Chapter 333 Catch witnesses.

In the big car shop, Sun Erhang drank in big bowls and ate meat, and finally felt a little more comfortable.These days, his spirit is in a state of high tension, for fear of being found by someone from a powerful family.

Sun Erhang has done things for Pei Shiyuan for many years, and he understands Pei Shiyuan's temperament very well.But if he showed his whereabouts and was caught by someone from a powerful family, it must be a dead word.

For Sun Erhang, there is still a glimmer of life in running, and if he doesn't run, he can only wait to die in the mansion.But if there is even the slightest sign of something wrong, Pei Shiku will take his life.

Although Sun Erhang was drinking and eating meat, he never took off his burden.Among the burdens are all the belongings he has saved over the years.As long as he can find a stable place, these possessions are enough for him to become a rich man.

After eating and drinking enough, Sun Erhang asked for a separate room and planned to rest in the cart shop for the time being.

When it was midnight, they suddenly heard a commotion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Government, arrest the strong man, open the door quickly." There was a sound of slamming the door, and Sun Erhang was awakened from his dream immediately.

As soon as he heard that it was someone from the government, the shopkeeper, who had been resting for a long time, hurried to open the door.

At this time, Sun Erhang was already in a cold sweat.Pei Shiku was really vicious, and he actually used official power in order to take his life.

This Great Sui is not so much the Great Sui of the royal family, but rather the Great Sui of the aristocratic family.Almost all the prefectures and counties in the major prefectures and counties of the Sui Dynasty were former students and former officials of these aristocratic families.

The royal family is in charge of military power, and the aristocratic family is in charge of the political power. This allows the aristocratic family and the royal family to achieve an ingenious balance.

Pei Shiyuan made such a big commotion, could Yang Guang not know that Pei Shiyuan was behind the scenes?Of course he knew, but there was no conclusive evidence, even Yang Guang couldn't touch Pei Shiyuan.

For an important official like Pei Shiku, if Yang Guang wanted to kill or arrest him, it had to be both reasonable and legal.Otherwise, if Yang Guang moved Pei Shiyuan today, that official of the Manchu Dynasty whose name is Great Sui would dare to kick you.

When the old master Yang Jian was in power, he wanted to hold the imperial examination. The purpose of the imperial examination was to select talents from the people to replace the powerful families.However, in the end, they were still controlled by the elites, and a system of prosecution was established.

Today, in order to catch Sun Erhang, Pei Shiku has already mobilized the police and squad leaders in the cities, prefectures and counties of various prefectures, and now all the major forces in the world are arresting Sun Erhang.Of course, they charged Sun Erhang with murder and absconding.

This Pei Shiyuan was not arrogant.He is now betting that he can kill Sun Erhang first, as long as he kills Sun Erhang, then there will be no worries.

When Sun Erhang saw the people from the government coming, he was startled and secretly said something was wrong.After a dark sigh, Sun Erhang picked up the Zen stick, carried the bag on his back, and quietly left from the backyard over the wall.

Just as Sun Erhang left, the people from the government had already gone upstairs to investigate.This big car shop is all Datong shops, so it is convenient to check.

The people from the government entered the bedroom, woke up the coolies who were sleeping soundly, and began to investigate one by one.

"Head, no!" A yamen servant took the portraits and checked them one by one.

At this time, the shopkeeper glanced at the portrait and felt that the person in the portrait looked familiar, so he said without hesitation: "Hey, this one is somewhat similar to the master upstairs."

"Master, what master?" The head of the arresting team hurriedly asked.

"A monk, a wealthy monk who drinks and eats meat, doesn't look like a serious monk." The shopkeeper said.

"Quick, take me to have a look." The head of the police squad immediately noticed something unusual and said immediately.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Master, are you asleep?"

The shopkeeper took the policemen upstairs, but no one answered the knock on the door for a while.


"No one." The policemen kicked the door open, and when they entered the room, there was no one in the room.

"Head, the window is open."

"People probably ran away from the backyard!" A policeman said, pointing to the window.

"Quick, chase me, it's him." A group of arresters hurried out of the big car shop and chased after him in the direction of the backyard.

How could a man with two legs like Sun Erhang outrun a horse with four legs?Before he ran very far, he was blocked by this group of police officers.

"The fugitive Sun Erhang, where are you fleeing to!" A group of arresters rushed forward and blocked Sun Erhang's way.

When Sun Erhang saw these dozen or so arresters, he thought to himself, I will die.

"Hey, what kind of fugitive fugitive!"

"You lackeys of the upper class, if you are sensible, don't meddle in your own business." Sun Erhang said holding up the Zen stick in his hand.

At this time, the dozen or so policemen were also worried.Sun Erhang's glaring look is like the statue of Wei Tuo in the temple.These arrests are all the skills of three-legged cats. If you encounter a murderer, even if there are many of them, it is not enough.

From the perspective of the present, the salaries of these fast arresters are only a dozen or so taels a month, so it is really not worth risking their lives.

These arresters were uneasy, and Sun Erhang was also uneasy.He knows his own business because of his own family, don't look at other people's tall and powerful, it looks like he is very powerful.In fact, he had been a rascal before.Although he has a lot of strength, his martial arts are also sparse and ordinary.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, there was a sound of "rumbling, rumbling" and the sound of horseshoes, and thousands of cavalry rushed out of the dark space in the distance.The leader of the cavalry was none other than Hou Junji.

"Sun Erhang, right?" Hou Junji glanced at the monk in front of him and asked.

These thousands of cavalry surrounded Sun Erhang and the arresters. Now unless they can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, they will definitely not be able to escape.

"Damn it, what the hell did this grandson do?"

Sun Erhang was a bachelor when he arrived, and when he saw Hou Junji and these thousands of cavalry, he knew that he would not be able to leave this time no matter what.

Now the world is really big, there is no place for him.Whether it's a powerful family or someone from the royal family, everyone is looking for him.

"May I ask which general under the general's command?" Sun Erhang asked Hou Junji.

"It's just a nobody under the general's command, Hou Junji." Hou Junji responded.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Sun Erhang dropped the Zen stick in his hand, and took the initiative to catch him with nothing.

Sun Erhang also weighed it clearly in his heart, if he was caught by someone from a powerful family, he would die immediately.If it fell into Li Mu's hands, at least he would have to wait for the matter to be clarified before killing him.Among them, if there is time to move around, there may be hope for life.

(End of this chapter)

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