Chapter 302 Surprise attack crossing the river.

Regarding Wu Yunzhao's order, the side general and lieutenant general had no opinion.If they can't cross the river, then everything will stop. If they can cross the river, the next step is to attack Pyongyang.

From left to right, the cavalry can't play a key role, and it's no problem to slaughter a few hundred horses to solve the urgent need first.

Wu Yunzhao saw that the generals had no objections, so he ordered: "Make food at three o'clock, and cross the river at five o'clock. Let the brothers rest well first."

It's just getting dark now, and it's still early before the third watch. Wu Yunzhao ordered the brothers to rest first, and ordered the brothers in the head camp to start cooking at the third watch.After eating, it happened to be the fifth watch, and it was time for a surprise attack across the river.

After ordering the brothers below to rest well, Wu Yunzhao himself had no time to rest.Wu Yunzhao led a team of personal guards and began to patrol along the riverside.

This Xishui is not a small river ditch, a small stream or something.In later generations, this is called Datong River.This is a real big river. Even if you want to swim across the river during the dry season in winter, you have to take great risks.

Wu Yunzhao had to find a relatively flat place on the bank of the Weishui River, which was suitable for swimming across the river.

The third watch has just arrived.

The camp of the Sui army is here, and those gang leaders are busy.One by one is busy slaughtering horses, and you can't say that killing horses is random killing.

You have to pick up the transport materials first, that is, the rough horses pulling the carts to kill.Only when the number of dead horses is not enough can we kill those military horses.Even if you want to kill a military horse, you must first find those relatively old or injured military horses to kill.

Wu Yunzhao has a team of 3 horses, all of these soldiers are big-bellied men, and all of them can eat.In addition, there are several meals without food, and you may not be able to starve even if you slaughter these hundreds of horses.

This horse meat is not fried or fried, and it will definitely not be fried in any sugar color, but directly chop it and cook it in soup.Food in the army is not so particular.There is no such thing as perfect color, fragrance and taste, but as long as you can control your fullness, that's it.

In the middle of the night in the gang's camp, rice was made, and those who killed horses killed horses, those who boiled soup made soup, and those who steamed rice steamed rice.After the brothers in the head camp had cooked the meal, it was almost five watch.

At this time, the soldiers of the Sui Army in the camp also started to get up and eat. This meal of horse broth is so delicious for the brothers!
After a full meal, the soldiers of the Sui army lined up in the camp, ready to go.

I saw that Wu Yunzhao was standing on the commanding platform, inspecting the generals of the Sui army.Wu Yunzhao thought to himself, this is my son of the Han family, how can a mere Korean barbarian be able to compare.

Wu Yunzhao took a deep breath and shouted, "Where is Wu Tianxi?"

"The last general is here!" Wu Tianxi yelled and stepped out.

"You are ordered to lead three thousand troops to land on the beach, you are sure." Wu Yunzhao asked.

"The last general takes orders. If important matters are delayed, I, Wu Tianxi, will come to see you." Wu Tianxi shouted loudly, and retreated under the order.

Swimming across the Xishui is an extremely dangerous task, and the leading soldiers and horses are even more dangerous.The people of Goguryeo are not fools. If you forcefully cross the river, they will definitely hit you halfway.

Therefore, this first team crossing the river must be the most dangerous.In the final analysis, what Wu Tianxi did was the work of death squads.

After Wu Tianxi and his 3000 troops successfully landed and established a foothold by the river, even if it was only a handful of places, the team crossing the river behind would be safe.

As the saying goes, brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle.Wu Yunzhao could only entrust such a difficult task to his brothers.

Fortunately, Wu Tianxi is also a tough guy with responsibility, he patted his chest and made a military order, promising that he can swim successfully.

It can be said that the success of swimming across the Xishui this time depends on Wu Tianxi with a [-]% to [-]% chance.If Wu Tianxi fought well in this first battle, there was an [-]% chance that they would be able to swim across the river.

After Wu Yunzhao assigned tasks to Wu Tianxi, he then began to assign tasks to these partial lieutenants one by one.

This is a full [-] soldiers and horses, you can't say that all of them swam across the river like dumplings.You score primary and secondary, and cross the river in batches.

Wu Tianxi's [-] soldiers and horses were the first batch to cross the river, and Wu Yunzhao made arrangements for the subsequent batches.

After the tasks were assigned, Wu Tianxi rushed to the pre-selected place to cross the river with [-] soldiers and horses.

Although winter is a dry season, this is a big river after all, not a small river.When crossing the river in this season, life and death can be said to be the fate of each.

On the banks of the Weishui River, Wu Tianxi took off his armor and was shirtless, with a rope on his shoulders.

"You guys, let me cross the river together first. After pulling up the rope along the river, the rest of the brothers will cross the river." Wu Tianxi selected some brothers with excellent water skills and said.

Even in the dry season of winter, if you want to cross the river with your bare hands, it is life and death.Moreover, there is another biggest problem for Wu Tianxi and the others.That is the undercurrent surging in the river. If he crosses the river with his bare hands, these people under him will inevitably be washed away by the river.

If these 3000 people were scattered along the river, it would be nothing.Therefore, Wu Tianxi decided to take someone to pull the rope on the river first.Then, let the brothers behind climb the rope and cross the river.

In this way, it can not only save energy for the brothers crossing the river, but also prevent these people from being scattered by the undercurrent in the river.

"General, let me take someone there!" The deputy general hurriedly said to Wu Tianxi.

They crossed the river quietly with a few people. Although the target was small, it was not easy to be spotted by the Korean soldiers on the other side.However, once it is discovered, it can be said that it is certain to die.

Wu Tianxi is the nephew of Wu Jianzhang, the loyal and filial king. How could he be allowed to take risks? Wu Tianxi's deputy hurriedly invited him.

However, Wu Tianxi is not only bold, he is also stubborn. You can't pull back the things Wu Tianxi decides, even eight cows.

"In this battle, I, Wu Tianxi, issued a military order. If I, Wu Tianxi, are not the first, who will be the first!"

"If I can't cross this river today, I, Wu Tianxi, will definitely commit suicide before I cross this river. Don't talk too much, I will take people there myself."

"When you see the rope collapse, I, Wu Tianxi, have already landed. Don't hesitate to swim and land immediately." Wu Tianxi shouted.

As the saying goes, if a soldier loves one, he will love a nest.This general is the courage of the soldiers, what kind of general is like, the soldiers under his command must be like also.

Today, Wu Tianxi's army has the will to die, and the soldiers have no greed for life.

Wu Tianxi took the lead and jumped into the Xishui with the rope on his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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