Chapter 34 I want to build a Sui tank.

Yang Guang's trust in Li Mu is beyond doubt.If Yang Guang didn't trust Li Mu, he wouldn't have handed over all the troops in Daxing City to Li Mu, nor would he have set up the official position of General Tiance for Li Mu.

General Tiance General Yang Guang has no rank, he just said that he is bigger than the biggest general in the military profession.It can even be said that Li Mu, the chief strategist, is a top-notch general. If Yang Guang is willing, this official can be even greater than a prince like the backer king.

Yang Guang's ability to seal Li Mu in this way shows his absolute trust in Li Mu.However, as the saying goes, if you are not in charge of a family, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Now that you are in such a position, Yang Guang knows what it means to be too cold at a high place.

At this time, Yang Guang had great ambitions, and he wanted to become a unique emperor like the first emperor.However, if you want to become that kind of emperor, the first thing you need to do is to be a powerful person.

The problem of aristocratic families, since the fall of the Jin Dynasty, to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and to the Great Sui Dynasty, for hundreds of years, no one has solved the problem of aristocratic families.

When Yang Jian first ascended the throne and sat in the palace, he was also full of ambitions to solve the problem of aristocrats, but later Yang Jian discovered that after hundreds of years of hard work, the aristocratic family has been deeply rooted in the imperial power like a towering tree.

Just like a towering tree, what you see is only what he leaked out.As high as he leaks out, so deep is his rhizome.

The aristocratic family is rooted in the imperial power like this. Yang Jian once tried to uproot the aristocratic family, but later he found that if he insisted on solving the aristocratic family, then it is very likely that the aristocratic family will solve him first.

What Yang Jian was like back then is the same as Yang Guang now. Yang Guang wants to do what his father Yang Jian didn't do.

Solve the aristocratic family, and get rid of this parasite that lives on the imperial power and sucks blood. Only in this way can the Sui Dynasty flourish more, and Yang Guang can also become an emperor through the ages like the first emperor.

Yang Guang had just succeeded to the throne, and it was still too early to compete with powerful families in the future.However, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which is in charge of the money and grain of the Sui Dynasty, is in the hands of aristocratic families.That day, Fan Zigai dared to card Yang Guang once in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and he could card Yang Guang countless times.

At this time, Yang Guang also understood that the only thing he could use freely was the palace treasury left to him by his father Yang Jian.The internal treasury is no better than the household department, which has income every year, while the internal treasury was saved by Yang Jian little by little.

The 80 taels of gold that Li Mu asked for was too much, so much that Yang Guang couldn't make up his mind, so he kept asking.

The previous expenses mentioned by Li Mu are reasonable in Yang Guang's view. Since they are reasonable, he will pay them.Now Yang Guang is curious about what it is that needs to use 36 taels of gold at a time.

"Your Majesty, I want to build ten chariots for Mang Niuwei. The cost of each of these ten chariots is 6000 taels, and ten are exactly 36 taels of gold." Li Mu said solemnly.

Chariots, this is the most used thing in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.However, since the Qin and Han Dynasties, cavalry has replaced chariot soldiers, making chariot soldiers something like chicken ribs.There are also chariots in the Great Sui Army now, but most of them are ceremonial vehicles, used to support the facade.

Yang Guang didn't understand why Li Mu wanted to build a chariot, something that had been eliminated by the times, and he didn't even understand that what kind of chariot cost 6000 taels of gold, even if it cost 36 taels of gold to build ten chariots. Not more than [-] taels of gold.

"Your Majesty, my chariot is different from other chariots. The cost of a chariot is only 6000 taels." Li Mu said solemnly.

When Li Mu said this, Yang Guang became even more curious, and looked at Li Mu with a puzzled expression.

At this time, Yang Guang's expression responded to that sentence: "No picture, no picture, tell me a few words."

Li Mu took out a blueprint from his pocket. This blueprint was obtained from Mang Niuwei's military training method of the 12th Yuan Chenwei.

The blueprint was unfolded, and it was as big as the desk in Yang Guangyu's study. It was spread on the desk, and even the four corners were still hanging out.

The drawings are very complicated, and the manufacturing methods of each structure are recorded. Of course, Yang Guang can't understand this thing.Yang Guang saw at the end, this is the drawing of the chariot after it was completed.

After reading the blueprint, Yang Guang looked at Li Mu with an expression of "I read a lot of tm, but you are always fooling me."

Yang Guangxin said, you call this thing a chariot, but this thing is obviously an iron bull without legs.

Why does Yang Guang think that this is an iron bull without legs, because this thing is a big iron bull, and the original four legs are replaced by a kind of iron-covered millstone.

What Yang Guang thinks of this iron-covered millstone is actually something similar to tank tracks in later generations.

The ten chariots that Li Mu wanted to build were the tanks of the Sui Dynasty.The 650 mangniu guards were divided into ten teams, each team had 360 five people, and each team had one chariot.The battle formations are formed with chariots, and the soldiers charge with the chariots.This is, the step-tan cooperation of the Sui era.

From Yang Guang's expression, Li Mu could tell that Yang Guang didn't understand, so Li Mu walked up to Yang Guang and explained it to Yang Guang in detail.

"Your Majesty, this kind of chariot is called a mang ox cart. Look at the one under it, which is called a track. With this track, although it does not say that it can go up the mountain and go to the sea, it is like a track on any rough and rugged road. flat land."

"The ox cart is three feet three feet long, one foot three feet high, and one foot three feet wide. There are organs in the abdomen, and 65 people can be hidden in the abdomen. Among the 65 people, 60 people are responsible for stepping on the pedals to provide power for the bullock. One person is responsible for Control and release, one person is in charge of looking out, and the other three are in charge of controlling the weapons."

Li Mu pointed to the various parts of the mang ox cart and explained it to Yang Guang in detail.

The height of this bullock cart is nearly ten meters, and the height and width are more than three meters. This is a huge monster that requires a full 65 people to control.

"Aiqing, this thing can really move. If it can move, wouldn't it kill countless people on the battlefield?" Yang Guang was shocked.

After Li Mu's explanation, Yang Guang already felt that this thing was worth 6000 taels of gold.

As soon as Yang Guang said this, Li Mu immediately gave Yang Guang a look of disgust.

Li Mu thought: "Old Yang, your vision is a bit out of date? I have made all these things, and you tell me that killing the enemy depends on driving? Then I will make some iron millstones, so that people can push them from behind. How about that? The wheel of the thing is faster."

Obviously, at this time, Yang Guang's imagination has been limited by poverty.

(ps: I updated all night tonight. I drank too much yesterday, from [-]:[-] p.m. Book.)
(Also, that buddy who said I can’t drink? You questioned my drinking capacity, which made me feel extremely humiliated. After I become a great god, I will invite you to drink. I have to let you know what a catty of liquor is. Half, pour beer as you like. We Peixian people have never been cowardly when it comes to drinking, I have to let you know, know, what it means to drink on both sides of the Yellow River but not in Peixian County.)
(End of this chapter)

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