Chapter 217 Public Enemy of the Great Family.

Daxing City, Pei Mansion.

This Pei Mansion is the mansion of Minister Pei Shidi, and the core figures of these old aristocratic families in the Great Sui Dynasty all gathered here.

The five great clans of Wang, Cui, Lu, Li, and Zheng in Shandong, and the six great clans of Wei, Pei, Liu, Xue, Yang, and Du in Guanzhong, etc.

All in all, among these old-fashioned powerful figures, all those who hold high positions in the court are gathered together.

Li Mu defeated the Eastern Turks in the first battle, which can be said to have greatly enhanced Yang Guang's voice, and now the imperial power has vaguely intended to suppress the power of the powerful.

Let's put it this way, why can there be rumors in the market that Yang Guang killed his brother and father? You must know that this happened in the inner courtyard of the palace.The reason why this incident can be spread to all the world is that the powerful family is discrediting Yang Guang's reputation.

What was emphasized in ancient times was loyalty and filial piety.You, Yang Guang, are first of all an unfilial person in the hearts of the people, so no matter how well you did during Yang Guang's reign, you will still be viewed with colored glasses.

For the aristocratic family, an emperor with questionable morals, then they have a point to criticize the emperor.Only in this way can he gain the upper hand in the competition in court.

And now, after Li Muping wiped out the Eastern Turks.This is a great achievement for the Great Sui to open up the territory and expand the territory. In this way, it is tantamount to whitewashing Yang Guang.In the future, when people mention Yang Guang, they will say that he suffers from small details, but not from big ones.

"It took only one month for Banbi Wang Ping to destroy the Eastern Turks. To destroy a country in one month, not to mention that we have not had such capable people since the founding of the Sui Dynasty. Even if the grandson, Duke Jiang is resurrected, it may not be possible to do so, right?"

"Everyone, from now on, we will live on the breath of the royal family." Pei Shiyuan said with a sigh.


"What is Yang's family? If you count up three generations, you can count the species of Ono, Pu Liuru, and Huhanxie." said Cui Zhongfang, a veteran who had long been at home.

In fact, although what Cui Zhongfang said was harsh, it was the truth.Yang Jian's original surname was Pu Liuru, and his ancestors were Xianbei.In the same way, Li Yuan, the emperor of the later Tang Dynasty, also had Xianbei blood, and Li Yuan's Xianbei surname was Dayo.

In that era, everyone wanted to whitewash themselves as a famous family. For example, Li Shimin changed his genealogy later, and called the ancient sage, Lao Tzu Li Er, his ancestor.

Even though the Yang family is the royal family now, in the eyes of the aristocratic family, they don't have the slightest respect for this royal family.From their point of view, the Yang family just took control of the military power and thus stole the world.

"Master Cui, even if you say so."

"However, our Banbi King, the general, can be said to be the best in the world in terms of military strength. In terms of the art of war, he is even the best in the world."

"Nowadays, the general only obeys His Majesty's order. Don't say that we have no soldiers and no generals, even the Eastern Turks with hundreds of thousands of troops, won't they also be defeated?" Su Kui said to the crowd.

"Nephew Su Xian is right, the general's use of troops is unparalleled in the world."

"Don't say it's rare for us to command soldiers, even if we have soldiers in our hands, we don't have the confidence. Now with Li Muzhi's prestige, as long as he is around for a day, we will have no one to succeed."

"Old man, when I conquered the Southern Chen Dynasty, destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty, and overthrew the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, what kind of capable ministers and fierce generals I have never seen, but if you want to destroy a country in one month, who would not be afraid of this?" Veteran Xue Daoheng said the same.

From the tone of these people's conversations, it can be heard that they are now afraid of Li Mu from the bottom of their hearts.After the destruction of the Eastern Turks in World War I, it can be said that Li Mu's prestige was at its peak.No matter whether it is above the court or in the market, whoever mentions Li Mu's name must not give a thumbs up.

"He, Yang Guang, has a few available people, Li Mu is the only one who is really talented. The rest of Yu Huaji, Zhang Heng and others are just incompetent people."

"The way I see it, if this Li Mu dies, Yang Guang will become a tiger without claws and claws, and let us swing around." Wei Shikang said with his eyes narrowed.

When Wei Shikang said this, Yu Wenshiji was inevitably a little embarrassed. After all, people said that his brother was a waste, which made him feel a little ashamed.

Wei Shikang is vicious and vicious, and he always has his own ideas.Moreover, these ideas of his are all conspiracies and tricks that can kill people.

"Brother Wei, could it be that you can still kill Li Mu?" Yuwen Shiji asked.

At this time, Yuwen Shi and one person are not the only ones making mutterings. It can be said that all of these people are making mutterings.Wei Shikang said that once Li Mu died, Yang Guang became a tiger without minions.

The problem is that Li Mu is now young and strong, and he has never heard of any disease. How could he die?If Li Mu can die, it must be death or an accident.

After Yuwen Shiji finished asking, everyone looked at Wei Shikang, because what Yuwen Shiji asked was not only his own question, but also the question in everyone's mind.

"Hey, I can't kill Li Mu. However, someone can kill Li Mu." Wei Shikang smiled slightly and made a fool of himself.

"Li Mu's martial arts is afraid that no one in the whole world can match him, let alone kill him, even if it is difficult to get close to him?"

"Who can kill him?" Su Kui asked in the same way.

"Is there someone who can kill him? And Li Mu will definitely not resist?" Wei Shikang said firmly.

"Nephew Wei Xian, just say it straight, what's the point at this time?" Pei Shiyuan asked anxiously.

"Yang Guang!" Wei Shikang opened and closed his mouth, and a name popped out.

"That's not bad. When the old master gave Yang Guang poisoned wine, this Li Mu was able to drink the poisoned wine for Yang Guang. This shows that this person is loyal to Yang Guang."

"As the saying goes, if the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die. If Yang Guang wants to kill Li Mu, he might be able to kill Li Mu." Yuwen Shiji nodded in agreement.

Hearing what the two of them said, everyone around them became angry.Su Kui said unhappily to the two of them: "You two virtuous brothers, have you two become obsessed? This Li Mu is Yang Guang's right-hand man, and Yang Guang named him the half king."

"Yang Guang is a fool, he can't do such a thing like breaking his own arm?"

"Brother Su, everyone, since Brother Wei mentioned this, he must have a good idea?" Yuwen Shiji said, looking at Wei Shikang.

Yuwen Shiji and Wei Shikang can be said to be like-minded, both of them are very vicious people.Therefore, Yu Wenshiji concluded that Wei Shikang had an idea.

"Brother Yuwen is the one who knows me!"

"Yang Guang wouldn't kill Li Mu easily, but I have a reason why Yang Guang had to kill Li Mu?" Wei Shikang's triangular eyes were as vicious as a poisonous snake.

(End of this chapter)

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