Chapter 276: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Surrounded by people from Shaohua Mountain, Zhai Wenlong's heart trembled at this time. Now it is in their hands, and they have the final say on whether you live or die.

At this moment, Zhai Wenlong hated this kidnapper to death. If he hadn't been implicated by this grandson, they would not have fallen into the hands of Shaohua Mountain's people anyway.

Sitting on a chair, Chai Jin looked at Zhai Wenlong coldly, with a serious expression on his face, without the slightest smile on his face.

Zhai Wenlong was stunned for a while, and immediately smiled and said: "Master, you may have misunderstood, we are businessmen, serious businessmen."


"I don't care if you are businessmen or not, and I don't care if you are serious or not. I am asking you the last time, where did you come from, and who ordered you to do what you did?" Cai Jin said coldly.

"Master, we are really businessmen. We had some conflicts with this grandson in the inn a few days ago, and this grandson was chasing at random." Zhai Wenlong made up a lie.

Zhai Wenlong knew that he couldn't admit anything at this time. Once he admitted, he would definitely die without a place to bury him.

"I'll give you one last chance, are you really not going to say anything?" Chai Jin asked with a cold face.

After all, Chai Jin was a monk, and he was quite kind, so he didn't want to use torture if he could avoid it.After all, these bandits did not attack lightly or severely. If they were to be punished, they would have to be tortured to death.

"We are really businessmen, serious businessmen." Zhai Wenlong said firmly.

Chai Jin was slightly stunned for a moment, and Li Rusi said to Qi Guoyuan behind him: "The first head, the second head, these people will be handed over to you, as long as they don't die, you can do whatever you want."

After being intercepted and killed by people sent by Li Shimin, Zhai Rang was no longer that simple little monk after experiencing life and death.He handed him over to Qi Guoyuan and Li Rusi, and he wanted them to torture him.

The bandits in the Shandong area were the most mature bandits in the entire Sui Dynasty. It can be said that they even had a complete set of assembly-line procedures in their work style.The bandits in the Shandong border can even be said to be not bandits, which is a local characteristic of Shandong.

A mature industrial chain must be extremely mature in all aspects, such as dealing with traitors.

Let's put it this way, the unity of the bandits in Shandong far exceeds that of bandits anywhere.The element of loyalty only accounts for a small part, and more is the deterrence brought by the cruel punishment measures.

Chai Jin knew in his heart that these grandsons from other places would definitely not be able to bear this kind of punishment.Seeing these punishments, Chai Jin trembled in his heart.

In the dungeon of Shaohua Mountain, the "Zrazla" flame was burning in the brazier, but the flame didn't feel warm at all, instead it was as deep as a will-o'-the-wisp.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Let's have something to talk about!" Zhai Wenlong looked at the shirtless man in front of him, trembling in his heart.

"doing what?"

"The head of the family has ordered, if you can't let you speak today, I will take at least thirty lashes now."

"I'll serve you some appetizers first, I have to see if it's your hard mouth or my soldering iron." The shirtless man smiled coldly, the smile on his face was like a kid in hell.

While talking, the shirtless man picked up the red-hot iron from the brazier, and pressed it hard on Zhai Wenlong's abdomen.


"Ah!" Zhai Wenlong couldn't help roaring in pain.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

At the same time, wailing sounds continued to be heard from the cell next door, and the wailing sounds continued one after another. Obviously, it was not only Zhai Wenlong who was suffering now, but the brothers he brought were also tortured one by one.

Among these people, there was only one person who did not suffer, and that was Zhang Guaizi.At this time, Zhang Guaizi was being held alone in a cell. He shook his head and said, "Hey, I really don't know people. If you die, you must die. Before you die, you have to suffer."

Zhang Guaizi already knew his fate, death was inevitable.If he doesn't die, how can he deter other people on the mountain.In any case, the traitor must die.Fortunately, he was not subjected to such torture before his death.

Originally, Zhang Guaizi was dead, so he was a little flustered.But, that's the psychology of people. When you are miserable, if someone is worse than you, then you feel that you are not so miserable.

Soldering iron, whip, tiger stool.
After all these routine methods were used up, many of Zhai Wenlong's brothers had already confessed, but Zhai Wenlong himself was silent, unwilling to say a word.Needless to say, Zhai Wenlong is really tough.

But Zhai Wenlong's subordinates are all young people after all, so how much can they know.Whether or not Zhai Wenlong's mouth can be pried open is the most important thing.
"Still unwilling to say anything?" The shirtless man asked with a sinister smile.

After Zhai Wenlong was tortured all this time, his body could be said to be extremely weak. At this moment, he didn't even have any strength in his body.

Zhai Wenlong raised his head with difficulty, squinted his bloodshot eyes, and said weakly: "I'm really a businessman, a serious businessman."


"Hard bone, hard bone, I have a method that I haven't used for a long time, and I will use it for you today."

"If you can hold on, I will call you Lord." The shirtless man was even a little excited at this moment.

This method of the shirtless man has not been used against others for a long time.There is a complete set of procedures for this punishment, increasing the punishment one by one from light to heavy, and gradually overcoming the psychological defense of the person being punished.

The softies you meet on weekdays can't last this level at all, but now you finally meet Zhai Wenlong, a tough guy, and you can finally show your fists.

The shirtless man left for a moment, and then brought an empty iron basin.He first filled the iron basin with water, then set it up, and finally lit a fire under the iron basin. The fire was not big enough to heat the iron basin.

"Come on, push his feet in." The shirtless man waved his hand, and the two young men next to him came over and pressed Zhai Wenlong's feet firmly.

As soon as Zhai Wenlong's foot was put into the iron basin, the water in the basin was warm, neither cold nor hot, just enough to soak his feet.

Of course, Zhai Wenlong also knew that these people were not appointed to give him pedicures.If this is a pedicure, it must be done by a big girl. How can there be three big men giving a pedicure to a big man? Isn't this a man plus a man, and he is reluctant to be a man?
"You, you, what are you going to do?" Zhai Wenlong said nervously.

At this time, Zhai Wenlong was a fool, and he knew that these people must not hold their farts well, so he didn't know what punishment to use to torture himself?

"Come here to give you a big job." The shirtless man replied maliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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