Chapter 204 Qimin Khan's guess.

As soon as the opening of the frontal shield formation was opened, the cavalry of the Tie Le Department rushed towards this side like a tide.After all, since the shield formation already has a hole, who would be so stupid as to bite the bullet and bump into it.

On the surface, the gaps that Su Dingfang let the shield create seemed to be an opportunity for Tie Lebu to attack.But in fact, this is more powerful to the Sui army.

Because the iron army has more troops, but the Sui army has fewer people.If the army of the Tie Le Department is allowed to attack the shield formation of the Sui army, the entire shield formation may collapse at any time.

But now that the shield formation has opened up a few openings, all the iron cavalry will subconsciously charge towards these openings.In this way, in fact, the military superiority of the Tie Le Department cannot be reflected.The gap in the shield formation is just that big, and the number of cavalry that can rush in each time is limited.Since then, the pressure on the Sui army has been relieved.

Su Dingfang in history should also be able to rank among the top generals in the entire Tang Dynasty.He defeated the Eastern Turks, wiped out the Western Turks, and quelled the Congling Rebellion; barricaded Baekje, defeated Goguryeo, and settled Tubo.

It can be seen from this that Su Dingfang is really good at marching and fighting.

"Brothers, kill me."

"I, Yuwen Chengdu, are here today, so don't even think about passing by alone." Yuwen Chengdu raced a dragon and five-spotted horse under his crotch, with gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand, and took the lead to kill the enemy.

I have to say that Yuwen Chengdu and Su Dingfang are really a perfect match.Yuwen Chengdu is brave and invincible, and is responsible for leading the army to charge ahead.Su Dingfang was unparalleled in resourcefulness and was responsible for arranging troops in the rear.

Even Qimin Khan didn't see Su Dingfang's strategy. From Qimin Khan's point of view, these openings were the gaps made by their charge.

It was precisely because of this illusion that Qimin Khan ordered his men to attack fiercely, wanting to break through from these points first, and then penetrate the entire surface.

These gaps were specially made by Su Dingfang for the people of the Iron Department. Behind these gaps, the most elite troops of the entire Sui army were lying in ambush.

Under Su Dingfang's plan, the barbarians of the Tie Le tribe rushed into the ambush of the Sui army row after row like Tie Hanhan.It can be said that the Ministry of Iron and Steel is now completely following the good scripts given to them by Su Dingfang.

Wave after wave of cavalry rushed into the Sui army's formation, and then they were greeted by strong bows and crossbows, shields and spears.These barbarians who rushed into the Sui army's formation thought they could break through the Sui army's formation, but they all died on the spot.

Qimin Khan is also a smart man.He didn't notice it at first, but gradually he felt something was wrong.

There are still a few gaps in the Sui army's shield formation from the beginning to now, and it is clear that wave after wave of cavalry rushed into the Sui army's formation.However, the shield array of the Sui army showed no signs of collapse at all.

The gaps in the Sui army's shield formation are like the mouths of giant wild beasts, swallowing all their cavalry without refusing to come.

I saw cavalry rushing in, but no one came out, and no formation was broken.How could this Qimin Khan not understand that his subordinates were probably dead.

"It's broken, I fell into the trick of the Sui army. These gaps are bait, order to continue to avoid those gaps, and continue to attack the shield formation." Qimin Khan ordered.

"Khan, I can't fight anymore. After fighting for a day, the brothers have not eaten a bite of food. If the fight continues, this man will starve to death if he is not exhausted." General Tie Lebu said to Qimin Khan .

This is true. In this era, there are two meals a day, that is to say, one meal in the morning and one meal in the evening.

It was in the morning when the Tie Lebu dispatched troops. The troops they dispatched after breakfast encountered the Sui army at noon, and it was already well into the evening.The soldiers had been fighting all day, and their stomachs were already growling with hunger.

Qimin Khan looked at the sun, it was already evening, and the sun was about to set.There is bound to be no result before the fight continues until dark, and as the attacking party, night battles are very disadvantageous to them.

"Withdraw the troops and station ten miles away. We will be fighting tomorrow." Qimin Khan ordered.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

There was a sound of golden gongs ringing, and upon hearing the sound of the gongs, the iron cavalry retreated like a tide.It can be seen from this that at this time, the cavalry of the Iron Department had no intention of fighting again.

The Tie Le Department temporarily retreated, and the Sui army naturally did not pursue them.Su Dingfang has only 8 men under his command, and his defense is still weak, so he has no ability to pursue.

From the perspective of the author, the order Li Mu gave them was to block the Tiebu, as long as they could prevent the Tiebu from advancing, it would be considered a success.

Qimin Khan gave an order, and the Tie Le tribe took the initiative to break away from contact, and retreated ten miles to set up camp.You know, Qimin Khan has an army of 20 men, and the depth of ten miles is really nothing to an army of 20.

After the Tie Lebu retreated ten miles, he began to set up camp and start cooking.At this time, the casualties of the Ministry of Iron and Steel were also counted.

Qimin Khan's trump card army, that is, the armored cavalry, suffered more than [-] casualties, and the ordinary cavalry suffered more than [-] casualties.It's only been a day since the war started, and there were [-] casualties, which made the whole iron department a little depressed.

At this time, even the military discipline of the Tiele tribe is relatively strict among the East Turkic tribes.But from the general to the soldier, there are quite a lot of complaints.Everyone felt that it was somewhat unreasonable to have suffered so many casualties in order to rescue Sijiebu.

The soldiers are all short-sighted and have no vision at all.But Qimin Khan understands that once the Sijie department collapses, the entire East Turkic may be torn apart.

Moreover, Qimin Khan believes that although Li Mu is fighting very fiercely now, this is precisely because he is covering up his lack of stamina.Qimin Khan concluded that Li Mu might have sent troops privately, so he had to fight fast to surprise the East Turks.Otherwise, he must be powerless.

Although Qimin Khan's guess wasn't completely right, he was pretty close.Although Li Mu didn't send troops privately, he only had three months. If he couldn't take down the entire Eastern Turks in three months, he had to withdraw his troops.

Otherwise, if the follow-up fails, all of his 40 troops will have to be folded in the grassland.

Most of Li Mu's soldiers were descendants of Han Wang Yang Liang and Beiping Wang Luo Yi.These people were originally in charge of the defense of Bing, Youer Land.Once these soldiers are lost on the grassland, the people in Bingzhou and Youzhou may be harassed by the grassland people at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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