Chapter 442
Bamei exhausted all her strength and climbed to the top of the tallest pine tree.

Looking from a height, she saw the familiar Shuikou Village under the Red Mountain. Those wooden houses were gathered irregularly like dogs biting at the mouth of the Longxi River, which flowed into the Zuoxi River. into the ground, forming a pine fence around the stockade.

The village where she lived since she was a child, and the village where many people still don't know her, but now there is no smoke, no laughter, only the embers of war are burning.

Many wooden houses have been burned down.

Bamei can still remember that in the middle of the night last night, suddenly several loud noises like thunder woke her up from her sleep.She thought it was thunder, but the thunder was so loud that it seemed that the thunder had landed on the gate of the village.

She curiously followed her brothers and sisters to get up.

The younger brother naughtily climbed up to the roof and looked at the gate of the village. The eighth younger sister was called by her mother to take her brother down, so she also climbed to the roof. Everyone in the village is good at climbing, and the eighth younger sister can easily touch the dark climbed onto the roof of his house.

Bamei’s house is made of wood, and the first floor is suspended on suspended feet. The black pigs in the family will go out to forage during the day and come back to sleep at night. Her family’s cows are also locked below.

The hanging below is as high as a person, and then there is a hall in the middle of the second floor, with a firepit and a hanging pot. Surrounding this hall, there are many rooms around it, which belong to parents and their brothers and sisters.

There is also a third floor in the Diaojiao Building, but the third floor is mostly for food, dried fish, and dried meat.

The roof is nailed with wooden boards and covered with a layer of bark. Except for frequent repairs and occasional leaks, the rest is quite solid. The brothers and sisters often climb on the roof to chat and play.
But today, when she climbed up to the roof and wanted to call her little brother down, she suddenly saw the familiar Dazhai Gate bursting into flames.

Suddenly there were several thunderclaps, accompanied by flames rising, and it was in the direction of the gate of the village again.

Then she heard many shouts.

At that time, she was stunned by the thunder and fire, she thought it was thunder.

And the father who climbed up also saw the thunder and fire that day, and then murmured that it was a punishment from heaven, saying that they should not rob and kill Han officials, and should not sell those people into slavery.

Bamei knew what her father was talking about. Not long ago, her father, her elder brother, her second brother, and the leader robbed a few boats at a bay not far in front of the village.The people on board were officials sent by the Central Plains court, as well as merchants.They killed the resisting guards, seized the boat, robbed the property on board, and brought all the officials and merchants back to the stockade.

Bamei also ran to watch, and felt that those Han people looked so white and their green robes were so smooth. Those people were terrified, but they threatened the village owner loudly.

The village owner was so angry that he had the green-robed official's tongue cut off. The executioner in the village skillfully cut off the official's tongue. With a flick of his hand, the tongue flew across the sky and before it landed, a big The cat jumped up into the air and grabbed the tongue in one bite.

Several cats jumped on it, biting together, snatching the tongue.

The green-robed officer who lost his tongue was yelling, but no one knew what he was talking about. Anyway, when his tongue was still there, few people in the village could understand what he said.

Bamei only felt very curious, and didn't feel bloody and barbaric.

Every village, every barbarian king's subordinates, will have an executioner, they are the good helpers of the village owner, they are responsible for executing the execution of those who punish the village owner, they are proficient in various punishments, and their skills are exquisite.

Every executioner is passed down in his family, from father to son, and from son to grandson.The executioner who cut off the tongue of the green-robed officer had taken over the job from his father for more than 20 years.The executioner also has many children. His youngest daughter, Shisanmei, is close to the age of Bamei and has a good relationship with Bamei. Therefore, Bamei has been led by Shisanmei several times to see the instruments of torture handed down by the executioner. I've seen how the eldest son of the executioner's successor used those instruments of torture to experiment on pigs and dogs.

The executioner is dead.

After the thunder passed last night, countless people suddenly broke into their Shuikou Village.

Those people were wearing iron armor, they were invulnerable to swords and guns, their swords were very sharp, and their bows and crossbows shot far and accurately. Many people even rode tall horses and rammed around.

The executioner came out with his sons carrying his instruments of torture, and was shot dead with an arrow.

The white feather arrow shot directly into the executioner's left eye, and the sharp feather arrow protruded from the back of his head. After more than 20 years of execution, the executioner died like this with countless blood stains on his hands.

His eldest son, who will inherit the executioner in the future, held a hook and wanted to rush forward to avenge his father, but was rushed forward by an armored knight wielding a hammer, and the hammer smashed down on the head, smashing the whole head up.

The Iron Man set fires everywhere and killed people everywhere.

Shuikou village was in chaos.

