Chapter 417 Kill him with a carbine! ! !

After passing Wagang Mountain, Qin Qiong marched continuously for another hour, passing Wagang Mountain for about fifty or sixty miles. In a valley and depression, Qin Qiong ordered his men to set up camp.

It was evening when we just passed Wagang Mountain, and now the sky is completely dark.

Not long after, flames and smoke began to rise from the barracks ahead, and it was obvious that the army was burying pots for cooking.

In the dense forest not far from the military camp, several scout horses sent by Zhai Rang were lying in the grass and eating cold dry food.

"Let me tell you, the head of the family is too careful. I don't think he has any intention of hitting us at all!" A Tanma gnawed on the dry rations in his hand, with a hint of complaint in his tone.

In this dark night, not to mention being frozen in the mountains, I didn't even have a warm mouth.The most important thing is that it's meaningless to watch, people don't show any thoughts about Wagang Village at all, it's a lonely staring.

"Where are there so many words, wouldn't I also eat dry food with you?" the little leader Tanma scolded.

After being scolded by the little boss, Tan Ma didn't dare to say anything more to complain.

At this time, in the camp of the Qin army, cooking was being buried.After eating and drinking enough, he marched back in a hurry and killed Zhai Rang to return his carbine.

After about an hour, the lights in the barracks gradually went out. Obviously, this was the beginning of rest for the soldiers in the army.

Watching the lights in the barracks gradually go out, the scouts from the Wagang Village who were watching could not help but feel a little more relaxed.

Little did they know that at this time, several black clothes that almost blended into the night were quietly sneaking towards them.



After several arrows fired in succession, three of the five people who were watching fell down in an instant.When the remaining two saw their partner collapsed, their faces turned pale with fright, and they hurriedly ran towards the direction where the horse was tied, intending to ride the horse away.

However, since Qin Qiong's scouts had already touched them, how could they let these bandits escape? If they were allowed to escape, wouldn't it appear that the scouts in the army were too incompetent.

The scouts in the army crossed each other to cover the design, and within a few breaths, they also shot the remaining two people to the ground.

At this time, several scouts hiding in the dark also appeared.They are all wearing tight-fitting black night clothes, if you don't look carefully in the black clothes, it is difficult to find them at all.

However, often when you find them, it means that your life is lost.

The military scouts checked the five corpses on the ground one by one, and after confirming that there were no survivors, they reported to the leading military scout: "They are all dead."

"Move forward step by step, and all the bandits along the way will visit the horses, and no one will be left alive." The leader of the scouts in the army ordered.

At this time, the scout battalion of hundreds of people, in groups of three or five, began to collect all the scout horses from Wagang Mountain along the way.

At this time, Wagang Village has not received any news.Compared with the scouts in the army, the bandit scouts are still too immature.In the hands of scouts in the army, the scout horses in Wagang Mountain are like playthings.

The scouts opened the way ahead, and Qin Qiong's army was also quietly moving towards Wagang Village.

The marching speed of the army is not fast, but they are very cautious. The most important thing in this trip is to catch Wagang Mountain by surprise.I don't want to be quick, but I hope that my whereabouts have never been discovered.

Around the third watch, Qin Qiong's army had reached the foot of Wagang Mountain.At this time, all the bright and dark posts near Wagang Mountain have been dealt with by scouts, and Zhai Rang on Wagang Mountain has not received any news.

At the foot of Wagang Mountain, the hoofs of all the horses had been wrapped with cloth, and the soldiers were also tiptoeing, for fear of making any noise.

According to the previously specified plan, the large troops first hid at the foot of the mountain. Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin each led a team of thousands of people, and first touched the first pass of Wagang Mountain from the left and right wings.

When the two entered the pass, the army at the foot of the mountain surged up.

Qin Qiong was on the left, and Cheng Yaojin was on the right. They each led a team of thousands of people and moved towards the first pass.

After a while, a wooden gate appeared in front of everyone.The gate of this village is about ten feet high, surrounded by a simple city wall made of rocks and logs.

Torches were lit on the city wall, and hundreds of minion soldiers stood crookedly.Behind this wall is the first military camp of Wagang Village, where nearly [-] soldiers and horses are stationed.

However, there were not many minions on the city wall at this time, and most of them were drowsy, as if they were asleep.

It has to be said that this bandit is a bandit, and the powerful family is trying to work hard on them, and they say that the mud can't get on it.

The aristocratic family can give them the weapons and equipment of the regular army, and they can also invite people who are proficient in the art of war to train them.However, you can never change the traits of bandits in them.

Even if the eunuch is wearing a dragon robe, he doesn't look like an emperor.

Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin had already reached the base of the simple city wall, but the minion soldiers on the city wall didn't notice it.

At this time, if you listen carefully, you can even hear snoring.Many of the minion soldiers on the city wall have fallen asleep leaning against the city wall, and few of the hundreds of minion soldiers on the city wall are awake at all.

Of course, these waking minion soldiers obviously didn't mean how competent they were. The reason why they didn't sleep was probably pure insomnia.

"Seize the door!"

Qin Qiong gave an order, and saw more than a dozen soldiers carrying logs as thick as a man's waist, and ruthlessly rushed towards the simple wooden gate of the village.



After several loud vibrations, there was only a "boom", and the gate of the village collapsed.

"The earth dragon turned over, the earth dragon turned over!"

The minions on the city wall who were dreaming sweetly were awakened from their dreams, thinking it was an earthquake.


As soon as the city gate opened, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin immediately led two thousand-man teams to rush in and seize the city gate first.

After seizing the city gate, he immediately raised the torch in his hand and shook it down the mountain a few times.In an instant, the mountain shouted to kill and shake the sky.The black shadow of Wuyang Wuyang at the foot of the mountain came towards the first pass.

At this time, since the first pass has been captured, there is no point in hiding the figure.

"The officers and soldiers are coming!"

"It was officers and soldiers who came to kill them!"

Looking at the figure of Wuyang Wuyang charging up the mountain, it is impossible to count how many people there are.The minion soldiers on the city wall suddenly turned pale with shock.

At this time, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin's two thousand-man team had killed several times their own enemies.

At this time, the difference between elite soldiers and bandits has been completely revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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