Warring States Call

Chapter 978 Cao Mo's Resentment

Chapter 978 Cao Mo's Resentment

"Ha!" The Zhangba Snake Spear in Zhang Fei's hand was as fast as a silver snake. It swam by Zhang Fei's side and protected him tightly. With a violent aura and roaring voice, coupled with Zhang Fei's swollen hair, the whole person is like a lion with fury hair, and the lion's roar is shaking the sky.

"Go!" Di Xin held the Qinglong Fangtian Halberd in his hand, and with each blow, he was like a dragon breaking through the army, and Zhang Fei was intertwined. They fought for more than 30 rounds in a row, and the two still had no victory. Negative, Zhang Fei became more and more courageous as he fought, and the fighting spirit in his body never receded, and he shouted: "Kill quickly! Come again..."

"Ding! Zhang Fei's fierce battle attribute is activated, and his fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger. The force value will increase by 5, and the force value will increase by 1 for every ten more rounds of battle. The current fierce battle has more than 30 rounds, Zhang Fei's force value will increase by 3, and the basic force value will be 102. , Zhangba Snake Spear's force value increases by 1, Wuyun Treading Snow's force value increases by 1, and the current force value is 112!"

"Drink! Let's go!" Zhang Feizhou's energy was solidified on the Zhangba Snake Spear, and a stream of red smell came out from the spear body, like a giant python revealing its scarlet snake shape.

"Qi into the device!" Di Xin narrowed his eyes, his face looked a little embarrassed, his left hand, which had been trembling, became resolute at this moment, Di Xin's expression gradually turned cold, his expression was stern, and he thought to himself: "I can't be defeated! Absolutely!" Can't lose! But what to do...how to do...fight!"

"Hahahaha! Suicide!" Zhang Fei didn't care about him, and swung the weapon in his hand out. The cold wind was bitter, and Zhang Ba Snake Lance lifted the sky with each move, and went straight to Di Xin's throat.

"Kill!" Di Xin's eyes were sharp, and the energy in his body condensed and floated on his body. His battle armor moved with the wind, and he held his breath. Di Xin knew very well that this wave in his heart Once the anger is vented!It's over for me!Immediately there was no time to think about it, and he took a gun to kill.

Han Yi bent his index finger, and used the knuckles of his index finger to touch his beard. Then he spread his hand, stroked the three-character mustache on the chin, and sneered, "Interesting! Interesting...!"

Compared with the calm and calm Han Yi, Le Yi has already begun to feel restless. He has already seen that Di Xin is in danger. He pulled out the sword in his arms and snorted coldly: "Give me the order, the whole army will charge!"

"Woo... woo...! Boom... Boom...Boom!"

With the sound of war drums, the soldiers of Yan State were in a commotion. Han Yi narrowed his eyes, stretched out his two fingers, looked calm, and said with a smile: "Kill!"

"Kill!" With a soft word, tens of thousands of people started to commotion, and began to mobilize the army.Nine battles a day, dripping with blood.

In the confrontation between the Yan and Han armies, the kills were evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish between top and bottom, and Li Xia's side was also unstable. Han Qinhu showed his sharpness by virtue of his contribution to the victory of Zhongshan in the first battle, and everyone under his command dared to fight. With the help of Jia Fu, Li Cunxiao and others, he fought against Tian Ji three times in a row, which vaguely put Tian Ji at a disadvantage, so he had to retreat to Lixia and wait for the rescue of Yan State.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of people and horses transported grain and grass. The leader was a general, wearing a former Lu armor, with a sword at his waist, a spear in his hand, a horse rope in one hand, and a horse rope in the other. The wine gourd drank two sips from time to time, and after a few sips, the whole abdomen was hot. Cao Mo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly smashed the wine gourd in his hand onto the rock above, his cheeks flushed, and shouted loudly. : "Thinking that I, Cao Mogui, am the 24th famous general in the world, I don't want to give food to this person who is dependent on his relatives! It's a shame! A shame!"

Every time Cao Mo said a word, the anger in his heart became more intense, why not!Why are all the benefits belonged to others, but he can only suffer this useless here.

"General Cao, don't be drunk and crazy! Escorting food and grass is a major event in the army! Your Majesty has taken a fancy to the general's talent, so he named the general Jienan. Why are you complaining here, general?" Standing behind Cao Mo was a man on his body. Jiu Chi, holding a big knife in his hand, seemed dissatisfied with the resentful Cao Mo. Han Yi named him General Jienan, but he was full of complaints. He was a miscellaneous general, but he was still loyal to his duty. This guy is really impressive. Shameless.

"General Jienan! Hahahaha! General Jienan! This military rank is after the four-character general, and is only one rank higher than you generals with miscellaneous names. What kind of title is this! I think Cao Mogui is one of the 24 famous generals in the world. You are a miscellaneous general, what face do you have, dare to speak nonsense in front of me!" Cao Mo was furious, accusing Zhang Dingbian of his nose and scolding him overwhelmingly.

"You...!" Zhang Dingbian was furious. Looking at the drunk Cao Mo, he wished to execute him on the spot, but this person had a higher rank than him. Thinking of this, Zhang Dingbian let go of the sword he raised. Going down, he said bitterly: "Forget it! After pressing this ration, I will return to General Han's command! Don't transport rations with this guy!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Ding held the big knife in his hand, looked at the long dragon-like cavalry behind, and immediately said: "Hurry up! Before dark, we must deliver the food and grass to General Han Qinhu's big tent!"

"No!" Some soldiers were also helpless, and could only keep urging the horses under their crotches.

However, this matter is not as simple as imagined. I saw a few soldiers crouching on the grass, overlooking the soldiers who were transporting food one after another below, and gradually lowered their heads that had just emerged, slowly Withdrew behind him and ran towards the top of the mountain.

Wearing black armor, Liu Yu was sitting on a stone, drinking wine, and the wine slipped down from his lips. Liu Yu wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, looked at the orderly who ran back and said, "What's the matter!"

"Report to General! The enemy's rations are all here, and there are no more than 2 troops!" The leader of the scouts hurriedly reported.

Liu Yu pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, looked at the bright and cold light above, and snorted coldly: "Get on the horse! Today is a shameful day!"


Tens of thousands of black cloud cavalry rode their war horses, picked up the spears in their hands, and only waited for Liu Yu's order.

Liu Yu gazed at the land, and only pieces of turf could be seen in the hills. Liu Yu raised his hand to look at the sun in the sky, picked up the weapon in his hand for a while, and shouted: "Soldiers! Follow me!"

"Woo...!" Liu Yu flicked the horse rope, whipped the horsewhip, and took the lead. The cold spear in his hand exuded a cold light, and the horse's hooves were galloping. Ming, the birds and beasts scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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