Chapter 228 One plan failed, but another one.

People from powerful and powerful families did not stand up to oppose, but scrambled to agree one by one, which made Yang Guang feel that the matter was not so simple.

In Yang Guang's opinion, the behavior of a powerful family can be described in four words as "I didn't hold my fart well".

But as long as the powerful families don't jump out to make trouble, then they must be suffocating behind this.However, since this problem has been raised, it must be solved after all.

Li Mu proposed to establish an East Turkic Protectorate in East Turkic, which is to turn Eastern Turkic from a country into a county in the Sui Dynasty.Then slowly assimilate the East Turks in all aspects of education and culture.

Everyone agreed on the establishment of the Eastern Turkic Protectorate, and then the establishment of official positions at all levels in the East Turkic Protectorate, and then it was to send someone there.

After Li Mu threw out his ideas, these were decided by the civil servants in the court, and after another full hour of discussion, the matter was finally settled.

After all the dust settled, Xue Daoheng stood up at this moment.Xue Daoheng came out, bowed his hands towards Yang Guang and said, "Your Majesty, since the political affairs have been finalized, let's finalize the military affairs as well!"

"East Turkic was initially established, and the people of the various tribes of Eastern Turkic will inevitably come back and forth. Therefore, I think that this Eastern Turkic Capital Protectorate will have to garrison heavy troops."

"East Turks, Taiyuan Mansion, and Beiping Mansion, this is a line from far to deep. Originally, Beiping Mansion was guarded by Luo Yi, King of Beiping, and Taiyuan Mansion was guarded by King Han. Now, it is better to combine the forces of these three places into one place." , led by one person."

Xue Daoheng is a veteran and a person who has experienced real killing on the battlefield, and this person is not a reckless man, he is extremely good at writing poems and is educated.

This suggestion made by Xue Daoheng is actually quite good. Why do you say that? Originally, the reason why Taiyuan Mansion and Beiping Mansion hoarded heavy troops was because this was the first line of defense against the Eastern and Western Turks.

However, now the Eastern Turks have been destroyed by Li Mu, and the Western Turks have also been beaten into cripples.This is tantamount to pushing out the strategic depth, so Taiyuan Mansion and Beiping Mansion are not as important as before.

After the importance of Taiyuan Prefecture and Hebeiping Prefecture has greatly diminished, the focus of defense has naturally moved to the Eastern Turkic Protectorate.Therefore, what Xue Daoheng said about combining these three defenses into one place is very reasonable.

Letting things go, now that we have reached this point, Yang Guang asked the ministers: "My dear ministers, who do you think I should send to be in charge of the defense of the three places?"

As soon as Yang Guang finished speaking, Su Kui came out and said, "Your Majesty, the Eastern Turkic Protectorate is an important place. We should send an invincible general from the Sui Dynasty to guard this place. From my point of view, since the Eastern Turks The Turks were brought down by the general, so as the saying goes, one thing should not bother the two masters, so the general should guard it.”

"Not bad! This matter must belong to the general."

"Yes, except for the general, no one can guard the Eastern Turks!"

All of a sudden, all the ministers of the aristocratic families in the court stood up and responded.

The aristocratic family thought to themselves, since I can't kill you Li Mu, then I have to fiddle with you Li Mu and go away.

The aristocratic family is trying to make another plan after failing to succeed. They originally wanted to use Yang Guang's knife to kill Li Mu but failed, but now they want to use this opportunity to get Li Mu to the grassland.

At this time, the aristocratic family simply regarded Li Mu as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. They would rather let Li Mu go to the frontier to become a prince with real power than stay in Daxing City.

Hearing this, Yang Guang's face immediately changed, Yang Guang thought, why didn't I say that the powerful family didn't make trouble just now, the feelings are waiting for him here.

Transferring Li Mu to East Turkic, how could Yang Guang do this kind of self-destruction of his own arm?

Yang Guang winked at Yu Wenhuaji. As Yang Guang's loyal dog, Yu Wenhuaji naturally understood what Yang Guang meant.Yu Wenhuaji knew that it was impossible for Yang Guang to let Li Mu take the East Turks anyway.

"Your Majesty, the general is the pillar of the country, and he should not be sent abroad easily. In my opinion, the person who guards the Eastern Turks has to be carefully considered." Yu Wenhua said, clasping his hands.

"Master Yuwen's words are right, you should choose someone else."

"How can the general move lightly, no, no." As soon as Yu Huahua and his side finished speaking, all the cronies under Yang Guang came out and said.

For a time, in the court, it was the public who said that the public was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right, and there were endless arguments between the elite faction and the royalist faction.At this time, no one in the court gave way to anyone, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a while.

"Hey!" Yang Lin, the backer king, stood up, cupped his hands towards Yang Guang and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to go to guard the East Turkic Capital Protectorate."

Among the generals of the Sui Dynasty, apart from Li Mu, the most prestigious was the backer Yang Lin, and it was at this time that the old prince Yang Lin took the initiative to stand up.

"My lord, at your age, how can you endure the years of wind and sand in the East Turks?" Su Kui advised with a seemingly good intention.

"I have never suffered any hardships or suffered any crimes in my life as a soldier. The wind and sand in the East Turks are nothing more than a trivial matter." Yang Lin, the backer king, said to Su Kui.

After Su Kui persuaded him, many ministers came forward to persuade him that the purpose of the aristocratic family was to send Li Mu to a remote place like East Turks, how could Yang Lin interfere with the good things.

A group of ministers from aristocratic families were advising, but Yang Guang stubbornly asked for orders to go to East Turkic.

Everyone saw that Yang Lin couldn't be persuaded no matter what. At this time, Pei Shiyuan shook his face and said coldly: "My lord, at your age, I'm afraid you won't be as brave as you used to be."

"Even if the rebellion of Yang Liang, king of the Han Dynasty, has not been quelled, the East Turks were brought down by the general. Now, the old prince wants to go to guard the capital of the East Turks. I am afraid that the people of the East Turks will not be able to obey you!" "

Pei Shiku's words were not pleasant to listen to, so when Pei Shiju finished speaking, the backer king Yang Lin's face became gloomy.

What Pei Shiku said clearly said that your backer Yang Lin is old, and now you can no longer suppress the Eastern Turks.

Yang Lin was ridiculed by Pei Shige's sarcasm, and his face turned livid.Yang Lin's face was ashen when Pei Shige pissed him off, but he couldn't say anything.

Yang Lin's battle was a bit embarrassing, he asked for orders to put down Han Wang Yang Liang's rebellion, but in the end he lost a big battle, it was only because of Li Mu's coming to the rescue that he saved his face.

Old Yang Lin was so stunned that he had nothing to say, and the court fell into a strange balance again.A powerful family cannot convince the imperial power faction, and it is also difficult for the imperial power faction to defeat the powerful family.

"Your Majesty, I would like to recommend someone. If this person can come out of the mountain, East Turkic will be as stable as Mount Tai." Li Mu cupped his hands and said to Yang Guang.

(End of this chapter)

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