Chapter 1 Everyone is an NPC (please collect, please recommend tickets.)
604 AD, late autumn.

Jin Wangfu.

Jin Wang Yang Guang supported the coffin parked in front of the mourning hall, his teeth were clenched, and his eyes were gloomy.

The person in the coffin is named Li Mu, who was a brother who fought with Yang Guang to conquer Nanchen and suppress Turks.

But today, this brother who crawled out of the dead with him, failed to die on the battlefield, but died under the pressure of the power of the court.

"Father, are you really my good father?"

Yang Guang supported the coffin with one hand, and hid the other hand under the black python robe.The nails were deeply pinched in the flesh, but he never felt the slightest pain.

"who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"Where am I from?"

Li Mu slowly opened his eyes in the coffin where he couldn't see his fingers.


Suddenly, Li Mu's mind seemed to be hit hard, and a large number of memory fragments poured into his mind.

Li Mu!

This body is also called Li Mu, and it is obviously Yang Guang's confidant, but in fact it is Yang Jian's secret son arranged by Yang Guang's side.

The royal family has been the most ruthless since ancient times. Today, Emperor Yang Jian gave a banquet to Jin Wang Yang Guang. Li Mu knew that the banquet was poisonous.Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been in a dilemma.One side is loyalty to the emperor, and the other side is brotherhood.Li Mu couldn't make a choice, so he simply ate the poison feast for Yang Guang.

This Li Mu was poisoned and died, so that the 21st century Li Mu took over Nestlé.

After sorting out the memories in his mind, Li Mu finally understood everything.For the previous Li Mu, in my heart, I despise the former Li Mu.

Foolish and loyal to this extent, it really lacks the beatings of the society.

After a while, Li Mu stopped the thought of despising the previous Li Mu.Now I seem to be in a coffin, I should think about how to get out.

First, I pushed it up and down a few times, but failed to push it. First of all, it ruled out that the coffin is a sliding lid.

Then I pushed it up a few times, but failed to push it, again ruling out that the coffin was flipped.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom."

Li Mu reached out and knocked on the coffin lid a few times, three long and two short, the code was wrong.

"Dong dong, dong dong dong."

Li Mu stretched out his hand again and knocked on the coffin lid a few times, two short and three long, the code was not right.

"Little rabbit, cross your legs obediently."

Bah, no, start over.
"Xiao Guangguang, be good, open the coffin lid"

At this moment, Yang Guang, who was leaning on the coffin with one hand, suddenly felt a slight tremor from the coffin lid, and there seemed to be a sound coming from inside the coffin.

"Open the coffin."

"Open the coffin."

Yang Guang frowned and ordered suddenly.

Yang Guang's sudden order could not help but order the people around him.

"Your Highness, General Li is dead, let him go with peace of mind." Yang Guang's confidant, Yu Wenhuaji, comforted him.

At this moment, Yu Wenhuaji's heart was full of joy, he thought, Li Mu, you kid is gone, and in the future, I, Yu Wenhuaji, will be the only one to win the favor of King Jin.

"Open the coffin, can't you hear me ordering you to open the coffin?"

"Could it be that you are all deaf?" Yang Guang shouted sharply.

Seeing Yang Guang get angry, the soldiers on the side didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly opened the coffin.


The soldiers first pried off the coffin nails, and then lifted the coffin lid.

"Oh my god, it's killing me."

Li Muteng sat up from the coffin, panting heavily.


"Fake corpse?" Yu Wenhuaji was startled, and took a few steps back.

"Cheat your sister, cheat your corpse, I'm not dead." Li Mu said angrily.

"Li Mu, are you alright?" Yang Guang was very courageous, he walked forward without the slightest sign of fear.

"Your Highness, I've come to Yan Luo Palace now. Lord Yan said that there is no one close to His Highness, but all of them are treacherous ministers like Yu Wenhuaji who can only flatter horses. I can't do it without me, If not, Lord Yan will let me back again." Li Mu glanced at Yu Wenhuaji at the side, and said solemnly.

"Fart, who is the traitor."

"You, Li Mu, don't want to insult people's innocence with red mouth and white teeth." Yu Wenhuaji scratched his head, and quickly argued.

"Damn it, I counted you as the fastest escaper just now, you are not a traitor, who is a traitor?" With Li Mu's words, Yu Wenhua was speechless.

Yu Wenhuaji blushed, and was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he explained: "You reincarnated from death, who can not be afraid. Your Highness, I think it's better to find a Taoist priest to show this kid. Don't be possessed by some evil spirit."

"Possession, I will possess your grandma's legs." Li Mu scolded unceremoniously.

For Yu Wenhua and this guy, Li Mu didn't have a good face.

"Okay, you two are my right-hand men, now is the time to be happy, so stop bickering." Yang Guang tried to smooth things over.

I have to say that whenever the emperor was Yang Guang.No matter in the army or in the court, there is nothing to say about this way of life.


[The strongest mission system has been activated. 】

[Everyone is an NPC, please choose the task within 1 minute. 】

In my mind, a mechanized system prompt sounded.

"Has my system arrived?" Li Mu was dumbfounded.

At this time, when Li Mu turned his head to look at Yang Guang and Yu Wenhuaji, he suddenly found that they seemed to have changed.

On Yang Guang's head was a golden scroll, on which was written a line of big characters: "Li Mu, help me ascend the throne."

On Yu Wenhuaji's head was a silver scroll, on which was also written a line of big characters: "Li Mu, call me Dad."

Li Mu turned his head to look at the soldiers on the side. They had black iron-colored scrolls on their heads, and their missions were also written on them.Most of the mission scrolls of these soldiers stated that they wanted some money, or some missions such as silk and satin.

From the analysis of the task scrolls on these people's heads, these tasks should be what they desire in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Li Mu looked at Yu Wenhua and the scroll on his head again, wishing he could strangle this bastard to death.

[Please host to choose the task as soon as possible, ten, nine, eight, seven]

"Choose Yang Guang's character." Seeing that the selection time was about to end, Li Mu decisively chose Yang Guang's golden task.

As the saying goes, give it a go and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.

[Mission selection completed. 】

[The main task is to help Yang Guang ascend the throne. 】

[The first phase of the task is to persuade the backer king Yang Lin to help Yang Guang. 】

There is no doubt that Li Mu chose the most difficult task.But fortunately, this task system of mine is quite user-friendly.He even planned the rhythm of the entire mission for himself, and he can complete the mission according to the mission prompts and stages.

Backer King Yang Lin is not simple, he is not only one of the nine elders of the Kai Sui Dynasty, but also the brother of the emperor Yang Jian and the uncle of Yang Guang. It is not easy to persuade him to stand on Yang Guang's side.

(End of this chapter)

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