Chapter 407: The Big Scented Scene! ! !

Li Mu set up an iron pot on the field. After heating the pot, put butter into the pot. After the oil boiled, put some salt, and fried the cleaned locusts in the pot. The aroma is overflowing.

The children on the ground around were almost crying when they smelled the fragrance.

"General, the general actually fried the Locust God!"

"Put the gods in the frying pan, it's a disaster, it's a disaster!"

"God forgives sins, God forgives sins!"

The people knelt down on the ground one by one, kowtowed vigorously, but at this time, there seemed to be no thunder, lightning or other punishment from heaven.



With a crisp sound, Li Mu had already picked up his chopsticks and started eating with the locust between them.

Not to mention, this thing is really delicious, crispy and chicken-flavored.

"Come on, let's eat together!" Li Mu greeted the officials of the household department.

Seeing where Li Mu was eating locusts, the household officials were all shocked.Although they don't believe in locust gods or not, they also don't believe that this thing can be eaten.

However, seeing where Li Mu ate with gusto, he felt that this food seemed to be really edible.

"It's delicious, everyone can try it, I guarantee that after you eat it, you will feel that there are more locusts here!" Li Mu said.

There were a lot of these locusts fried today, Li Mu couldn't eat them alone. Although the fried locusts were delicious, if they ate too much, they would have to jump out of bed at night.

Under Li Mu's crazy Amway, a more courageous official of the household department came up and picked up a locust and carefully tasted it.



After eating two locusts one after another, the household official said quickly, "It's delicious, it's really delicious."

Hearing this, the officials of the household department present were not calm at once, and one by one began to try it.

"Gentlemen, can you give Caomin a taste!" the old village head of Niujiazhuang asked bravely.

Naturally, this request can be satisfied. After the village chief has tasted the taste of locusts, these villagers will naturally no longer be afraid of locusts.

"Of course, the village chief will try it!" Li Mu said.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

After the village chief ate a few locusts, he burst into tears immediately, and cried repeatedly: "My old cow has never eaten such a delicacy in my life."

"Can you really eat?"

"The village chief also ate?"

"There is no punishment from heaven?"

Seeing this scene, the villagers of Niujia Village rubbed their hands together one by one, eager to try.

After all, the old village head was crying.Same bitterness, haha, since it was the best food the old village head had ever eaten, it was naturally the same for them.

"I'm going to catch some locusts to fry and share with everyone. After everyone is full, I'm going to work!" Li Mu ordered.

After letting these people taste the taste of locusts, they will naturally not be afraid of these locusts, and there is no such thing as a locust god.

Not only will they not be afraid, but maybe these locusts will become the main source of meat for the people for a while.

With Li Mu's order, these officials from the household department were divided into two groups, one was responsible for cooking the pot and burning oil, and the other was responsible for catching locusts. It can be said that they were very active.

Of course, the most important positive reason is that they have not had enough of it themselves.

Some courageous villagers seemed to be less afraid of locusts, and helped the officials of the household department to catch the locusts.

Heat oil in a pan, then fry and share.Sure enough, after the people tried the taste of these locusts, they immediately praised them.

For ordinary people who have not eaten meat for a long time, this locust is simply the best protein supplement.

For a while, there were no people kowtowing to the locusts in the field, but they were scrambling to eat the locusts. It was like a large real fragrance scene.

"Everyone, although these locusts are delicious, they can't be eaten too much. Be careful, they will run out of bed after eating!" Li Mu said to the people.

At this time, a person in the village who is proficient in some medical theory also said: "This locust is still a traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of laxative and helps excretion."

"That's good, that's good!"

"I just can't poop these days, so I need to eat more." One by one the common people said one after another.

Looking at the enthusiastic scene of the common people, Li Mu felt fortunate that this was a Huaxia locust. The Huaxia locust only carried some toxins slightly. That's all.It is impossible to eat bad people.

Fortunately, these are not Asan locusts. Asan locusts are extremely poisonous. After eating them, I am afraid that the cork will not be able to stop them, and they will be flooded.

However, after another thought, Ah San's locusts were for Ah San to eat.Ah San has been drinking the water from the Ganges River since he was a child, and his talent for anti-toxicity can be said to be full.

It is reckoned that Ah San's eating of Ah San's locusts is at most the effect of jumping into bed.

All in all, no matter where the locusts are, although they have some toxins, the most toxins are Kaisailu.

After the villagers in Niujiazhuang had eaten and drank enough, they saw that these locusts were not locust gods, they were all meat!And it's free meat!

At this time, there was no need for the supervision of the officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and one by one began to dig holes in their own fields, preparing to light a fire after dark to attract the locusts.Then, in the wanton capture.

"Hey, folks!"

"After the locusts come down, let's not fight or rob. Whoever the locusts fall into will belong to that family."

"Whoever fights, whoever robs, and hurts the peace, don't be so quick to turn against me!" The head of Niujia Village stood on the ground and yelled.

Among the people in ancient times, there were many fights because you took my share of the land and I took your share of the land.

This is also the reason why every family has more children. If you have more children, you will not suffer from a fight!
Usually, there are not a few people who fight because of these things with owners, let alone locusts, which are things without owners.

If the rules are not set in advance, the common people will have to be scalped and bloody.You know, these locusts are now meat for the people.

Usually, it is common to fight because of a chicken or a duck.

"After dark, let's light the fire together, and no one is allowed to light the fire first. The general and the adults of the household department are watching, but don't make any jokes on me, Lao Niu!" Village head Niu continued to yell.

"I know, I know!"

"We know!" The villagers of Niujiazhuang responded one after another.

The one who ignites first will naturally attract locusts first. Therefore, in line with the principle of fairness and justice, no one can ignite first, and everyone must ignite together to be fair.

(End of this chapter)

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