looked at the sachet left by the underground flowers and trees, picked it up immediately, sniffed it lightly, and when the scent of osmanthus disappeared, it floated out. Han Chen looked around as if guilty, and found no one saw it. Putting the sachet in his arms, he shook his painful arm, which was mostly burnt, and there was a vine around it, which was full of Han Chen's tooth marks. In order not to disturb the flowers and trees to rest, Han Chen bit the vine and held the hot He was treating the wound with the red dagger, which almost hurt him to death.

Han Chen smiled slightly, stood up, stepped on the flames at his feet, looked at the big man who was still sleeping soundly beside him, and immediately shouted, "Get up! We're on our way, get up!"

Han Chen yelled loudly, and it spread throughout the cave. The sound was transmitted back and forth in the cave. Some soldiers slowly opened their eyes and took a deep breath. Then they woke up exhausted, but the military order was like a mountain. Don't dare to delay.

Jiang Wei slowly opened his eyes, stretched his tired body, and said with a full heart: "When will this kind of day be the end, I don't even have a chance to sleep in!"

Li Jing kicked Jiang Wei's ass, and said with a smile: "What's the matter! Did you miss spring last night!"

"You're looking for death!" Jiang Wei jumped up directly, and the two chased and fought each other. To put it bluntly, they were still fifteen or fourteen-year-old children, when they were at their most playful, but at this time, it was normal for them to get married and have children.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention!Han Chen's ears turned red, and he stepped on the fire beside his feet and said, "Count the number of people! Get ready to go!"

Not long after, when Huamu came back with an angry face, Han Chen gave the order to set off. Because everyone had different wounds, Han Chen deliberately slowed down, but who slowed down the marching speed? , No one knows, and no one wants to ask, everyone is tired and more like a dog, if you can slow down, no one wants to say more.

Han Chen looked back at Huamu from time to time, only to see her glaring at Han Chen from time to time, riding a war horse, admiring the surrounding scenery.

Li Jing looked at Han Chen with the rope in his hand. For some reason, he felt that something was wrong with this guy today. He usually puts his iron face on his face to complete the task, but today it was really...

The early morning sun was mixed with rain, floating on the leaves, and the road was muddy and potholed, but the color of these people was much better than yesterday. Surviving a catastrophe must bring good luck. Climbing out of the dead, everyone has a kind of calamity. Afterlife feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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