The executioner's father and son died, and his daughter Shisanmei fled to his house, crying pale and hoarse.The father asked the mother to take the eighth sister and younger brother and they ran to the Red Mountain behind the stockade.

He led Bamei's two elder brothers to pick up hunting bows, white guns, and rattan shields to the village head's house.

Bamei fled to the back of the mountain with countless panicked and chaotic villagers, almost all of whom were old, weak, women and children, while young and strong men all carried weapons and gathered at the village owner's house.

Bamei didn't see what happened next, she just remembered running all the way to the back of the mountain in panic.

But not long after fleeing into the back mountain, the armored man chased after him, screaming and wailing all over the sky again, Bamei, her mother and brother separated in the dark night.

Fleeing, fleeing, fleeing desperately, relying on the familiarity of often coming to the back mountain to cut firewood and gather herbs, she escaped a long way in one breath, and finally hid in a cave on a cliff, which was a very hidden cave. On a smooth cliff wall, there are several trees growing at the entrance of the cave, which are well hidden.

She hid in the cave all night, until there was no more shouting outside, and finally tried to come out.

She wanted to find her mother and brothers, but she searched all over the mountain, but found no one.

She only found many headless corpses on the mountain, some of which had been bitten by wild animals.

There was gore everywhere.

There are headless corpses everywhere.

Women's, children's, old people's.

Finally, Bamei climbed up the tree, wanting to see the village at the foot of the mountain, but only saw the dead village.

Embers are burning, and the gates of the village are collapsing.

The majestic five-story barbarian king building of the village owner also collapsed in the ashes.

I didn't see the Iron Man, nor my father and brother.

Bamei climbed down from the tree, stumbled and stumbled to the bottom of the mountain in despair and extreme fear, and walked into the familiar Shuikou Village.

There was no one in the village.

Wherever he went, it was empty.

The Iron Armored Man destroyed the Qianhu Village, which is the largest and most lively village in the vicinity. When the moon is full, there will be a three-day market here, and the nearby mountain people will come to trade. It is also a day for young men and women in various villages to go on blind dates together.

If you fall in love with a girl or boy you like, you can come forward and sing an invitation song. If the two parties succeed in singing duets in the end, then you can invite the elders to start talking about the bride price and dowry.

Originally, after two years, the eighth younger sister will reach the age of dating and singing.

But now it's all ruined.

Who are they?Is it the clan of the green-robed officer?

Bamei searched for a long time in the ruins, and finally found the bodies of her father and brothers. They fell in front of the village owner's barbarian king building, their heads had been cut off, but Bamei still recognized them.

The weapons in their hands were gone, as were their heads.

Holding the headless corpse, Bamei wept bitterly for a long time.

There were dead bodies everywhere, many of which had been eaten by wolves and wild dogs.

She didn't know what to do next, where to go, she just sat there and cried.

Not long after, a man in iron armor appeared in front of her on horseback.

The other party looked at her crying bitterly holding the headless corpse.

"A savage girl, remnants!"

"It's your grandfather you're holding, I'll send you on your way!"

The man raised the knife.

Bamei couldn't understand what he said, but she knew what he was going to do by seeing the way he raised the knife. She didn't run away, and just looked up at the man in iron armor stubbornly.

At this time, another man in iron armor arrived on horseback.

"Leave her and take her away. There is no need to kill such a young girl."

So the man jumped off his horse, pulled out a tendon and walked over.

Bamei understands, this man wants to tie her up, they are going to tie her up and sell her, she is very familiar with this, they used to kidnap people in the village.

Sometimes I would sneak attack some small villages, and if successful, I would tie all of them back, and then wait until the three days when the moon was full, and sell them directly in the market.

Younger women have always been more popular because they are fertile, produce more children, and sell for more money.This is the same as cows in the market are always better than bulls. Bulls like to fight and are easily injured, while cows are gentler, and they can give birth to a calf a year, and they can be sold well after a year For the price, a lot of good things are exchanged.

Bamei let the armored man tie her up.

She didn't fight back.

She thought of those women who sold in the market, and now she looks the same as they did then?When I saw them before, I would just stand there blankly, letting others watch and choose without any resistance.

Maybe this is the fate of their Xidong barbarian women after the stronghold is broken?
Eighth Sister was tied up and tied to the saddle. She numbly followed Iron Armored Man's horse and walked all the way to the pier in front of the village.

Here, he saw many boats, some of which were very large, on the pier, beside the river beach, there were many armored men, and many mountain people from Shuikou Village, and among them he saw the skilled face Thirteen sister.

Seeing her coming, Thirteenth Sister yelled at her, and she struggled forward.

She told Bamei that her mother and brothers were also here, over there.

"Who are these armored men, and where are they taking us?" Bamei asked.

"I do not know either!"

(End of this chapter)

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