Chapter 355 Prepare to attack the city.

After seven days.

A total of 15 troops gathered under Seoul. Except for the troops left over from the first expedition to the East, the rest of these Sui troops were the elite soldiers from the four prefectures mobilized by Li Mu.

The left and right Beishen Mansion, the left and right Jianmen Mansion, these four mansions were originally the soldiers and horses guarding Daxing City.Before Li Mu took over, these four mansions could be said to be the gold-plated land of the second generation of officials.

But since Li Mu took over the soldiers and horses of the Sifu, it can be said that the soldiers and horses of the Sifu have been completely reborn.




What's new A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a thunderous sound that resounded through the sky, and finally, heavy rain poured down like pouring down.

Lightning, thunder, strong wind, heavy rain.

The thunder in this early spring was particularly heavy, and the rain in this early spring was also particularly heavy. The dragon flag hanging on the highest point in the Sui army camp clanked in the fierce wind.

"General, go back to camp!" Qin Qiong reminded Li Mu.

Now that it is raining heavily, this kind of heavy rain is generally not suitable for mobilizing troops. It is easy to catch wind and cold after being exposed to the rain for a long time.

You must know that the medical conditions in this era are not so developed. Once you catch a cold, you may die.

However, Li Mu's next words were beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw Li Mu shook his head, and said solemnly: "Assemble the army and prepare for war, you can attack the city."

As soon as Li Mu said this, everyone present looked confused?

It is almost the common sense of military strategists that it is not easy to send troops in heavy rain, but it is common sense for everyone who leads troops to fight.

"General, it's not easy to send troops in rainy weather. This is a tough battle, so don't rush it for a while." Zhang Xutuo, who has a straightforward temper, persuaded him.

"General Zhang, I naturally know that it is a taboo for military strategists to send troops in rainy days. However, this time and other time."

"The city wall of Seoul is more than three feet high. We are on the offensive, while Goguryeo is on the defensive. What do soldiers fear most when attacking the city?" Li Mu asked Zhang Xutuo.

"Thunderstones, rolling logs, bows and arrows, and golden juice are all sharp weapons for the defender!" Zhang Xutuo replied.

Such a question can be answered by any pawn who has been a soldier for several years, let alone a general like Zhang Xutuo.

Zhang Xutuo replied with confidence, but obviously he didn't understand Li Mu's meaning.Everyone around him was lost in thought, but Xu Maogong had an expression of enlightenment on his face.

"Pindao understands the meaning of the general. It's a heavy rainy day. There is no fire on the city wall, and the defenders on the city can't pour gold juice. Now it's windy and rainy, and even the power of bows and arrows has been greatly reduced." Xu Maogong explained to everyone.

On the ancient city walls, drainage holes will be left. These drainage holes are used to drain water in rainy days, but in wartime, they are used to pour gold juice.

In ancient wars, the most powerful weapon of the city defenders was not bows and arrows, nor thunder stones and rolling logs, but the golden juice boiled from these feces.

The hot golden juice was poured on the body, but any burn would definitely cause bacterial infection.In this era without penicillin and anti-inflammatory drugs, being scalded by golden juice is basically tantamount to being named by the king of hell.

"Yes, the enemy army is on the wall, and we are below the wall. Even if we shoot at each other, it is difficult for us to gain the upper hand. In this way, bows and arrows are useless, but we have taken advantage." Pei Renji said from the side.

After being pointed out by Xu Maogong and Pei Renji, everyone suddenly realized.However, this is only one layer of Li Mu's meaning.

"The defenders of Seoul are the coalition forces of Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje. Even the strongest alliance cannot be united."

"The Three Kingdoms Alliance will inevitably keep their hands. Although they have a large number of people, they can't fight a tough battle."

"Build a ladder, rush up, as long as you rush up to the city wall and fight them close to hand, we will win." Li Mu said coldly.

After Li Mu's explanation, everyone basically understood what Li Mu meant.The Goguryeo Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms could not fight tough battles, but in this rainy day, when long-range weapons were basically useless, for the Sui army, it was the best time to fight tough battles.

At this time, Lai Huer had quick eyesight and quick hands, and with a "plop", she knelt down in front of Li Mu on one knee.He cupped his hands towards Li Mu and said, "General, the last general invites you to fight."

As soon as he saw Lai Hu'er knelt down to ask for a fight, Zhang Xutuo cursed secretly in his heart, and let the grandson take the lead again.

"General, the last general also invites you to fight." Zhang Xutuo quickly knelt down on the ground as well.

"General, the last general invites you to fight." Pei Renji also fell to his knees.

"The last general asks for a fight." Yu Wencheng also knelt down and asked for a fight.

For a moment, Li Mu fell to his knees like a dumpling in front of him.

"General, I will fight the first battle!"

"I fight the first battle!"

"Hey, you guys are being unreasonable. In everything, the generals have to come first. I am the first to call for a battle. I have to fight this first battle!"

All of a sudden, the generals started arguing in front of Li Mu, everyone wanted to fight this first battle.

It can be said that the generals and soldiers of the Sui army were all brave and fighting for the first place. How could such a Sui army be invincible.

Li Mu looked at these generals under his command, and felt very relieved in his heart.In the face of tough battles, they are not afraid but take the lead bravely.

"Come to nurse, you take the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to fight."

"Zhang Xutuo, you take the troops of the headquarters to fight the second round."

"Pei Renji, you lead the troops of the headquarters to play the third match."

"Yuwen Chengdu, you lead the troops of the headquarters to play the fourth round."

"Each person is the main attacker for an hour, and after an hour, they will take turns. This is a tough battle. We will fight with wheels, and we will not let the Goguryeo soldiers in the city rest for a moment." Li Mu ordered.

"No!" All the generals responded in unison.

Lai Hu'er snatched the opportunity to fight this first battle, she couldn't help feeling a little proud, she raised her chin at Zhang Xutuo, and then went down to prepare.

At this time, the Goguryeo soldiers and horses on the city wall were very lax.As we all know, rainy days are not easy to fight.Now there is a strong wind and heavy rain, but anyone who knows the art of war will not take the initiative to attack at this time.

The generals of Goguryeo believed that Li Mu, the dignified general of the Sui Dynasty, must be extremely knowledgeable in the art of war.

However, what they didn't expect was that Li Mu did the opposite.

Lai Huer was preparing to return to the camp, Li Mu fixedly looked at the city wall of Goguryeo.The heavy rain came in a timely manner. If there hadn't been for this heavy rain, if the Sui army attacked the city, I'm afraid that many people would have died under the arrows and golden juice before they even got close to the city wall.

"Military division, order the camp to make ginger soup. The brothers who withdraw from each round must drink a bowl of ginger soup when they return to the camp to rest." Li Mu ordered.

The Sui army took turns to attack and take turns to rest, but they also had to pay attention to keeping out the cold, and they must not catch the wind and cold because of the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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