Chapter 207 Desperate Thinking Department.

"Are there really thirty bullock carts blocking the way?" The envoy of the Ministry of Railways was full of suspicion.

This person thought that the reckless ox cart must be a big killer in the eyes of the Sui army, and it was only ten cars that stopped our iron army.To deal with your iron army, dispatch a full thirty vehicles, you really know how to put gold on your face, right?

Master Natuo is also a human being, he can't see what the Iron Messenger is thinking.However, he is Qimin Khan's confidant, so he is not easy to get angry.

"Can this matter be false? The Sui Army is right ahead, how about the envoy just follow me and find out?" Master Natuo said to the envoy Tie Le.

Master Natuo thought to himself, as the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, since you don't believe what we say, I let you see it with your own eyes, you should believe it.

Needless to say, the Iron Messenger really doesn't trust the Natuo division, mainly the Natuo division, including the entire Bugu department, among the five East Turkic divisions, they are all famously ungrateful for profit.

"Okay, let's take a look with our own eyes. If that's the case, we should come up with a plan." Tie Le messenger said.

"Da da da!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and a burst of wolf smoke billowed.Master Na Tuo ran forward with a group of subordinates, wanting to see what the Sui army's ox carts looked like.

Now they have heard that the ox cart is powerful, but they have never seen what this ox cart looks like, so these people are somewhat curious in their hearts.

"Good guy, how can this be against you?" Master Natuo couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the thirty huge monsters lined up in the distance.

The height of the bullock cart is three feet three, that is to say, it is more than ten meters high. It is like a hill.Now in front of Master Natuo and the others, there are a total of thirty hills.

"How about it, I, Master Natuo, didn't tell lies, did I?"

"Such a battle like this, don't say that I can't get through with all my bones, and you can't get through with all your iron, right?"

"I still can't know that the mantis is acting like a car, and I can't let the tribe hit it head-on?" Master Natuo said to the messenger of the Tie Le Department beside him.

Master Natuo's words really left the emissary of the Iron Department speechless.At this time, what else can he say?
The [-] bullock carts in front of them were actually blocking the front. If the [-] soldiers and horses of the Pugu Department rushed forward, they would be seeking their own death.

Qimin Khan could force Pugubu to support Sijiebu, but it is impossible to force Pugubu to die.

"What should I do?" Tie Le Messenger was also completely dumbfounded at this time.

"Set up camp for the time being, and wait for the opportunity to find a fighter." Commander Natuo ordered.

At this time, the Sui army blocked the only way for the Pugu Department.Now they want to take a detour for at least ten days and a half months. The location chosen by the Sui army is very good. In front of them is the largest mountain range on the grassland, Yinshan Mountain.

This Yin mountain is the Yin mountain in the Tang poem that does not teach Huma to go to the Yin mountain.This is the largest mountain range on the grassland, and its only characteristic is its length.

Now, the thirty bullock carts owned by Mai Tiezhang are blocked at the pass of Yinshan Mountain, and if Pugubu wants to get there now, he has no choice but to force his way through.

The Natuo division believed that with the [-] cavalry in its headquarters, it was impossible to break through the defense of the Sui army.He simply didn't even want to make a tentative attack, but directly came to wait for an opportunity to find a fighter.

To put it bluntly, this so-called waiting for an opportunity to find a fighter means that they don't want to fight, and they don't want to have too many casualties.

At the same time, life in the Sijie Department was even more difficult.Li Mu personally led an army of 30 people, following them like chasing rabbits, and launching a sudden attack on them from time to time.

You know, the Sijie Department and the Sijie Department are now taking women, children, old and young to evacuate, and the speed cannot be raised at all.

The most important thing is that the Sui army following behind obviously had the ability to launch a general attack on them, but they chose to use the tactic of boiling frogs in warm water.

Launch an attack on them from time to time, and every time Sijiebu will inevitably abandon some of the people who are walking behind.After a few days of hard work, the Sijie tribe and the Sijie tribe, the two major tribes of the Eastern Turks, have been almost overwhelmed by the Sui army.

Now, there are less than [-] clansmen left in these two parts.The rest of the tribe were all captured and captured by the Sui army.

It was night, when Sijie and Sijiebe set up camp, and the soldiers in charge of defense raised their spirits, and we could see the exhaustion on their faces.

"Brother, surrender, if we continue to fight, we will be finished." Aloye, the patriarch of the Sijie tribe, said to his brother.

"Patriarch, surrender, it's been a few days, not to mention the reinforcements, how can we not even see a single soldier?" The general of the Sijie Department shouted.

"It was Qimin Khan who angered Tai Sui, why is it that I Sijiebu is the one who suffers?" someone said in a crying voice.


"Brother, look, look at them, this is our tribe, what is the difference between them and the cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered?" Aloye raised the curtain of the tent and motioned to his brother Aluogo looked outside.

Due to the embarrassing escape along the way, many of their unnecessary luggage were discarded on the road.Today, most of the clansmen are snuggling on the grass, with torches burning around them, and now they don't even have a tent to shelter from the wind and rain.

"Patriarch, there is no reinforcements. He is unkind to the people, so don't blame us for being unrighteous." The general of the Sijie Department cried out.

After running away for so many days, they were getting farther and farther away from their pastures, and they were looking forward to the arrival of reinforcements every day, and then they could counterattack the Sui army.

But with the passage of time, let alone ordinary clansmen, even the high-level generals of the Sijie Department and the Sijie Department have collapsed mentally.

"Okay! Let's surrender to the Sui Dynasty." Allogo responded.

At this time, there is no other way, all their cattle, sheep and luggage have been discarded, and the clansmen have even eaten grass roots to satisfy their hunger these days.And the so-called reinforcements are nowhere in sight, Alogo is unwilling to wait any longer, and he has lost hope.

That night, Aluogo went to the camp of the Sui army with a few confidantes.

Sui camp, the large tent of the Chinese army.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. You are a person who knows the current affairs, Patriarch Aluogo. After this battle, although the Eastern Turks will no longer exist, I will allow you to be the highest administrative officer of the Eastern Turks. In addition to military affairs, I promise that the Eastern Turks The Turkic people govern the Eastern Turkic affairs." Li Mu promised Aluogo.

"At this point, I don't think there is any room for bargaining in the knot. I just hope that the general can keep his word." Aluogo said to Li Mu with a salute.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, there are only Li Mu and Aluogo, and no one knows what kind of consensus they have reached.

After Aluogo left, Li Mu got out of the tent, looked up at the sky on the grassland, and sighed quietly: "East Turkic is sure."

(End of this chapter)

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