Chapter 987

"General Han Xin is here!" Feng Yi put down the brush in his hand when he heard it, and wanted to remind him, but now it seems that he was completely unnecessary, Feng Yi put down the brush in his hand, and looked at the generals and civil servants on both sides Said: "Everyone follow me to meet General Han!"

"Promise!" The generals on both sides didn't say anything, they all understood what they should understand. After Feng Yi got out of the big tent, Han Xin came to meet him. Wearing a commoner clothes, wearing an armor inside, and wearing a hair crown, he is less youthful than before, but a little more sophisticated and calm. He walks like a dragon and a tiger when he dismounts from the horse. The aura around Zhou is weak powerful.

There are two men behind him, the leader is holding a strange-shaped weapon, like a roc spreading its wings, its body is nine feet long, and the aura around him is like a prehistoric beast. As long as he is staring at it, there will be a chilling feeling. Han Yi’s army is nine feet tall, so who could it be if it’s not Yuwen Chengdu? He hasn’t shown his face since the end of the Qilu War, and everyone doesn’t want him to come again. This is Han Yi’s servant of the dragon .

Looking back, it was a heroic young man with a sword on his waist, his bronze skin covered under the helmet, and his cheeks turned red under the brilliance of the fire. Meng Zhan is somewhat similar, not Mengyan but also Heren.

"General Han! What are you doing...!" Feng Yi saluted, but before he finished speaking, Han Xin passed by and said as he walked, "General Feng! Come in! Get me some water!"

Han Xin pulled his chin. The man with the scribbled characters was in pain, but he had no choice but to endure it. As soon as Han Xin stepped forward, he took a fancy to the fine wine in the jug, then opened the lid and drank heartily.

"This..." As soon as Feng Yi and the others entered the account, they were surprised to see Han Xin like this, so they could only wait silently.

Meng Yan and the others were all watching from the sidelines without saying a word, waiting for Han Xin's answer, Han Xin put down the wine gourd in his hand this time, wiped his lips, looked at Feng Yi and said, "I have been rushing for two days in a row. It’s only a short distance away, and we just arrived, the military affairs are busy, General Feng has worked hard!”

"General Han! Where are the [-] soldiers and horses you bring? They are the elite of the army!" Guan Yu standing behind stroked his beard with suspicious eyes, wondering what kind of medicine Han Xin bought in the gourd. Until now, apart from seeing these three people, I haven't even seen a single soldier.

Han Xin played with the Tiger Talisman in his hand, threw him on the table, and said with a smile: "He will naturally appear where he should appear in the enemy, and the general will naturally appear where he should appear!" Han Xin said At the end, he ignored Guan Yu, but looked at Feng Yi and said, "General Feng! How is the battle going?"

Guan Yu's face turned cold, and he was so nakedly ignored.

"It's like this. I will divide the 10 horsemen in my hand into four groups. In Xiaocheng! Xuecheng! Yongcheng! The four enemies in Xiacheng will send troops to guard respectively. And the other 10 people fought several times in other cities, but nothing worked!" Feng Yi walked to the map and explained clearly to Han Xin, who was holding a belt in his left hand and holding the table in his right. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Han Xin stroked his beard, and then said: "Who is guarding the other three cities! How about the strength of the troops!"

"Xuecheng has 5 troops and [-] guards! The guards are General Chen Qingzhi! General He Zhaohu! Yongcheng has [-] troops and [-] guards. The guards are Shi Wansui and Shi Jiantang. General, the defender of Xia City, General Lang Tan, has [-] city guards and [-] infantry in his hands, and the rest are already in the city, and can mobilize [-] troops! There are also [-] water troops in the water village! "Feng Yi said ten thousand five hundred and one ten.

Han Xin looked at Xiaobai who had just entered and quickly called: "Quick! Go to that place to eat!" Then he looked at Feng Yi and said, "General Feng, you did a good job! The next thing is to continue to trouble General Feng!"

"General! You don't have a single soldier! How can we fight next! If we continue to fight like this, our morale will be...!" Feng Yi said worriedly.

Han Xin rubbed his wrist, and then said: "I know Xiang Yu. This man took the head of a general like a bag. He killed 36 generals in Xu State and Li Zicheng three times. His force is beyond doubt. When Xiang Liang died in battle and his morale was low, he fought against the army of the Lu State. His military ability was very strong! And I also heard that he had unstoppable courage! If you want to win him, you must rely on the right time, place and people! In order to defeat him !"

"Great General! What do you mean by that! To boost others' morale! To destroy one's prestige!" Guan Yu has had a very bad temper these past few days. First, he couldn't beat Xiang Yu, and second, he was angry because he was scolded for defending the city. The neck is red.

Han Xin looked at the distraught Guan Yu and stroked his beard, just as the soldier came over with a big pancake and said, "General! This is the only one in the army!"

Han Xin looked at the palm-sized bread, didn't say anything, started eating by himself, and said while eating, "I'm starving to death!" Looking at Guan Yu, he said, "I have a mission for General Guan! I don't know if General Guan Dare or not!"

As soon as Guan Yu heard this, his violent temper came up, and he said immediately: "If there is anything you dare not, please tell me first!"

Han Xin immediately said: "I will give General Guan [-] soldiers. General Guan will go to Xuecheng to join forces with General Chen Qingzhi and send troops to attack the enemy. There must be a lot of gains, but it is also possible that the entire army will be wiped out. In case Xiang Yu leads the army Come back for help, the general may...!"

"Why don't you dare!" Guan Yu took a step forward, with anger in his eyes, his red face was flushed with anger, it was a great shame.

"Okay!" The general rushed for one day, rested alone, dispatched troops on the third day, and hurried back to Xiaocheng on the fourth day!As for the next step, let's wait for Renhe! "

"What is the general's meaning!" Guan Yu asked with a puzzled expression, didn't he just torment him this time?
Han Xin ate the pancake, swallowed a small piece in his mouth, clapped his hands, looked at Feng Yi and said, "Come some meat these days! This pancake is really unpalatable, just use meat to appease the soldiers!"

Feng Yi looked at Han Xin who was leaving the account alone, and felt that what he said was reasonable, so he didn't think too much, while Guan Yu stroked his beard, and said casually: "It's not too late! Guan Ling! Guan Ping, you two, hurry up." Gather 1 horses and set off overnight with me!"

"Nuo..." Guan Ling and Guan Ping standing behind did not dare to refute Guan Yu and could only follow behind him. Feng Yi shook his head helplessly, hoping that the battle would end soon.

(End of this chapter)

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