Chapter 325 The tragic decisive battle.

"This gang of barbarians is really fighting more and more!" Pei Renji sighed as he looked at the Goguryeo lineup in the distance.

There is nothing wrong with what you said, the more people fighting Goguryeo in this battle, the more people there will be.After all, the Sui army was fighting deep into Goguryeo's territory, and these Goguryeo soldiers can be said to be gathering all the time.

"General, give orders, we will fight as you say!" Lai Hu'er said solemnly.

Lai Hu'er was the first to rescue Wu Jianzhang, so these three soldiers and horses also belonged to his men who suffered the most casualties.Although the casualties were heavy, Lai Huer didn't show any timidity at all.

How to fight this battle is a matter of learning. With less than 10 people, it is a headache to fight Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla against the coalition forces of more than [-].

If you fight more with less, you have to fight fast and fiercely.Destroy the enemy army with the fastest speed, as long as the main force of the enemy army can be defeated with the fastest speed, and the enemy army is defeated, then the Sui army will be regarded as a victory.

But once the fighting time is long and the strength of the Sui army is exhausted, it will be difficult to win at that time.

"Pei Renji, lead the troops of your headquarters to charge from the front and charge straight to the Goguryeo camp." Li Mu ordered.

"Order!" Pei Renji accepted the order.

Among the three troops, Pei Renji lost the most troops, and with the third son Pei Yuanqing as the vanguard, Pei Renji's army was undoubtedly the strongest.

Pei Renji was the strongest, so naturally he had to be responsible for attacking the front line of defense where the pressure was the highest.

"Zhang Xutuo, you are in charge of attacking Silla on the left. Come to Huer, you attack Baekje on the right. Remember, after you two break through the defense of Silla and Baekje, don't worry about Silla and Baekje. I stormed Goguryeo from the side."

"We will advance or not retreat in this battle, regardless of other things. In short, the three of you will fight against Goguryeo. You must fight Goguryeo so that I will be scared and terrified!" Li Mu ordered.

Li Yan is completely using the way junior high school students used to fight in groups in his previous life. When the enemy is outnumbered, a group of people beats you, and you don't care about the others. Just catch the leader and beat him to death.

The combat effectiveness of soldiers in Silla and Baekje was very low, far inferior to the Goguryeo army.As long as Goguryeo collapses, Silla and Baekje will naturally also collapse.

Soon, it was dark.


"Kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

Shouts of killing life sounded, and Pei Renji launched the attack first, followed by Lai Huer and Zhang Xutuo on the left and right flanks also launched a fierce attack.

"The Sui army is going to get serious!"

"However, this is probably the last attack of the Sui army. After this attack, the Sui army may have no spare power!" On the Goguryeo side, Ulji Wendeok said while looking at the front line.

After all, this is their home field. The Goguryeo people are fighting more and more, but the soldiers of the Sui army are fighting less and less.Now that the battle has been fought, the Sui army has almost no power to continue.

After a while, the soldiers from both sides collided.

Among Pei Renji, Zhang Xutuo, and the three generals who came to protect the children, Pei Renji was under the greatest pressure.Because, among the 30 troops of Goguryeo, the most powerful one is the frontal Goguryeo army.

The soldiers of Silla and Baekje are not even soldiers. To say they are soldiers is to praise them. It is better to say that they are savages than soldiers.

At this time, the role of a peerless fierce general will be revealed.On the frontal battlefield, the third son of the Silver Hammer Taibao can be said to be invincible.

This pair of gossip plum blossoms and bright silver hammers are wielding like two hot wheels, but all the enemies standing in front of Pei Yuanqing are not his one-on-one enemies.

"Give it to your third grandpa!"

Pei Renji was in full swing, the silver hammer in his hand was already stained with blood, and the silver armor on his body was also stained with blood.

Pei Renji is the third eldest in the family, and outsiders call him the third son Pei, so Pei Renji calls himself the third grandfather of your family.

Where have these soldiers of Goguryeo seen such a powerful warrior?The kid in front of him is simply not human, I'm afraid Shura who came out of hell is nothing more than that.

There was a fierce duel on the battlefield. At the beginning, the Sui army's attack was very violent, but gradually, it was inevitable that they would fall into the sea of ​​people.

With 40 soldiers and horses against [-] soldiers and horses, this is after all an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength. Although the Sui Army's early offensive was very violent, after all, the soldiers of the Sui Army are people, not machines.Since we are human beings, there must be times when we are exhausted.

"What is the general waiting for?" Pei Renji muttered to himself, covered in blood, looking at the surrounded soldiers of the Sui army on the battlefield.

Since Li Mu told them that his soldiers and horses had arrived, it was naturally impossible to deceive them, but why was there still no one?If the fight continues, the soldiers and horses in the hands of the three of them will not be able to hold on.

"Forget it, as a soldier of the Sui Dynasty, he should die on the battlefield, so why not be afraid of me coming to protect my son."

"Brothers, we navy officers and soldiers must not lose face to Tai Sui, even if we are the last one standing, we cannot take half a step back!"

"I'll stand at the front, brothers, kill me!" Lai Huer raised the spear in his hand and shouted.

Lai Hu'er was the first one to come. He was beaten by Ulchi Wendeok together with Wu Yunzhao at the beginning, and his force was originally the smallest.In addition, most of them are navy troops, and the Sui army is also the weakest in the battle.

Ulchi Wende is such a smart person, Li Mu knew that he ordered the three of them to pinch Ulchi Wende to beat him, and Ulchi Wende also knew that the persimmons had to be picked softly.

Pei Renji, Lai Huer and Zhang Xutuo, the three soldiers who lost to Lai Huer had the least troops and the weakest combat effectiveness.Therefore, Ulchi Wende naturally had to fight according to Lai Huer.

This battle has been fought for nearly two hours. It can be said that the battlefield has entered a feverish stage.Now, there are only more than ten thousand soldiers and horses under Lai Hu'er.

In half an hour, at most after half an hour, the entire army of Lai Hu'er would be wiped out.

The situation on Lai Hu'er's side is not good, and Pei Renji and Zhang Xutuo's side are only slightly better.

In the camp of the Sui Army, Li Mu watched the battle from afar.Today, the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms have surrounded the Sui Army. This time can be said to be a time of high concentration of troops.

Li Mu was waiting for this moment, and the trump card in his hand was Tiger Guard.Although the Tiger Guards are powerful, they only have 3000 people.

The purpose of Li Mu letting Pei Renji and the others attack was to entangle the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.Only in this way can Tiger Guard have room to play.

If not, the 40 Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms are running all over the mountains and plains, how will the three thousand tiger guards catch them.Let alone 40 pigs, even 40 pigs, you have to catch 3000 pigs for several days.

(End of this chapter)

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