Chapter 225 Death is in vain.

At five o'clock, the sky will not be bright yet.

Daxing City, Yuwen Mansion.

Yuwen Shiji woke up in the study, shook his head, and suddenly became a little awake, and he also had a little impression of what happened last night.After leaving the study, Yuwen Shiji walked towards the bedroom, preparing to wake Wei Shikang up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Brother Wei, are you awake?" Yuwen Shiji called softly into the bedroom while knocking on the bedroom door.

After shouting several times towards the bedroom, there was no response.Yuwen Shiji couldn't help talking to himself: "This Wei Shikang really can't drink enough."

While muttering in his heart, Yuwen Shiji didn't knock on the door anymore, but stretched out his hand to push them away.Anyway, they are two big men, and there is nothing to shy away from.



Yuwen Shiji pushed towards the door of the bedroom, and the door hinge made a "creak" sound, and then opened.After seeing the situation in this room, Yuwen Shiji couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Teng! Teng! Teng!"


Yuwen Shiji retreated a few steps one after another, and then sat down on the ground.

At this time, Wei Shikang's body was hanging on the beam.His tongue was drooping, his eyes protruded, and his whole complexion was a purple color.

Wei Shikang had been drinking with him last night, but when he woke up this morning, the two of them were already separated, which made Yu Wenshiji not afraid.

Yuwen Shiji's exclamation alarmed all the servants and nurses in the mansion.When everyone saw Wei Shikang's body hanging from the beam, they couldn't help being shocked.

Wei Shikang was an official of the imperial court, and now he unexpectedly died in Yuwen Shiji's house for no apparent reason, how could he explain clearly.

"Quick, go and invite Master Cui and Master Su to come here." Yuwen Shiji hurriedly said to the servants in the mansion.

Cui Jin, Su Kui, Yuwen Shiji, and Wei Shikang, the four of them had the closest relationship. Now that Wei Shikang died, Yuwen Shiji immediately thought of Cui Jin and Su Kui.

About half an hour later, after Cui Jin and Su Kui got the news of Wei Shikang's death, they hurried towards Yuwen Shiji's residence.Not long after, Pei Shiyuan, Xue Daoheng and others rushed over.

At this time, in fact, everyone's psychology is quite hairy.They were the ones who discussed and plotted against Li Mu yesterday, if Wei Shikang died today, they might die next time.

When Xue Daoheng and Pei Shidi rushed over, at this time, the Ministry of Punishment's work had already finished inspecting the corpse.

"My lords, people were not hanged to death, they should have been strangled to death. First of all, with the height of the beam, it is impossible for a drunk person to hang the rope up. And from the filth on Mr. Wei's face Look, if you hang yourself, then the filth should be difficult to spew out."

"Therefore, it can be judged that Mr. Wei should have hanged the body on the beam after lying flat on the bed and being strangled to death." The work of the Ministry of Punishment analyzed it from an extremely professional perspective.

Hearing that Wei Shikang was killed by someone, everyone's expressions immediately turned ugly. Wei Shikang's death was beyond people's expectations.

You must know that the knife was presented by Yuwen Shiji. It stands to reason that if Li Mu took revenge, Yuwen Shiji should be the first to die.But now, why did they find Wei Shikang.

It's true that Wei Shikang came up with this idea, but when Wei Shikang came up with the idea, only those present knew about it.It was Wei Shikang who died now, not Yuwen Shiji, so it could be said that some of them had tipped off Li Mu.

After Wei Shikang's death, the members of these aristocratic families couldn't help feeling a little bit suspicious of each other.

"Yesterday, Mr. Wei drank too much and choked to death at night with the vomit. Please report the cause of Mr. Wei's death to the official department." Pei Shiyuan said to Cui Jin.

"Master Pei, what?" Cui Jin asked in confusion. Cui Jin couldn't figure out why Pei Shiyuan refused to write Wei Shikang's real cause of death.If Wei Shikang's death was attributed to an accident, then it would be tantamount to giving up the search for the murderer.

"listen to me."

"Do this first." Pei Shiyuan said coldly with a displeased expression on his face.

Pei Shiyuan was in a powerful family, so he also belonged to what he said.Since he said so, Cui Jin couldn't refute, so he nodded towards Wu Zuo.

The old foreman of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is also a sensible person who has won the essence of the workplace.Don't talk too much, don't ask too much, and do what the superior tells you to do.

Wu Zuo wrote down the cause of Wei Shikang's death. He drank too much alcohol last night, vomited and choked his throat, and died of suffocation.

After the writing was finished, Cui Jin ordered the case to be taken back to the Ministry of Punishment, stamped with the Ministry of Punishment's approval, and then handed over to the Ministry of Officials.

Wei Shikang was an official appointed by the imperial court, and he had an official position on his body. Since Wei Shikang was dead, it was not only a matter of the Ministry of Punishment, but also the Ministry of Officials.After all, Wei Shikang is dead, so someone has to take over this official position, right?

After disposing of Wei Shikang's body, these people from the powerful family came to the hall of Yuwen Shihe's residence.After everyone took their seats, Cui Jin turned to Pei Shiju and asked, "Master Pei, are we not going to find out who killed Master Wei?"


"Is there still a need to investigate this matter? It must have been done by the famous Li Mu. Such a general, such a half-bi king, he really can't take revenge overnight." Pei Shiyuan said coldly.


"Li Mu! Li Mu is not dead?" Everyone suddenly remembered this, and they were shocked.


"Not only did he not die, His Majesty already married Princess Qionghua and Li Mu this morning, and our plan has come to naught." Xue Daoheng said with a sigh.

"There must have been something wrong yesterday, Li Mu really deserved his life." Yuwen Shiji said with a bitter face.

"Since Li Mu is not dead, let's leave this matter for now."

"No one of us can mention Wei Shikang's death anymore, just treat it as an accident. Otherwise, if we get to the bottom of it, if what we did last night is involved, then Wei Shikang is not the only one who died." Pei Shiku gave instructions to everyone.

Everyone is not a fool, they naturally understand that since Li Mu is not dead, then their plan has gone wrong.And in this way, Li Mu has naturally noticed it.

Li Mu is not afraid if he is aware of it, if Yang Guang finds out that they have tampered with in Renshou Palace, I am afraid that when the time comes, it will be Yang Guang's thunderous wrath.

"What Mr. Pei said is that no one can mention this matter anymore." Su Kui and others echoed.

At this moment, everyone was flustered, and after not chatting for a long time, they each left.At this time, people from powerful families are in danger.Li Mu's subordinates were full of experts, they were afraid that they would end up in the same end as Wei Shikang.

(End of this chapter)

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