Chapter 430 Yang Guang's Dream! ! !

Late at night, the palace.

Yang Guang's bedroom.


Yang Guang, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up, sweating profusely, and his underwear was soaked.

"Your Majesty, did you have a nightmare?" Empress Xiao who was on the side was also awakened by Yang Guang's shout, and asked Yang Guang.

"Huh! Huh!" Yang Guang took a few deep breaths, and then he recovered from the horror in his dream.

"Miniang, I had a nightmare just now, and I just asked Meiniang to explain it to me!" Yang Guang said to Empress Xiao.

Empress Xiao is very talented, not to mention proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she is also very good at metaphysics and divination.

Empress Xiao is good at interpreting dreams, whenever Yang Guang has some incomprehensible dreams.Then he will tell this dream to Empress Xiao, and ask Empress Xiao to interpret the dream for him.


"What dream did your majesty have, let's hear it." Empress Xiao asked very curiously.

You know, when Yang Guang was young, he was also the emperor who fought south and north, killing east and west.The nightmare that can wake Yang Guang up is obviously unusual.

"My dear concubine, I dreamed that the heavy rain from the sky kept falling, and then there was a flood. The whole Daxing City was submerged in the water. I was standing on the city wall when a big wave came."

"I saw a big plum tree, and then I climbed up this big plum tree to avoid the flood." Yang Guang slowly narrated his dream to Queen Xiao.

Empress Xiao thought about it, and explained Yang Guang's dream: "Your Majesty, this powerful family is like a beast in a flood, and the general's surname is Li. When the flood hit, your majesty climbed to the plum tree to avoid danger. They work together to fight against the powerful family."

"A powerful family is like a scourge, this statement is true!" Yang Guang responded.

After calming down a little, Yang Guang and Empress Xiao fell asleep again.

"Boom, boom!"

After Yang Guang and Queen Xiao fell asleep, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be countless openings in the night sky.The heavy rain poured down towards the ground like a waterfall.

The next day, dawn.

"Crackling, crackling."

It rained heavily all night, and the next morning, the rain eased slightly.However, it was only slightly reduced.

It rained continuously for three days in Daxing City. Fortunately, when Daxing City was being built, the terrain was chosen to be very high. Otherwise, the scene in Yang Guang's dream might not really happen.

Daxing City in the Sui Dynasty was Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, and later Xi'an.

Daxing City is located in the northwest of the Sui Dynasty. This is not a place with abundant rain. Even Daxing City has experienced such a heavy rain. The weather in the south can be imagined.

Palace, Golden Palace.

The civil servants are on the left, and the generals are on the right, standing in their respective positions.

"If you have something to play, leave the court if you have nothing to do!" In the court hall, a shrill shout sounded.

The weather has been bad these days, and even Yang Guang is not in a good mood.Therefore, if there is nothing wrong with the court, they usually retreat early.

Yang Guang was not in the mood to chat with these ministers, wouldn't it be nice to go back to the harem and play games with Empress Xiao in this weather?

Isn't it beautiful to be clattering outside and clattering in the house.

"Your Majesty, I have something to announce!" At this moment, a loud shout sounded, and the censor Zhu Kuan reported.

The censor is an official position in charge of supervising all officials. Although he has no real power, he has the right to listen to the wind and act on things.Therefore, all civil and military officials have to give these censors some face.

To put it bluntly, Yushi is a group of professional trolls, and among civil and military officials, they can troll whoever they see is unhappy.

Although most of Yang Guang would not accept what the censor Wenfeng said, but this thing is like a toad that lands on the instep of his feet. He doesn't bite and is disgusting.

Seeing Zhu Kuan stand up, all the civil and military officials thought to themselves, they don't know who this grandson is going to bite again this time.

However, Zhu Kuan is a member of the Jiangzuo Zhu family, so he should not target the powerful family.

The powerful families of the Sui Dynasty are mainly divided into three groups, the Guanlong Eight Great Families who started with the Eight Pillars Kingdom of the northern military group, and then the Five Surnames and Seven Wangs in the hinterland of the Central Plains. The remaining ones are Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang. The southern Jiangzuo gentry headed by them.

The big cake of the Sui Dynasty was also shared the most by the eight families of Guanlong, followed by the five surnames and Qiwang, and finally the Jiangzuo gentry.

Therefore, although the members of the Jiangzuo gentry had a lot of official positions in the court, most of them were officials with no real power like Yushi.

Zhu Kuan is an old troll. Everyone is very wary when he opens his mouth, for fear of being sprayed by this grandson.

"Your Majesty, it rains heavily in the south every year. I think that we should follow the example of the Qin State in building the Zhengguo Canal and build a big river in the south to drain the annual rainwater."

"The production in the south accounts for more than [-]% of our Sui Dynasty. Building a canal can firstly relieve waterlogging, secondly, irrigate the fertile fields along the river, and thirdly, open water transportation." Zhu Kuan knelt on the ground and reported.

In fact, what Zhu Kuan said was indeed true.There is abundant rainfall in the south, and there is a heavy rain almost every year.There are not a few villages affected by the heavy rain, but the south is rich in production, and such small disasters and disasters can be solved by the counties and counties themselves, without the help of the court.

It seems to be really good to build a canal. Now that the waterlogging is solved and the fertile fields are irrigated, it can make the grain production in the south even better.

And the most important thing is to transport the grain from the south to the major granaries across the country every year, and the drift on the road is a huge number.

Building canals and using water transport instead of land transport seems to be able to solve many problems.

However, Yang Guang thought about it again. Although it is beneficial to the country to spend the whole country's energy to build the canal, the Jiangzuo gentry is the most beneficial!

Thinking of this, Yang Guang subconsciously looked towards Li Mu's position, but unfortunately, this time he looked in vain.

Ever since he found out that his eldest grandson Wugou was pregnant, Li Mu asked Yang Guang for leave to stay with his three wives at home.

"Yes, the general is taking a rest. There is no rush to agree to this matter. I will discuss it with the general first!" Yang Guang thought about it.

However, before Yang Guang could speak, Xue Daoheng stood up first: "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate."

"Building the canal was not a one-time effort. Shandong has just been plagued by locusts, and our Sui Dynasty is not safe and sound. Now is really not the time to do such a big project."

As soon as Xue Daoheng finished speaking, he heard Zhu Kuan say: "Master Xue, the locust plague in Shandong seems to have never consumed the food in the treasury, right?"

Xue Daoheng was stunned by the little Zhu Kuan, and he was furious in his heart. He replied repeatedly: "In short, it's not right. Building the canal is a waste of money. Don't Master Zhu not know why the Great Qin died in the second generation? Because of the construction of the Great Wall and the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum, these major projects have exhausted the country's power."

(End of this chapter)

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