Chapter 468 Scraping Bone to Cure Poison! ! ! (seeking subscription)
Zhai Rang hated Li Mu deeply, and it was because of Li Mu that he fell into the situation he is today.

Today's assassination was not planned by the powerful family, but Zhai Rang planned it himself behind the back of the powerful family.

Zhai Rang understands that there is only one chance, and if he can't kill Li Mu today, he may never have another chance in the future.

Once the assassination of Li Mu fails today, he will inevitably become an outcast of a powerful family.The aristocratic family will not protect him, and he needs to face Li Mu's endless pursuit.

There is only one chance, and the failure of two crossbows in succession let Zhai Rang know that today's plan may be in vain.

Whether Li Mu's life can be killed depends on whether the arrow that hit Li Mu's arm can achieve a key effect.

After three consecutive arrows shot the crossbow in the air, Zhai Rang dropped the crossbow in his hand, turned his head and jumped down from the second floor of the inn, and ran in the opposite direction.

"Catch me, don't let the thief run away!" Li Mu waved his hand, signaling for Qin Qiong to bring him to catch up first.


Li Mu exhaled heavily, and pulled out the arrow that shot into his arm. The arrow was black, and he didn't know what kind of poison this grandson used.

Li Mu hurriedly mobilized his strength and locked his injured left arm to prevent the poisonous blood from spreading.

"The arrow is poisonous, go to the clinic!" Li Mu said to Cheng Yaojin who stayed by his side.

When he heard that the arrow was poisonous, Cheng Yaojin panicked and shouted: "The arrow is poisonous, there is a medical center, where is the medical center!"

Hearing the commotion here, those rich families in Pei County who had just had dinner with Li Mu also rushed over.

Hearing that Li Mu hit an arrow, and that Li Mu's arrow was a poisonous arrow, these people immediately panicked. If Li Mu died in Pei County, then there would be a big earthquake in Pei County.

Let's put it this way, if Li Mu has something in Pei County, he will have to go all the way up and down in Pei County.

"Stop howling, go to the clinic!" Li Mu glared at Cheng Yaojin, and said angrily.

It's no use for Cheng Yaojin to howl, if he delays, the poison on his left arm will spread.

"General, come with me!"

"The medical clinic is just ahead, get out of the way, get out of the way!" At this moment, the wealthy family from Pei County rushed over and shouted to lead the way.

Li Mu used all his strength to seal off the blood flow in his left arm, and hurriedly rode on the horse and followed the person leading the way towards the hospital.

Pei County, medical hall.

The medical clinic here is the most famous medical clinic in Pei County. The old doctor has practiced medicine for many years and is well-known.

"Hurry up, the general has been hit by a poisoned arrow, hurry up and save him!"

"Quick, save people!" The crowd hurriedly shouted.

Hearing that the person who came was the general of the Great Sui Dynasty, the old doctor hurried forward and carefully observed Li Mu's wound.


"It's hard to handle. Has anyone caught it? I don't know what kind of poison is in it. How can I detoxify it!" The old doctor said in a bit of a dilemma.

To cure the disease and save the patient, what we pay attention to is to prescribe the right medicine to the case.It is necessary to know what kind of disease the patient is suffering from before he can be cured, otherwise, how can the cure for headaches and feet be cured!

The same principle applies to the treatment of poisonous wounds. You need to know what kind of poison is in Li Mu, so you can prepare the antidote.

In order to prevent the poisonous blood from flowing all over his body, Li Mu sealed his left arm tightly to prevent the blood from flowing from the left arm.

However, no blood will flow for a long time. If this continues, Li Mu's left arm will be completely useless.

This is really hunting geese all day long, but today the geese blinded their eyes. They never expected that they would be assassinated in the small Pei County.

At this time, the sheriff of Peijun and the minister surnamed Zheng also came limping, the injuries Li Mu had blamed a few days ago had not healed.

When the two heard that Li Mu was injured, they hurried over. Looking at this appearance, they cared more about Li Mu than his own father.

The fear in the two of them at this time, the injury on the buttocks has not healed quickly, and the head seems to be unable to keep it.

Li Mu was hit by a poisoned arrow, it was a big deal.If something happened to Li Mu in Pei County, the two of them would bear the brunt of it.

At that time, someone will be responsible for this matter, and the two of them must bear the brunt.

In a fit of rage, Yang Guang took the heads of both of them, which would be light.

"Hurry up and save people!"

"What are you doing in a daze!" The sheriff of Peijun hurriedly urged the doctor together.

For the sheriff of Peijun now, even if his father is injured now, he has never been so nervous.

When the old doctor saw that the sheriff was coming, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and said quickly: "My lord, I don't know what kind of poison is in it, so I don't know what to do!"

Although Qin Qiong has gone after the assassin, it is hard to say when he will be able to catch up.Li Mu didn't dare to procrastinate any longer. If he continued to procrastinate, it would be hard to say whether he could keep his left arm.

"I said, you do it!" Li Mu looked at the old doctor firmly, and ordered.

"Prepare an oil lamp, a sharp knife, strong wine, and a needle and thread!" Li Mu instructed the old doctor.

Hearing Li Mu's order, the old doctor couldn't help but feel confused.This means to treat the injury, why not prepare herbs, but prepare some things for tailors.

"Get ready!" Seeing where the old doctor was, Li Mu scolded.

"Yes! Yes!" The old doctor responded quickly.

The old doctor thought about it for a second, anyway, he had no other way for the time being, since the general gave his orders, he should follow his orders.

Not long after, everything that Li Murang had prepared was ready!

"Tear off the clothes!"

Under Li Mu's instruction, the old doctor opened Li Mu's clothes, exposing the wound.At this time, the wound had already turned black, which showed that Zhai Rang had used a highly poisonous poison.

"Open the wound, release the poisonous blood, and cut off all the carrion!"

Li Mu continued to give instructions, and the old doctor followed Li Mufei's instructions to separate his arms, and cut off the poisoned black meat bit by bit.

Rao is an old doctor who has practiced medicine for many years, and has never seen such a way of practicing medicine. After such a toss, will this person still survive!

After working for about half an hour, the poisonous blood was drained away, and the poisoned black meat was also cut off.

"General, you have poison in your bones!"

The old Chinese doctor said with a trembling voice, his head was covered with cold sweat.

"Scrape, scrape off the poison!" Li Mu said in a weak voice.

At this time, Li Mu was inevitably a little weak because of the excessive blood loss and the unbearable pain.


"Scratch!" The old doctor was shocked!

"Quick, scrape!" Li Mu ordered again.

"Zoo, Zom, Zom."

"Zang, zang."


Under Li Mu's repeated request, the old doctor picked up a sharp knife and began to scratch Li Mu's left arm bone continuously, scraping off the toxin attached to the arm bone.

The sound of bone scraping made everyone present shudder!
(End of this chapter)

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