Chapter 398 Burning Yixue.

Daxing City.

Big Three Dollar Casino.

Today the gambling house is not open for business, there are more than a hundred ruffians and idle gamblers gathered in the gambling house.

The person headed by him is the shopkeeper of the gambling house, and also the biggest rascal and black heart tiger in Daxing City.

"Come up to get gold, each person will get one tael of gold first, and after the work is done, each person will have one tael of gold!" Black Heart Tiger greeted his brothers and distributed money to these rascals.

If you want to say that the black heart tiger is called the black heart tiger, he is really dark enough.He obtained thousands of taels of gold from the "noble family", but only distributed more than a hundred taels to those who handled the affairs.

Even after the work is done, each person distributes one tael of gold, but that is only 200 taels, and he has a full 800 taels of gold.

The middleman earns the price difference, and he earns too much, doesn't he?

Of course, Hei Xinhu thought it was the powerful family who contacted him, but in fact, he was tricked by Li Mu.

A few days ago, people from Xue Daoheng's residence came to him.They gave him a full 1000 taels of gold and asked him to take someone to burn Li Mu's righteous school.

Although it is very risky to do this, offending Li Mu, he will have no choice but to stay in Daxing City.However, they gave too much.

A full 1000 taels of gold is enough for him to open ten casinos elsewhere.Thinking of this, Black Heart Tiger couldn't help but agree.

Tonight, he helped the powerful family burn Li Mu's righteous school, and then left Daxing City by himself as soon as the city gate opened tomorrow morning, walking far away.In addition, I am looking for a place to open a few gambling houses.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under this great reward, and the asking price is enough, and naturally someone is willing to do anything.

After the Black Heart Tiger distributed gold to these rascals, he then started to distribute whistle sticks to these people. After everyone received some whistle sticks, he immediately rushed towards Yixue with whistle sticks in hand.

Since the "Aristocratic Family" has provided Hei Xinhu with a map, at that moment there will be a patrol team, and where there will be guard posts, Hei Xinhu already knows in advance.

Therefore, Heixinhu led the hundreds of rascals under his command, perfectly bypassing the soldiers of the Sui army patrolling the city, and arrived in front of Daxing City.

"There may be workers working inside, you guys go in and drive the workers out first!" Hei Xinhu ordered to his subordinates beside him.

The nature of the arson is very different whether the person who set the fire or not burned people to death.Hei Xinhu knew it well, and first ordered people to drive out the workers from the free school.

After the workers inside dared to go out, these hundreds of people immediately began to pour kerosene, pile up dry firewood, and started setting fire around Yixue.

"You, you are committing crimes!"

"Those who will be punished will be punished." An old craftsman shouted loudly.

"Retribution, what shitty retribution!"

"The greatest retribution of living in this world is poverty!" Black Heart Tiger scolded loudly.

"Don't bother with these people, light the fire!" Immediately after Black Heart Tiger ordered, the rascals under his command immediately started to light the fire.

A large amount of dry firewood had been piled up in the righteous school, and kerosene was poured on it. As soon as the fire was lit, a raging flame ignited immediately.


The matter has been settled, Hei Xinhu and his group looked at each other, then turned and left.

"Fire, put out the fire!"

"Fight the fire!"

These craftsmen who escaped by chance shouted loudly one by one.

Hearing the shouts for firefighting, the people living around got up one after another, and came out to fight the fire with basins, buckets and the like.

Seeing that the righteous school was on fire, more and more people participated in the fire fighting.However, at this time, the fire in Yixue has become more and more intense, and it is difficult to put it out.

"Who, who did it?" A burly man asked the worker.

"It's the Black Hearted Tiger, the Black Hearted Tiger from Dasanyuan Casino."

"Run there!" the craftsman said, pointing to the direction in which Black Heart Tiger and the others fled.

Black Heart Tiger is a well-known bully in Daxing City, and everyone has heard of his name.If it was an ordinary matter, these ordinary people would not dare to offend someone like him.

However, now that the righteous school is being burned, this has already offended the bottom line of the people.

"Damn it, you are young and strong and not afraid of death, come with me to find Black Heart Tiger for an explanation!" The burly man shouted loudly.

"Go find him!"

"Fuck him!"

The young and strong people around raised their arms and shouted.

Soon, thousands of young people gathered. They went home with hoes, kitchen knives, wooden sticks and other weapons, and chased in the direction of Heixinhu and the others.

At this time, Black Heart Tiger's point was very wrong. For some reason, they didn't meet patrolling officers and soldiers on the road when they came. Now they wanted to go back, but found that the way back was blocked by officers and soldiers everywhere.

Just when Black Heart Tiger was about to lead people around and leave in another direction, he ran into the people who were rushing head-on.

"Black Hearted Tiger, it's him!"

"Brothers, hit him!"

The burly man shouted loudly, and rushed forward with a hoe in his hand.The people were resentful, and now someone in Canada took the lead, and immediately rushed forward with weapons in hand.

There were officers and soldiers in the front, and civilians in the back. Black Heart Tiger and the others didn't dare to attack the officers and soldiers, so they could only go up to the civilians, trying to forcefully rush over.

Not far away in the dark of the street, Li Mu was quietly watching the fighting between the common people and the rogues, and told Qin Qiong: "Second brother Qin, bring people up, if you keep fighting, people will die."

These scoundrels have no combat effectiveness, and their combat effectiveness is much worse than that of ordinary people.Coupled with the large number of people, these local ruffians soon became obvious to the point of being beaten unilaterally.

With Li Mu's order, Qin Qiong quickly led his troops to control the situation. Among these people, the beating of Heixinhu was extraordinarily ruthless.

With Hei Xinhu's current appearance, even his mother might not be able to recognize him when she sees him.

"General Zuo, can you let me know who ordered Black Heart Tiger to burn down the righteous school?" Someone asked among the people.

"Yes, please give us an explanation from General Zuo."

"Give us an explanation!" The people shouted in unison.

"Hei Xinhu, who asked you to do this?" Qin Qiong asked Hei Xinhu.


"Who am I, Black Heart Tiger, and you don't even ask, am I the kind of person who sells out others for glory?"

Qin Qiong cast a glance at the black-hearted tiger, and said coldly: "Give him to the common people, it doesn't matter if you beat him to death, anyway, if you arrest such people, someone will say something."

At this time, the common people looked at the black heart tiger, they were all eager to try, it seemed that they could really beat him to death.

"I said, I said!"

"Xue Daoheng, he's from Xue Daoheng's house!" Black Heart Tiger doesn't have any integrity, and now his life is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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