Chapter 291 A powerful plan.

What Yang Guang said is true, if it is based on military strength.How can those little people in Goguryeo be compared with East Turks.The Eastern Turks were all subjugated and exterminated, and Goguryeo really had no right to jump in front of the Great Sui.

"Your Majesty, the general is not in the court now, and the court is now either some mediocre people, or some old and frail veterans!"

"At this time, if you send troops rashly, you may repeat the defeat of Taiyuan!" Yang Guang's voice had just finished when Pei Shiju stood up and said.

As soon as Pei Shiyuan said these words, Yang Lin, the king of the mountain, couldn't help it, and almost didn't jump out to scold his mother.He endured it, but he didn't have the nerve to speak.

Yang Lin suffered a disastrous defeat in Taiyuan City. It was Li Mu who sent troops to regain Taiyuan, wiped out Han Wang Yang Liang, and then destroyed the Eastern Turks.

Your backer, Yang Lin, the king of the mountain, lost the battle, but what Pei Shiku told the truth, how could Yang Lin refute it.

However, at this time, it wasn't just Yang Lin, the backer king, who was angry.All the generals in the hall were furious.

Pei Shiku was the one who capsized a ship with one blow, and offended all the generals in the dynasty over and over again.This is tantamount to saying that the destruction of the Eastern Turks is due to the general.It has nothing to do with the generals of the Manchu Dynasty.

In our Great Sui Dynasty, the only one who could win the battle was the general. These people were full of wine and food.The general is not in the court now, if you send these people there, you will definitely lose the battle.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, if this battle must be fought, then a general must be sent to be the commander!" Su Kui also said.

When Su Kui said this, it added fuel to the fire.All the generals in the court had red eyes and crooked noses.

The big guy thought to himself, oh!In our Great Sui Dynasty, only the generals could win battles. We people are all useless people, all of us are full of wine and food.What are we people doing, what can we eat, what can we eat?
"Your Majesty, the last general Zhang Xutuo invites you to fight!"

Zhang Xutuo has a strong temperament, how could he bear such cynicism from the civil servants, he stood up with his hands folded and said.

"Your Majesty, Pei Renji invites you to fight!" As soon as Zhang Xutuo's voice fell, Pei Renji also took the initiative to stand up.

In fact, there are actually quite a few generals who can fight in the Sui Dynasty.Today's veterans, such as Kai Sui Jiulao, are older, but although they are not as brave as they used to be when fighting, they are not much worse.

Among the generals who were in their prime, there were also Zhang Xutuo, Pei Renji and others.

Zhang Xutuo and Pei Renji's initiative to fight was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and all the generals knelt down to ask for a fight.

Seeing this scene, Pei Shiyuan couldn't help but nodded secretly. This was exactly what Pei Shiyuan and his powerful families wanted.

Do these aristocratic families really don't want Yang Guang to go to Goguryeo?Of course not, on the contrary they really wanted Yang Guang to send troops to Goguryeo.

However, there is one condition for Yang Guang to go to Goguryeo, that is, Li Mu cannot be allowed to go to war.It is well known in the world that Li Mu can fight, if Li Mu is allowed to lead the battle, how can this little Goguryeo be his opponent.

At that time, if Li Muping were to destroy Goguryeo, wouldn't it be that these aristocratic families would lose their status even more.

Yang Guang had to go to conquer Goguryeo, but Yang Guang could not win this battle, but Yang Guang had to lose it.In this way, if Yang Guang loses his troops in Goguryeo, his majesty will inevitably drop.

Today, the words of the aristocratic family are intended to stimulate these generals in the Manchu Dynasty and let them go to war.As a result, even if Yang Guang wanted to use Li Mu as his commander, he couldn't open his mouth now.

If Yang Guang still uses Li Mu as his commander at this time, it doesn't mean that the generals of the Sui Dynasty, except Li Mu, are all useless.

"General Zhang, General Pei, although you two are brave, at best, you two are only capable of charging into battle and ambush."

"If you talk about strategizing and winning thousands of miles away, the two of you may not be able to!"

"In the eyes of the veteran, it is better to call the general back to take command. You two can be under the general's command, leading the left and right sides!" The atmosphere in the court finally eased for a moment, and Xue Daoheng stood up again to add fuel.

Well, once these words come out, I can't bear it even in a good Qi Cultivation Kungfu.It's not that these generals are convinced by Li Mu, Li Mu has such a record, these generals are naturally convinced.However, the words of the ministers of these powerful and aristocratic families are really too irritating.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is willing to lead the battle!"

"The veteran is the commander in chief and leads the central army. Pei Renji is the veteran's general on the left, leading the troops on the left wing. Zhang Xutuo is the general on the right, leading the troops on the right wing."

"As long as the old minister has an army of 20, he will surely be able to destroy Goguryeo." The loyal and filial king Wu Jianzhang couldn't help it, and stood up and asked for command.

Wu Jianzhang, the loyal and filial king, is now Yang Guang's vanguard against the powerful family.

After Wu Jianzhang, the king of loyalty and filial piety, knew that he had been tricked by a powerful family, he would fight with the powerful family.Yang Guang is not only not tired of Wu Jianzhang now, but also uses him very much.

Although Wu Jianzhang, the king of loyalty and filial piety, is old, he has a strong body, so it is not uncommon to let him be in command.

In fact, Yang Guang's original intention was to use Li Mu as handsome, but at this time, he had already been selected by a powerful family.At this time, if Yang Guang were to use Li Mu as his commander, then according to the temper of the loyal and filial king Wu Jianzhang, he would have to crash to death on the Golden Palace.

"it is good!"

"Then King Zhongxiao was appointed as the Grand Marshal of Zhengdong, and he personally led an army of [-] in the middle. Pei Renji was the general of the left, and led an army of [-] on the left. Zhang Xutuo was the general of the right, and led an army of [-] on the right."

"As for this former army vanguard, I wonder who would recommend it to you dear friends?" After Yang Guang gave the order, he asked the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Pioneers are different from generals and marshals.A general is a tactical commander, a marshal is a strategic commander, and the vanguard only needs to be able to fight well.

"Your Majesty, my son Yu Wencheng can be a pioneer general!" Yu Wen Shiji recommended his own son.

There is nothing wrong with what Yuwen Shiji said. Yuwen Chengdu is the brave and invincible Tianbao general under Li Mu's command, and he can indeed fight.

"Your Majesty, I recommend a man named Jiang Song, who has the courage to be undeserved." Yang Lin, the backer king, stroked his beard and said.

These two are indeed very capable of fighting, but both of them are also under Li Mu's command.Now Li Mu has left him in Daxing City, so if they are used, it will be fine.

However, who will be the vanguard has to be decided by the generalissimo, Wu Jianzhang, the king of loyalty and filial piety.

"Your Majesty, this vanguard general needs no one else. Today, I, Wu Jianzhang, do not avoid relatives and recommend my son Wu Yunzhao and nephew Wu Tianxi as the chief and deputy vanguard officers." Wu Jianzhang said loudly.

Wu Jianzhang thought to himself, I can't use the general's people, if I use the general's people, even if I win, I won't be able to show my Wu Jianzhang's ability at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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