Chapter 257 Qin Qiong: What about my family? ? ?

Qin Qiong had just entered the border of Shandong, but whenever he came across a county, these friends he didn't know, they had to stop him and invite him to have a drink.

Let's put it this way, Qin Qiong gained more than ten catties after eating all the way.Not to mention that Qin Qiong had gained more than ten catties, the yellow Puma under his crotch had lost more than ten catties.

What's the matter, the meat from the horse grows on Qin Qiong's body?
No, that's what happened.

When Qin Qiong came out from Daxing City, he brought 100 taels of gold with him as money.I was thinking about buying some jewelry and bracelets for my daughter-in-law and some silk and satin for my mother when I was on the road.

Along the way, Qin Qiong has a lot of jewelry bracelets, silk and satin, not only is there no shortage of 100 taels of gold, but it has become 500 taels of gold.

What's going on here?

Sell ​​things and get more money.

Qin Qiong was robbed, or else it was Pengci.

The thing is, Qin Qiong neither robbed nor touched porcelain.These jewelry bracelets, silk and satin are all gifts from friends.As for the extra 400 taels of gold, it was all given by others.

Qin Qiong didn't want it, but the point couldn't be stopped, don't let others force it.

The reason why the horse is thin is that it is tired from carrying so many things.

Qin Qiong ate all the way, drank all the way, took all the way, and finally arrived in Licheng County.

Now that Qin Qiong saw the city gate of Licheng County, his heart trembled, for fear that someone would drag him to drink in the city.The wine from the last meal has not sobered up to now, and it is thanks to the fact that he has a horse under his crotch, and he knows the way by himself.Otherwise, Qin Qiong would have to get lost.

Qin Qiong entered the city gate and found that there was no acquaintance near the city gate.Seeing this scene, Qin Qiong felt relieved.

Qin Qiong thought, hey, luckily there is no one.The news of my return probably hasn't reached Licheng County yet.

In fact, this has not been spread to Licheng County, it has been spread a long time ago.Why is there no one waiting at the gate of the city, they are all waiting at Qin Qiong's house.

Qin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried home.Qin Qiong hadn't seen his mother, wife and children for more than a year, and now he was looking forward to returning home.

"Da da da!"

The BMW under Qin Qiong's crotch moved its hooves, heading straight for Qin Qiong's house along the way.Qin Qiong didn't meet any acquaintances along the way, so he was relieved.

Then Qin Qiong would never meet any familiar or half-acquainted friends at this time, all of them were waiting at his house.

Qin Qiong rode a horse and came to the intersection in front of her house.Arriving here, Qin Qiong was completely dumbfounded.


Qin Qiong thought it was because he was still drunk, so he shook his head vigorously and looked intently.

Qin Qiong took a closer look, only to realize that he was not mistaken, it was all true in front of him.

"My home is gone?"

"Where did I go?"

Qin Qiong is completely dumbfounded now, the home he has lived in for decades is gone, and this house can still run with long legs.

Qin Qiong took a closer look again, his house was gone, the original location of his house, and even the four or five families around him were gone.The houses of these four or five families were all demolished, and now a large mansion has been erected.

Qin Qiong didn't know that this newly built mansion was Qin Qiong's home.Beiping Wang Luo Yi was defeated and captured, and was escorted to Daxing City.The biggest backer of Shandong Shuai Tangbi is considered to be down.

Tang Bi once worked for Fan Zigai, and he was afraid that Li Mu would trouble him in the future.The problem is that now Luo Yi's Beiping Mansion is also lost, and Tang Bi has nowhere to go.As the present said, Luo Yi himself was in danger, so how could he care about his apprentice.

If Luo Yi is still the powerful prince guarding Beiping Mansion, then everyone has to give Tang Bi some face.But now, this moment and that moment.Ever since Tang Bi heard about Luo Yi, he was in constant panic.

Tang Bi has two nephews, Tang Wanren and Tang Wanyi who helped Qin Qiong back then.Tang Wanren and Tang Wanyi knew about Tang Bi's worries, so they said to Tang Bi: "Uncle, Qin Qiong and Qin Shubao, the left general of the Tiance Army, that is a fateful friendship between us brothers. Second brother Qin has always been the most loyal, our brother The two of you are going to ask Second Brother Qin, when the time comes, you are looking for an opportunity to show your loyalty to the prince, and you can keep your official position."

When Tang Bi heard this, he thought that the relationship between his two nephews was very strong.

Tang Bi is also a person who is very good at bearding. Before Qin Qiong came back, Tang Bi came to Qin Qiong's house first.Without further ado, Qin Qiong's family will be given a house.

Qin Qiong is not at home, so it is Qin's mother who has the final say.Qin's mother also knew that her son became a high-ranking official, and the more he became an official, the more cautious he should be.How dare Qin's mother ask for Tang Bi's things, let alone a big house.

So, Qin's mother shied away from living in her old house, and she was afraid that she would not be able to get used to it in another place.

Who is Tang Bi? His eyelashes are empty. In order to shave Qin Qiong's beard, he used all means.

Qin's mother said that she was not used to changing places, so it was easy to handle.Tang Bi directly bought all the surrounding houses and built a big house for Mother Qin on the original site.In this way, Qin's mother has to live if she can't live.

Qin Qiong came to the gate of the house on horseback. His original intention was to ask where the original people in this place moved.

Qin Qiong came to the door and took a look, only to see the words "Qin Mansion" on the plaque on the door.Qin Qiong thought to himself, what a coincidence, the owner of this house is also surnamed Qin.

How did Qin Qiong know that he was the master of this house.

"Master, you're back!"

"Master is back!"

When Qin Qiong came to the gate of the mansion, he just stopped his horse.One of the two concierges at this door ran into the mansion as fast as he could, shouting as he ran.Another person walked towards Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong turned her head to look, and said to herself, the master of this family is back, let me ask him.Qin Qiong turned 360 degrees without any dead ends, and he didn't see anyone behind him.

"Sir, get off the horse."

"Can you give me this horse?" The porter came to Qin Qiong and said to Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong originally had no servants in his family, only his wife, children, parents and an elder brother, Qin An.These servants were all found by Tang Bi.

Qin Qiong didn't know these servants, but these servants knew him.When Tang Bi sent people here, he showed these people Qin Qiong's portrait, for fear that Qin Qiong would be neglected when he came back.Therefore, these servants are familiar with Qin Qiong's long-term thoughts.

When Qin Qiong saw this man calling him master, he immediately became happy.

"Why do you have to tease me, how can I, Qin Qiong, have such a magnificent house." Qin Qiong laughed.

"Yes, you didn't before."

"Now you have it! Master, get off your horse." The servant explained.

Qin Qiongxin said that this family is probably a gangster who knows that there are 500 taels of gold in my package and wants to lure me into the mansion and take my things.

Thinking of this, Qin Qiong was about to leave.At this time, I happened to see my elder brother Qin An coming out of the mansion.

Seeing Qin An, Qin Qiong was even more puzzled.Could this really be my home?Could it be that after I left, my family won the lottery.

Of course, there were no lottery tickets back then, that's what Qin Qiong thought, which meant that he picked up something valuable when he went out.Anyway, it means winning the lottery.

(End of this chapter)

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