Chapter 16
Wu Jianzhang, King of Zhongxiao, Yang Lin, King of Backing, Qiu Rui, King of Changping, Yang Su, King of Yue, and the four princes of the Sui Dynasty gathered around this imperial decree to look at it.

After looking at it for a while, Wu Jianzhang asked Yang Lin, "Third brother, do you think this edict is true?"

The loyal and filial king Wu Jianzhang asked his doubts on the Golden Palace like this, without the slightest concealment.First, they are Yang Guang's uncles, and second, they are actually the most loyal supporters of imperial power.The reason why the old master Yang Jian was able to compete with the powerful family was because almost all the military power of the Great Sui Dynasty was in the hands of the Jiulao of the Kaisui Dynasty.

Yang Lin and Wu Jianzhang are actually a kind of people, they both belong to the kind of people who love martial arts.Yang Lin didn't have much research on calligraphy, so in Yang Lin's eyes, this imperial decree didn't seem to ask much.

Although Yang Lin was more or less aware of what Yang Guang had done, but judging from this edict alone, Yang Lin did not see the problem.

"Brother, there should be no problem with this imperial decree, it's the old master's handwriting." Yang Lin replied.

Loyal and filial king Wu Jianzhang and backer king Yang Lin are both martial idiots, they like martial arts but not literature, these two people didn't see the clue.But Changping King Qiu Rui and Yue King Yang Su were different. When they looked at the imperial decree, they both had a cold light in their eyes.

Qiu Rui was originally a general under the command of Empress Nan Chen, but Qiu Rui had a lot of flirtatious feelings. He is both civil and military, and he likes to raise fish and grow flowers on weekdays.

And Yang Su, king of Yue, liked writing more than martial arts, and Yang Su's calligraphy was also unique.

As the saying goes, words are like a person, and words are also a person's character.There are too many things that can be seen from a person's handwriting.

Although Zhang Heng, the servant of the Huangmen, is with the old master Yang Jian all day long, he grinds ink when Yang Jian writes.He knows Yang Jian's handwriting better than anyone else, and he can even imitate the transitions between strokes and strokes vividly.

But there is one thing that Zhang Heng can't imitate, and that is the charm in this handwriting.Yang Jian has been in a high position for a long time, so there is naturally an aura in this handwriting, and this aura cannot be imitated by Zhang Heng no matter what.

In the eyes of Qiu Rui and Yang Su, this imperial decree is similar in form but not in spirit, with outlines but no charm.

But it can be seen that there is something tricky in the imperial decree, and Qiu Rui and Yang Su may not say it according to their temperaments.Among the nine elders of the Sui Dynasty, the most treacherous two were Qiu Rui and Yang Su.Yang Su is treacherous, Qiu Rui is slippery.

Qiu Rui is a person who knows the way of self-preservation. If there is one less thing, there is absolutely nothing more.Often when it was necessary to express his opinion, Qiu Rui followed the crowd.

"I think what the third brother said is right. This is indeed the master's handwriting." Before Wu Jianzhang could ask himself, Qiu Rui spoke.

Qiu Rui saw that and even if he didn't speak, Yang Su couldn't speak.Yang Su is a supporter of Yang Guang. Yang Guang was able to ascend the throne, and he, Yang Su, also contributed a lot.

"Yes, brother, there is indeed no problem with this edict," Yang Su also nodded and said.

Wu Jianzhang himself didn't see the problem, and the three brothers also said that there was no problem with the imperial decree, so Wu Jianzhang naturally didn't doubt anything.

"Your Majesty, I listened to the rumors. The new king ascended the throne, but I, Wu Jianzhang, slandered the king and humiliated the saint here. I am really guilty of death." Wu Jianzhang handed the imperial decree back to Li Mu, and knelt down and shouted.

"Hmph, King Zhongxiao, you are an old minister of the first emperor, so indiscriminately weeping at the emperor and cursing the palace, it is indeed a pity to die." Yang Guang snorted coldly like a rooster fighting for victory.

