Chapter 222 Princess Qionghua tops the vat.

Yang Guang and the others searched the entire Renshou Palace, but they didn't find Li Mu and Princess Qionghua.Now in Renshou Palace, only Empress Xiao's bedroom has not been searched.

Now, the door of Empress Xiao's bedroom is half-closed again, how can Yang Guang not have doubts in his heart.

"Your Majesty, the general and the imperial sister can't be in the concubine's bedroom, right?" Empress Xiao said hesitantly, like a pure white rabbit.

Needless to say, Empress Xiao pretended to really think that no one knew better than her what happened in the bedroom before.Now, her pretentious questioning really did not arouse Yang Guang's suspicion at all.

"Whether you are present or not, you can tell at a glance." Yang Guang said, pushing open the door of the bedroom.

As soon as Yang Guang pushed open the door of the bedroom, a strange smell came over his face. This strange smell was probably the smell of a high-protein substance produced after the burst of male and female hormones.

This smell is probably very familiar to any man.At this moment, even with his big toe, Yang Guang could think about what happened in the queen's bedroom.

Yang Guang said in his heart, he slept with Li Mu on his wife's bed with his sister.

Of course, seeing is not necessarily believing. What Yang Guang thought of was only based on what he saw.

In fact, there are some discrepancies between this fact and what Yang Guang imagined.Li Mu is not on his wife's bed, sleeping with his sister.

Li Mu was on his wife's bed, slept with his daughter-in-law, and then asked his sister to top the tank, and will still sleep with his sister in the future.

Reality is often more twists and turns than fiction.Because fiction needs to pay attention to logic, but reality does not.

Of course, now that the scene is in front of him, as long as the three parties don't say anything, Yang Guang can't think of what happened in the Queen's palace just now, even if he racks his brains.

"It's unreasonable, how could such a thing be done in the queen's bedroom?" Yang Guang said angrily with a livid face.

At this time, Zhang Heng leaned into Yang Guang's ear and said, "Your Majesty, aren't you worried about how to match Princess Qionghua and the general? Now raw rice has become cooked rice, and it must be done if it is not possible."

"Your Majesty, empress, this is a good thing."

Hearing Zhang Heng's words, Yang Guang's face softened a bit, anyway, he also planned to marry his sister to Li Mu.My sister has to sleep with Li Mu sooner or later, which is nothing more than inspecting the goods in advance.

It's just that the location of this inspection is a bit out of date.


"My lord Zhang, if this matter gets out, it's good to say and bad to hear, after all, it will hurt the face of my royal family!" Empress Xiao said with a sigh.

"Otherwise, Your Majesty, Your Majesty. Only a few of us know about this matter. As long as we don't tell it, how can others know about it." Zhang Heng comforted.

"Well, Zhang Heng is going to wake them up for me." Yang Guang said to Zhang Heng.

After Yang Guang ordered, Zhang Heng came to the bed and gently woke them up.

Li Mu opened his eyes suddenly, and was shocked when he saw Zhang Heng.Looking forward, he suddenly saw Yang Guang, and then saw Empress Xiao beside Yang Guang, Li Mu was a little confused.

He clearly remembered that it was Empress Xiao who sat on his lap, and then he carried Empress Xiao to the bedroom by himself.In this way, the person lying next to him should be Empress Xiao, why is Empress Xiao standing beside Yang Guang now.

Li Mu turned his head to look at his side, and found that the one lying next to him was actually Princess Qionghua. At this time, she was waking up in a daze, and she was sitting on the phoenix collapse with her shoulders half exposed.

Li Mu is really confused now, what is going on in this plot, isn't the one who hugged him to bed Empress Xiao?Why is it Princess Qionghua who is lying on the bed now? Could it be that these are the two sisters-in-law?
Thinking about it, Li Mu couldn't help but see cold sweat on his forehead, although it was said that sleeping with Yang Guang's sister in Yang Guang's wife's bedroom was not as serious as sleeping with Yang Guang's daughter-in-law.However, this kind of behavior of getting on the bus first and then buying the ticket is somewhat embarrassing for the royal family.

At this time, Yang Guang stared at Li Mu, and Li Mu looked at Yang Guang.At this time, Li Mu didn't know what to say. The most important thing was that Li Mu hadn't figured out the situation until now.

There is no other way, just pretend to be stupid. Thinking of this, Li Mu simply stopped talking.

After a long stalemate, Yang Guang spoke first.

"Aiqing, what do you think we should do now?"

"How to do?"

While thinking, Li Mu looked at Princess Qionghua.She is indeed a beautiful woman who overwhelms the country and the city, what should I do, I will talk about it in the future!
"Brother Huang, I was the one who seduced the general first. If you want to punish, you can punish me." Princess Qionghua said first.

Hearing this, Yang Guang's expression changed.Yang Guangxin said, my sister, you are too disappointing.I'm forcing this kid to confess and make her responsible for you.Now you have taken the responsibility on yourself, what if this kid refuses to recognize him after eating it all up.

When Princess Qionghua said that she had seduced Li Mu, Empress Xiao's face turned red.It was someone who seduced Li Mu just now, but it was not Princess Qionghua, but her.

Li Mu is also a courageous man. Although he has not figured out the situation for the time being, he can't let Princess Qionghua, a weak woman, take the top of the tank for him.

"Your Majesty, Princess Qionghua and I are in love with each other." Li Mu said bravely.

Anyway, no matter whether they are in love with each other or not, it has to be said that they are in love with each other. As I said, with Princess Qionghua's appearance, any man is quite happy to be in love with him.

After hearing this, Yang Guang nodded immediately, and said to Li Mu: "Since this is the case, then I will not pursue this matter anymore. Tomorrow I will marry Princess Qionghua to you, and you must treat me well in the future." Royal sister."

Li Muxin said, from now on, I will definitely treat her well.Even though he was thinking this way in his heart, Li Mu still had to thank you quickly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yang Guang's gift of marriage was too swift, which made Li Mu hesitate.Couldn't it be Yang Guang, an old boy who went fishing to enforce the law, and sent his sister to his bed on purpose.

No, this is not right either, I clearly remember that it was Empress Xiao at the beginning, why did I take a half-time break and come on as a substitute?The more Li Mu thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he muttered.

Yang Guang took Empress Xiao and Zhang Heng out of the bedroom, and Li Mu and Princess Qionghua started dressing.When he was getting dressed, Li Mu deliberately observed that the bed was not red.

The royal family pays the most attention to face, and the royal women must be perfect before they get married.There was no redness on the bed, and Li Mu could conclude that absolutely nothing happened between him and Princess Qionghua.

"General, you have to be more careful, someone in the court will harm you." Before leaving, Princess Qionghua couldn't help reminding Li Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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