Chapter 461: Hou Junji Fell Drunken! ! !
The next day, the news that Hou Junji fell into the water drunk and died spread throughout Daxing City.You must know that Hou Junji's current official position is not small, and he belonged to the celebrity in front of Li Mu. He fell into the water and died, which is not a trivial matter in Daxing City.

As soon as the news of Hou Junji's death spread, the entire Daxing City could be said to be panic-stricken, and many people felt extremely uneasy.

Especially for those in the army who betrayed Li Mu like Hou Junji, he felt uneasy.If Hou Junji fell into the water and died today, could they be the ones who will be the next to die in an accident tomorrow?

Those in the army who were either bought by the powerful family, or coerced by the powerful family to betray Li Mu, suddenly panicked.No one is not afraid of death, if they were really not afraid of death, they would not betray Li Mu.

These people panicked, and so did the people from the same powerful family.Hou Junji is the one with the highest official position among the people they have bought so far.

Most importantly, Hou Junji is in control of the killer organization Teng Snake Guard.Now that Hou Junji died, it was like breaking a fang from a powerful family.

Daxing City, the secret contact point of a powerful family.

Ever since the powerful family was killed and the net was broken on the surface, the meeting place between them has also changed from Xue Daoheng's mansion on the surface to a secret contact point behind the scenes.

"Hou Junji is dead, is there something strange about it!" Xue Daoheng asked first.

"I've already asked the people who attended the banquet that day. It is true that Hou Junji drank a lot that night, but no one knows how Hou Junji died."

"Hou Junji sat in the first seat that night, and the people in the first seat were the last to leave Li Mu's mansion!" Cui Jin said to everyone.

Su Kui frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that Li Mu has already discovered that Hou Junji was bribed by us? Hou Junji is not death and accident, but death and homicide?"

"Hou Junji has the highest official position and the greatest power among the people we bought. Moreover, Hou Junji is very careful, even if he is exposed, he should not be the first to be exposed."

"If Hou Junji was exposed, then those people he knew must have been exposed as well. Why, only one Hou Junji died, while the rest were fine?"

"If Li Mu really found out about the matter between us and Hou Junji, then many people should be implicated. There is no reason to touch only one Hou Junji, but not the others, right?" At this time, Pei Yun, who had been silent all this time, Open your mouth and say.

These people from aristocratic families, you say, I say.At this point, his thoughts have been completely messed up.

The thoughts of these people are like a mess, and they can't be untied.

This is exactly the effect Li Mu wants. The reason why Hou Junji died and was accidental is to make it impossible for the powerful family to distinguish between the real and the fake.

Judging from Hou Junji's status and his importance in the whole incident.As long as he dies, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the powerful family.

How to dispel the suspicion of the powerful family is another question.

After a long time, Xue Daoheng said: "Hou Junji has extraordinary martial arts skills. If he didn't die or an accident, then there must be traces of fighting on his body. If he was killed by poison, there must be signs of poisoning!"

"We have to find a way to take a look at Hou Junji's body. If he really drowned and died, then we may be worrying too much!"

As soon as Xue Daoheng said this, everyone nodded.

It's night, it's midnight.

Hou Junji Mansion.

Hou Junji's coffin was parked in the mourning hall. Since Hou Junji didn't have any juniors, naturally there was no one to guard the coffin.

In the mourning hall, there were only a few servants who were dozing off.

A dark figure quietly climbed over the wall and entered Hou Junji's mansion, avoiding the patrolling family guards all the way, and touched towards the mourning hall.

After arriving at the mourning hall, he stunned the guards who guarded the coffin with Mixiang, and tiptoed into the mourning hall.

This person was found by a powerful family to inspect Hou Junji's body.

He carefully lifted the lid of the coffin and looked at Hou Junji lying quietly in the coffin.

Wu Zuo carefully inspected Hou Junji's body, and saw that Hou Junji was pale and slightly swollen, which is a typical phenomenon of drowning after being soaked in water.

However, these are just appearances, whether it is drowning or not, you have to observe carefully before you can draw a conclusion.

Wu Zuo carefully opened Hou Junji's mouth, released his back with water stains, inserted his finger into Hou Junji's throat, poked it vigorously, then checked his fingers, and found that there was some mud on the fingertips .

There is mud in the throat, which means that it fell into the water when it was alive.Only when you fall into the water while alive, can the mud at the bottom of the pool be choked into your throat.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Hou Junji's eardrums. He fell into the water alive. In addition to the sand in his throat, the eardrums would also be perforated.

Sure enough, Hou Junji's eardrums had also been perforated, which was caused by the water pressure when he fell into the water.

At this time, it can be basically concluded that Hou Junji fell into the water and died while he was alive.

Moreover, when Hou Junji's throat and pupils were checked just now, when he was waiting, it could already be concluded that he had no signs of poisoning.

At this point, as long as he checked to see if there were any bruises caused by the fighting on Hou Junji's body, he could draw the final conclusion.

It is also very simple to check whether this person has experienced any battle before death. After a person dies, their blood will not flow anymore, and it is very easy to form small purple-blue lumps of congestion.

Wu Zuo inspected Hou Junji's body, but found no useful clues on his body.

After Wu Zuo's careful inspection, it seemed that there was really nothing unusual about Hou Junji's death.

Even Wu Zuo himself felt that Hou Junji might have died in an accident.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

After all, this author has personally inspected Hou Junji's body, and found nothing unusual on Hou Junji's body.

After Wu Zuo finished his investigation, he went back and reported to the people of the powerful family.After getting the news, the people from the aristocratic family were extremely confused.

Hou Junji really drowned, and before he died, there was no trace of a fight at all.All the evidence points to the fact that Hou Junji really fell into the water and died after drinking.

Even so, Hou Junji's death still deterred some unsuspecting people.

About seven or eight days later, Hou Junji's coffin had already been buried.These days, aristocratic families are really much more honest.

Not only the aristocratic families became more honest, but even those in the military who were bribed by them were also more honest.

(End of this chapter)

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