Although Yang Guang said that Wu Jianzhang's death was not a pity, he had no intention of killing Wu Jianzhang.Even though Wu Jianzhang's behavior of crying and scolding the emperor made Yang Guang very angry.But Yang Guang is not stupid. Yang Guang knows that the big trouble of Da Sui's confidant is the powerful family.

The Sui Dynasty started from the compromise of the aristocratic family, and it will only die because of the aristocratic family.In the history of the previous life, since the establishment of Yang Guang, the successive rebellions of the common people have basically never stopped during this period.However, it didn't damage the foundation of the Sui Dynasty, and it can even be said that it didn't even hurt the fur of the Sui Dynasty.

Where did the death of the Great Sui Dynasty begin? It started with the rebellion of Yang Xuangan, the son of Yue King Yang Su, after Yang Guang self-destructed the Great Wall and killed Yue King Yang Su.Yang Xuangan's rebellion represented that the aristocratic family had officially stood against Yang Guang.

At this time, Yang Guang had just succeeded to the throne, and before he had cultivated his own party members, he would definitely not destroy the Great Wall and attack Wu Jianzhang, the loyal and filial king.Although Yang Guang said that Wu Jianzhang would never die, he had no intention of killing him.

Wu Jianzhang, the king of loyalty and filial piety, was an honest man. When he heard that Yang Guang said that he would never die, he thought that Yang Guang was going to kill him.But, Wu Jianzhang thought about it again, if Yang Guang ordered to kill himself.It's hard to say that the new king kills the old officials.

"Forget it, it was my fault, Wu Jianzhang, who was provoked by the traitor to scold the palace today. How can His Majesty bear the name of the new king killing the old ministers." Wu Jianzhang thought so in his heart, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Your Majesty, my minister! Mistakes, let me forgive myself."

Having said that, I saw Wu Jianzhang kowtow to Yang Guang a few times, "Boom, Boom, Boom," and then suddenly rushed forward, hitting the Panlong Pillar in the main hall.

Wu Jianzhang, the King of Loyalty and Filial Piety, is indeed worthy of the name of Loyalty and Filial Piety. He wants to die in the main hall, in order to wash away the stigma he brought to Yang Guang by crying and scolding the palace today.At the same time, there is no need for Yang Guang to kill him, so as not to make Yang Guang bear the infamy of the new king killing the old officials.

Wu Jianzhang suddenly slammed into the Panlong Pillar in the main hall. If the impact was real, he would surely die with a brain burst.


"Uncle." Wu Yunzhao and Wu Tianxi shouted, but they were too far away to do anything.

"Big Brother." Backer King Yang Lin, Changping King Qiu Rui, and Yue King Yang Su also shouted in unison.

Among the three, Yang Lin reacted the fastest and subconsciously grabbed Wu Jianzhang.It's just that Wu Jianzhang's speed was faster, and Yang Lin caught a gap.

Just when Zhongxiao Wang Wu Jianzhang was about to hit the Beaulieu Pillar, he suddenly felt as if he was hanging in the air.Wu Jianzhang opened his eyes, and what he saw was the lifelike gold-plated dragon pattern on the Panlong Column.However, at this moment, his head was only about an inch away from the Beaulieu Pillar, but he couldn't move any closer.

That's right, at that critical moment, Li Mu grabbed the neck of King Zhongxiao's fate.Li Mu grabbed Wu Jianzhang's neck with one hand, and Li Mu held him in his hands.

"Stinky boy, let me go." After a long time, Wu Jianzhang finally came to his senses.Reluctantly turned his head away, stared at Li Mu and said viciously.

"Let go of you?"

"Okay." Li Mu responded, and then resolutely let go of his hand.



King Zhongxiao fell to the ground, the kind that hit the ground face first.

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(End of this chapter)

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