Chapter 343 discretion.

Daxing City.

The ministers of these aristocratic families returned to their own houses, and then called their confidantes to prepare.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, not to mention that there are too many properties in the city of powerful families, and too many people rely on them for food.It is not difficult for them to gather enough people in a short period of time.

Daxing City, Shimen Mountain Barracks.

Since Pei Shiku was wiped out, the powerful family captured Sun Erhang, and they went to the Changping Palace to question their crimes.

The whole process was under Hou Junji's surveillance all the time, but Hou Junji didn't know whether the powerful family had any evidence.

Therefore, just to be on the safe side, Hou Junji did not rashly send troops to maintain stability, but sent people to keep an eye on these people from the powerful family.

Although Kai Sui Jiu Lao wiped out Pei Shiji's entire family, this incident seems to be very relieved.However, Pei Shiyuan is not an ordinary person, even among the aristocratic families, the Pei family of Hedong belongs to the upper class.

Pei Shiyuan's whole family was wiped out, this is going to cause a big event, and if something goes wrong, it may cause a chain reaction.

Li Mu stayed with Hou Junji precisely because Hou Junji had a shrewd spirit, and he was very suitable for handling such matters.

In the entire Shimenshan barracks, the soldiers and horses of the four prefectures are in a highly tense state of preparation. Once the situation in the city becomes uncontrollable, the army must enter the city as soon as possible to maintain stability.

Standing in the large tent of the Chinese army, Hou Junji asked the banner officer beside him, "What's the situation in the city now?"

"Report to the general, the city is still safe now. The powerful family has not caused any trouble, and they are distributing money to the people." The banner officer is in charge of reporting.

"What, giving money to the common people?" Hou Junji asked hesitantly.

At this time, the powerful family is not thinking about how to take revenge, but instead is giving money to the common people. Something is wrong with this situation?
As the saying goes, when something is abnormal, there must be a demon.The aristocratic family can't wait to squeeze the people out, so how can they send money to the people for no reason?There must be something odd about it.

"Continue to send more people, and keep an eye on them. Once there is anything, report it immediately." Hou Junji frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

However, just like the aristocratic family did not expect that Kai Sui Jiulao would dare to destroy Pei Shiji's entire family, Hou Junji also did not expect that the aristocratic family would dare to cause riots in Daxing City.

At the same time, all the big and powerful families are gathering people in the city.

The people recruited by the powerful family are almost all ordinary people.These common people were either working in the shops of powerful families, or they were some rascals who wandered in the streets.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, and if the aristocratic family wants these people to do these hard work for them, it will cost a lot of money.

Tonight, it can be said that these aristocratic families have invested a lot of money. Where are the real money distributed, but anyone who participates in the operation can receive a share.Even, for Gao Yan and others, the price is clearly marked.

In fact, these people don't really want to make trouble. Most of them just want to show their face and want to get a benefit.

However, after the number of people increased, this nature changed. In addition to the crowd, from time to time there were some people with ulterior motives who were instigating.

After the money was distributed, these people began to gather from all directions and surrounded the mansion of Changping King Qiu Rui.

Daxing City.

Shimen Mountain Barracks.

"General Hou"

"General Hou, something is wrong, the people rioted, the people rioted, and surrounded the mansion of King Changping." At this time, a flag officer hurriedly came to report.

Upon hearing this, Hou Junji's complexion also changed.It has to be said that the means of these aristocratic families are indeed insidious enough.

If the people rioted, there must be hidden killers among the people. Once the people were allowed to rush into the mansion of Changping King Qiu Rui, these veteran officials of the Sui Dynasty might lose their lives.

However, this matter is also very difficult for Hou Junji to handle now.If the aristocratic family summoned their servants to seek revenge on Gao Yan and others, then this matter would be easy to handle.Hou Junji's army arrived, and he just suppressed it directly.

But now the people are involved in the matter, after this army enters the city, it is impossible to massacre the people.

"Quickly, send someone to notify His Majesty!" Hou Junji ordered the bannerman to enter the palace.

It's beyond the scope of Hou Junji's right to do something to the common people.At this time, Li Mu was not in Daxing City, so Hou Junji could only go to Yang Guang to ask for his order.

After ordering people to go to the palace to ask for an order, Hou Junji hurriedly said to Jiang Song: "Coach Jiang, please take a team of troops to Changping Palace first, and lead people to protect the palace first."

"I'll take a pair of soldiers and horses to find Xue Daoheng. I want to see if this powerful family is really lawless."

All of a sudden, the soldiers and horses in the Shimenshan camp moved together, Hou Junji and Jiang Song split up.

Daxing City.

Royal Palace.

Yang Guang had already rested in the middle of the night, and the people sent by Hou Junji went to see Zhang Heng first. Zhang Heng was almost shocked when he heard that the matter had developed to this point, and hurriedly brought someone to see Yang Guang.

After the flag officer saw Yang Guang, he quickly reported to Yang Guang what happened tonight. When Yang Guang heard that it might be the time when the Nine Elders of the Sui Dynasty wiped out Pei Shiji, he just wanted to yell out. .

Immediately afterwards, Yang Guang's face turned green with anger when he heard that the aristocratic family urged the people to surround the Changping Palace.

"Stupidity, really stupidity."

"A group of fools, there is really no distinction between good and bad." Yang Guang cursed angrily.

In the imperial court today, why Yang Guang could not cure Pei Shidi of his crime was because Qiqi, a powerful family, threatened to resign from office.Once these ministers from powerful families resign in large numbers, the world will inevitably be in chaos.At that time, it will be the common people who will be most affected.

It was for the common people of the world that Gao Yan and the others took a step back in the court today.But what about today?These common people actually helped the aristocratic family to deal with Gao Yan and the others.

The ancient people, I have to say, were very ignorant and ignorant.

"Your Majesty, General Hou asks for orders on how to treat these people who participated in the riot." The flag officer asked Yang Guang.

At this time, in Yang Guang's heart, he wished to kill all these foolish people who helped the evildoers.But Yang Guang knew that he couldn't do this.Once the soldiers were allowed to slaughter the common people, Yang Guang's reputation would be completely rotten.

Yang Guang thought for a moment, and said to the flag officer: "Order General Hou to deal with it as appropriate."

Discretion, what is discretion, these four words contain the profoundness of Chinese culture.

Discretionary handling of these four words means that Yang Guang has delegated power to Hou Junji, and he decides how to deal with Hou Junji.However, once there were any consequences, Hou Junji would naturally be the one to take the blame.

(End of this chapter)

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