Warring States Call

Chapter 971 Xue Rengui

Chapter 971 Xue Rengui
In the Huotou army, thousands of people gathered around here, each of them was yelling and looking furious, and some even looked agitated, wanting to pick up their clothes and start a fight.

Mu Ying and Jiang Wei blushed, and Mu Ying held the cloth in her hand and said, "This is the general's seal, could it be fake! We fought hard outside for three days, why didn't you give it to us! Give it to those guys! I refuse to accept it!"

"This is a military camp! How can you allow you to be presumptuous! The military rations are all ready! If you want military rations, you have to make it three days in advance. I have already made it clear to you. You leave the cloth behind and come to get the rations in three days. There is no more now! Hurry up! Leave!" I saw a fat man with an apron around his waist and a few dates in his hands, sitting on a bench, spitting out date pits while talking, and stuffing dates into his mouth, behind him Followed by dozens of soldiers, with kitchen knives in their hands, and various kitchen utensils as weapons, their expressions looked extremely arrogant.

"Damn it! I've been licking blood with a knife for two months, and I've tightened my belt to live. If I don't slap you a few times today! I'm sorry for that thing down there! Hit me, brothers!" There was a big man, who took off his hand with one hand. With the big knife in the middle, he kicked the table board, pulled up the fat guy with big ears, and it was a fat beating.

"Dare to do it! Brothers, give it to me!" The fat-headed and big-eared soldier was also furious. He has never been afraid of anyone until today.

"Don't hit it! Don't hit it!" A thick man in the back kitchen picked up the bamboo stick in his hand and hit the strong man's abdomen, and then separated the two of them.

Jiang Wei, Mu Ying, and a strong man, the three of them looked at the person who was coming, the tall man, the face like Hong Zhong, the expression was resolute, the body was eight feet long, there were some vegetable leaves in the hand, and the bamboo stick in the hand, stood there , the aura on his body was not angry and arrogant, seeing the people who were forced to retreat, he quickly said: "Stop fighting! They are all from the same barracks! Generals, bear with it!"

"Damn it! If we don't set off this fire-headed army today, we think that our regular army of more than 1000 people can't even beat this guy who cooks. Come on!" Jiang Wei took the lead and strode forward. Stepping forward, the two fists in the hands are like a tiger, and suddenly stepping forward a few steps is to go forward and kill, faintly bringing up bursts of momentum, like a tiger descending the mountain.

Crawling under the table, covering his eyes, the shivering fat-headed chef yelled, "Xue, if you don't beat him to death today, you won't have food tonight!"

The big man holding the bamboo pole frowned, he was thinking about the theory, but Jiang Wei knew if there was one as soon as he made a move. He saw that he was Lian Jiazi, and immediately stepped forward three steps, sweeping thousands of troops with one move, and hit Jiang Wei Jiang Wei's face was startled, and he thought to himself, "Damn it! How can there be such a tricky person in a small place like Huotoujun!"

Although he thought so in his heart, Jiang Wei didn't have time to react, he jumped into the air with a move, and kicked the big man. The big man's face was shocked, and he raised his arm with one hand to block it.

"Crack!" With a firm blow, the big man remained motionless, and Jiang Wei turned around, feeling as if his left leg had hit an iron plate. Looking at the big man with a calm face, Jiang Wei felt a shudder in his heart. Surprised, from the fight just now, Jiang Wei obviously felt that he was not the opponent of this big man, but the soldiers behind him looked at him, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

The big man standing behind Jiang Wei also saw the clue, stepped forward and said: "Little General Jiang! It must be an old injury that hasn't healed yet, let me, Yun Tianbiao, come and meet him!"

Yun Tianbiao didn't dare to push himself too hard, he drew his sword out, and the tiger rushed forward, the big sword in his hand danced like a tiger, and the shadow of the sword burst out!Such as continuous waves of turbulent waves.

The big man holding the bamboo pole was startled, stepped forward suddenly, and wrestled with Yun Tianbiao. The bamboo pole in his hand was playing like a dragon and a tiger like a tiger. Within ten rounds, Yun Tianbiao was at a disadvantage. , this is still suppressed by him deliberately, otherwise Yun Tianbiao will be defeated if he does not use three moves.

Jiang Wei stepped back and saw that everyone was rubbing their legs carelessly. This scene was seen by Mu Ying, and she quickly whispered into Jiang Wei's ear, "Is it tricky?"

Jiang Wei frowned slightly and said, "It's tough! I'm not his opponent! Lieutenant Yun is also at a disadvantage now! Within three rounds, he will definitely lose! I'm afraid we will be defeated today!"

"I'm coming!" After hearing this, Muying took off her armor to reveal her tough muscles. Under the sun, she looked majestic, and immediately stepped forward and said, "General Yun! You haven't eaten for three days! Let me Come!"

"Huh!...Okay!" Yun Tianbiao hurriedly retreated, with cold sweat on his body and a handful of sweat on his head, walked back to the position, and whispered: "Damn it! I'm so embarrassed today! "

"Ha!" A illusory aura burst out from Mu Yingzhou's body, and he punched down like a wild dragon going out to sea.

"Boom!" With a punch, the big man holding the bamboo stick didn't dare to be careless, and immediately laid it across his chest, narrowing his eyes with a look of caution.

"Break!" Mu Ying didn't care too much, she didn't intend to stop, and punched down.

"Roar!" The crowd vaguely seemed to have heard the roar of the tiger, and the bamboo pole in the big man's hand had been cut by Yun Tianbiao earlier, and there were some small gaps. When this fist went down, they only heard: "Crack!"

A bamboo pole shattered in two, the big man shrank his pupils, took a few steps on his hind legs, looked at Mu Ying with admiration in his eyes, immediately threw the bamboo slip in his hand aside, and prepared to deal with it.

"General Mu is mighty! General Mu is mighty!" Everyone saw that Xue Rengui's weapon was broken!Immediately shouted.

"Today is about the face of our army! Offended!" Mu Ying's breath was steady, her expression was serious, and she was not dazzled by the soldiers' shouts. Since this person was able to react quickly when he broke the bamboo, It can be seen that he is definitely not an ordinary person, and... this punch really hurts, he has to take it easy.

"Your Majesty, you have good means! Please!" The big man smiled.

"Here we come!" Just as Mu Ying was about to step forward, she saw Han Chen walking quickly, followed by Yan Xia, looking at Mu Ying who was about to make a move, she shouted, "What are you doing?"

When Mu Ying heard this, she was struck back, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and said calmly, "General!"

Looking at the messy surroundings, Han Chen said with a livid face, "The one who asked you to ask for food and grass didn't come to fight. The big battle is imminent! You still have the mood to do this!"

When everyone heard this, they could only be disciplined honestly. The strong man looked at the handsome young man in front of him, who was able to scold the wolf-like tigers just like obedient kittens, and couldn't help but look more. With a glance, he carefully sized him up.

Han Chen was also very angry today. In the front, there were flowers and trees beating dumb fans, and in the back, these guys didn't get food and grass, causing a commotion. He took off the bronze sword at his waist, and said with a cold expression, "Where is the manager! Come out! "

(End of this chapter)

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