Chapter 385 plans are underway.

After hearing Li Mu's words, Xue Daoheng and Su Kui were almost not amused.If you ask Li Mu to investigate, wouldn't it mean that a mouse fell into the rice, and then a cat was put in to catch it?
In the end, even if the mouse is caught, the rice won't be eaten anymore?
From the perspective of the observer, none of these powerful families are clean.Ask Li Mu to investigate them, pulling gourds and ladles, maybe they have to find out something.

The investigation was designated not to allow Li Mu to investigate, and these ministers of the powerful family didn't bother to argue with Li Mu.

Li Mu's arrangement of them was not a big deal in the first place, it was purely disgusting.

Xue Daoheng and the others also knew that even if they pursued it forcefully, they couldn't do anything to Li Mu.

The most urgent thing at noon now is to ban Li Mu's shitty newspaper, so that Li Mu won't disgust them next time.

Thinking of this, Su Kui knelt down on the ground and asked Yang Guang, "Your Majesty, what kind of newspaper is slandering the current minister out of thin air, and I think it should be banned."

"The ministers think that newspapers should be banned!"

Su Kui just got started here, and immediately, the "victims" of the powerful family echoed.

At this time, the pressure came to Li Mu's side.


"My newspaper office is a legitimate business, making money? It's not miserable."

"As for the slander that you adults said, I don't recognize it. Since it is a slander, why don't your lords dare to let me lead someone to investigate?"

"It is not allowed to be investigated, but it is slander. This is really two official words. No matter how you say it, you are all right."

"Your lords also have a lot of property. If I just ban my newspaper, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the public." Li Mu looked at the ministers of the powerful family and said plausibly.

"Your Majesty, if you want to ban it, I think it's better than this."

"Simply accept the property of the minister and your lords as friends of the country, and then you and your lords will contribute to the country together!" Li Mu said, cupping his hands towards Yang Guang.

Li Mu's words are not harmless, they can be said to be damaging to the family.His property in Daxing City is only a newspaper office.

However, if the properties of these ministers from powerful and aristocratic families are added together, it is at least half of Daxing City.

If it is really going to be nationalized, Yang Guang may become the biggest winner.

The most important thing is, how can the ministers of these powerful families allow their properties to be nationalized.

These aristocratic families, there must not be hundreds of people in that house.With their salaries, how could they afford to support so many people.On weekdays, relying on these industries to subsidize the family, they can live a prosperous life.

If their property is nationalized, I'm afraid they won't be able to drink warm water even if they drink the northwest wind.

"My dear friends, what do you think of what the general said?"

"It's better to nationalize them together. It just so happens that the household department is very empty now!" Yang Guang sighed and said intentionally.

As soon as Yang Guang said these words, these aristocratic families immediately began to sit like ostriches one by one.Nationalizing their own property is simply letting them die.

Arguing with Li Mu, they are not Li Mu's opponents.In addition to Yang Guang's intentional favoritism, these ministers of the powerful family have nothing to do.

In the end, the matter was over.

Being arranged by Li Mu on the left and right will not kill anyone.However, if the property is confiscated into the state, it will really be fatal.

After leaving early in the morning, Li Mu returned victorious in this contest with the aristocratic family.

The aristocratic family has nothing to do with Li Mu's newspaper, so the newspaper will naturally start printing and selling it every week as usual.

Li Mu's plan has been going on in secret. From the beginning, the whole newspaper is full of gossip.Later, when I began to mix some courts, I slowly added some poems, songs and so on.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed, one issue per week, four issues in January, and in the blink of an eye, Tai Sui Weekly has published twelve issues.

Moreover, as the contents of newspapers become more and more abundant, more and more fields are involved.Naturally, the audience of the Sui Weekly is getting wider and wider.

Gradually, it can be said that the Sui Weekly has become a necessity for the people of the Sui Dynasty.Whenever a newspaper is issued, it must be a copy of each person's hand.

Those who can read and write naturally buy and watch for themselves.Even the illiterate people, after the publication of the weekly newspaper, would find time to go to teahouses and restaurants to listen to the storyteller inside and read the contents of the newspaper.

With the growing influence of the newspaper, Li Mu's plan is also in full swing.Whether the school can be built or not depends on this newspaper.

Li Mu wanted to use the newspapers to attract public opinion in the Sui Dynasty and achieve the goal of making it difficult for these aristocratic families to move forward.

Daxing City, the Imperial Palace.

Early morning, on the Golden Luan Hall.

After a group of civil and military ministers reported the important event, Yang Guang suddenly asked: "My dear friends, I think that the country is rich, the people are rich, and the country is strong, the people are strong. And the key to the country's wealth, the people's wealth, the country's strength, and the people's strength, That's the strength of youth."

"I want to build four schools in Daxing City, and take in the children of ordinary people for free, so as to train talents for us in the Sui Dynasty."

"If it is feasible, it will be implemented nationwide in the future."

Yang Guang mentioned the matter of building a school in the early court today, so naturally he had already discussed it with Li Mu.

Of course, Yang Guang and Li Mu didn't intend to achieve their goal by mentioning it for the first time.

The reason for mentioning it is firstly to test the powerful family, and secondly to brew some emotions in the hearts of the people first.

Sure enough, as Li Mu expected, as soon as Yang Guang said this, the ministers of the powerful family exploded.

You know, this cultural education is monopolized by the powerful family.That is to say, only the children of the powerful families like them are eligible to study, what books are the children of ordinary people reading, wouldn't it be good to be a pig honestly?
Yang Guang mentioned that he wanted to build a school to train the children of ordinary people for free, which naturally touched the interests of powerful families.

Although it is said that opening a school is not like directly opening the imperial examination to challenge the bottom line of the powerful family.Ordinary people's children may not be able to become officials in the future after studying.

However, in the eyes of people from aristocratic families, these mud-legged people are not worthy of studying.

"Your Majesty, no!"

"Your Majesty, this matter is a waste of money and people, it must not be done!"

"The minister thinks, no!"

Suddenly, there was a voice of opposition from the court hall.The tone of opposition of these ministers from the powerful family can be said to be very tough.

Unexpectedly, after the powerful family expressed its objection.Yang Guang did not insist too much, but directly dismissed the court, temporarily exposing the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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