Chapter 202 Defeating the enemy with a reckless ox cart.

Qimin Khan's 20 army formed a formation of wild goose feathers, which stretched for several miles, and rushed towards the Sui army.

At this time, Su Dingfang directly waved the command flag in his hand, and ordered Mang Niuwei to meet him head-on.

Qimin Khan's 20 army is indeed a large number of people. This 20 army has heavy cavalry as the vanguard and light cavalry as the wings.Normally, such a formation is enough to break through most of the military formations.Iron, especially the infantry phalanx, is not even worth mentioning under such a charge.Heavy armored cavalry can be called the nemesis of infantry. It stands to reason that the formation of the Sui army should be broken by the iron cavalry in the first place.

However, the turning point of this battle lies in the 650 Mang Niu Guards, together with more than ten taels of Mang Niu carts.

The most powerful point of the cavalry lies in the first wave of charge, especially the heavy cavalry.As long as the first wave of frontal charges can be blocked, the cavalry's greatest mobility advantage will gradually be lost.

Su Dingfang understood this very well, so he immediately directed Mang Niuwei to meet him.In a frontal impact, Mangniuwei will not lose to any unit.

The reason why Li Mu arranged for Su Dingfang and Yuwen Chengdu to partner is precisely because Yuwen Chengdu is a brave general who took the head of the general from the army, while Su Dingfang is a wise general who is planning a strategy and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away.Together, these two people are like ducks in water, and it is no longer a problem to lead an army alone.

Su Dingfang personally commanded the mang ox guards to go up to meet them. A total of ten mang ox carts formed a row, and behind each mang ox cart were 360 ​​mang ox guards.

Each mang ox cart is three feet three feet long, and more than ten feet high and wide.There is a mechanism hidden in the bull's eye, as long as the person inside pulls the mechanism, the two eyeballs, which are the size of a human head, can be shot more than ten feet away.

The Niubi also has mechanisms, and the Niubi is a modified giant crossbow, which can be shot a full hundred feet away.

In the mouth of the cow is a flamethrower filled with tung oil, which can spray out flames to burn the enemy.

The crossbow in the bull's nose is a long-range lethal weapon, the missile in the bull's eye is a medium-range lethal weapon, and the flame in the bull's mouth is a short-range lethal weapon.

Li Mu's mang ox cart is the tank of the Sui Dynasty, and the 360 ​​mang ox guards behind him are the earliest step-tank cooperative battle.

Let's put it this way, if the Mang Niuwei is placed in modern times, it is equivalent to a heavy armored unit that cooperates with infantry and tanks.On the opposite side, although the Tie Le Department has a large number of people, they can be regarded as a motorized force.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was only about two hundred steps. For the heavy armored infantry, this distance would take about ten breaths at most.

"Shoot!" Su Dingfang yelled, and swung down the command flag heavily in his hand.

Following Su Dingfang's order, only the sound of "creak, creak" came from the mang ox cart, which was the sound of the machine in the mang ox cart turning.

Immediately afterwards, there was only the sound of "whoosh! whoosh! whoosh!" There was a sound of arrows piercing through the air, and countless giant arrows with the length of arms shot out towards the heavy armored cavalry in the iron army.

The effective range of the giant arrow in the bullock cart is one hundred feet, which is about three hundred steps.But since they were dealing with heavy armored cavalry this time, they were all wearing thick heavy armor.In order to avoid the reduction of the power of the giant arrows, Su Dingfang deliberately placed them at a distance of two hundred steps, and then ordered to release the arrows.

Sure enough, the giant arrow fired from a distance of two hundred steps can be called full of power.

After a round of arrows, many iron cavalry were nailed to the ground with their horses and men. There were even many giant arrows strung with candied haws and shot through more than one enemy. ,

Under normal circumstances, cavalry in heavy armor are not afraid of arrows, just like people wearing body armor are not afraid of bullets.However, it is true that you are not afraid of bullets when you wear a body armor, but can you still not be afraid of being bombarded?
The huge arrows shot by the ox cart hit the heavy armored cavalry, just like shelling the body armor.At this distance, it is basically impossible to survive if you are shot by a giant arrow.

In just one round of arrow rain, the heavy armored cavalry at the front had killed or injured 500 people.You know, Qimin Khan's entire family background is only supporting the heavy armored cavalry of more than [-] people.

"Let it go!"

However, at this moment.The order flag in Su Dingfang's hand fell heavily.What followed was the second round of giant crossbow arrows, but at this time, the cavalry of the Tie Le Department had no other choice but to bite the bullet and charge forward.

"Let it go!" Then, the third round of giant crossbow arrows shot out again.

Three consecutive rounds of giant crossbow arrows killed thousands of heavy armored cavalry in the Iron Department, and also greatly slowed down the cavalry's assault speed.

However, after three rounds of arrows, the heavy armored cavalry of Tie Le's department had also rushed into the [-]th department of Mang Niuwei.For such a short distance, for the cavalry, it is only a gap of two or three breaths.

"Iron bullets are ready."


Following Su Dingfang's order, the sound of "creak, creak" became more intense.
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a huge roar, and countless solid iron bullets the size of a human head were ejected. The iron bullets hit the heavy armored cavalry in the iron arm, and there was a sound of bones and tendons snapping.

Two or three rounds of iron bullets fired in succession, killing and wounding about [-] heavy armored cavalry of the iron department.The two sides haven't formally contacted yet, Qimin Khan's precious heavy cavalry has lost a full third of it.

Looking at this round of salvos, his precious heavy armored cavalry can only be beaten, and has no ability to fight back.Qimin Khan felt distressed, but fortunately, now, the two sides are about to get in touch.

"In battle formation, each looking for a fighter." Su Dingfang's order was conveyed again.

At this time, the two sides have come into direct contact.At this time, it is time for the brave to win when they meet on a narrow road.

Arrows, iron bullets, and flames attacked the bullock cart in turn.And once a cavalryman came to the front of the mang ox cart, he would be dismembered by the 360 ​​mang ox guards around the mang ox cart.

The mang ox cart and the mang ox guard rely on each other.For a moment, it was like a bone stuck in the throat of the iron man.I can't swallow it even if I swallow it, and I can't spit it out.

(End of this chapter)

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