Chapter 487 Give a chance.

At this time, the aristocratic family was already a little apprehensive about Gao Yan, and this little old man was not easy to deal with.Not only is it difficult to deal with, it can even be said to be difficult to deal with.

"It's a common practice for local governments to withhold taxes. Not only in the Sui Dynasty, but in all dynasties."

"It's not a big deal, it's not a small thing. And there are quite a few people involved, so I reckon it shouldn't affect the overall situation!" Xue Daoheng said in a deep voice.

The local government withheld the countermeasures against these taxes, although in the end almost all of them went to the powerful families.However, those who do these things are also local officials from top to bottom.

Most of the officials in these places are not the direct descendants of the powerful families, but their former students.

Therefore, even if Gao Yan found evidence that they withheld taxes, the knife would not fall on their heads.

It's great, just kill some county magistrates in some places, and the magistrates will be fine.

But then again.What's the point of killing a group of low-level officials?
There is no doubt that these places where taxes can be withheld are deeply rooted in the powerful families.

Even if a group of low-level officials in these places are killed, the powerful family will promote the next group of people, which is meaningless to the royal family.

As for Yang Guang promoting his own people, that is impossible.Let's not talk about whether Yang Guang has people in his hands.

Even if there are people in Yang Guang, they will inevitably be taken away by them when they go to these places.How could Yang Guang do such a waste of manpower without any practical effect?
"Tell me, what does Gao Yan mean by this. It's meaningless for him to check these old accounts!" Su Kui mused.

Not only Su Kui had this idea, but all the people present had this idea.

What is the meaning and purpose of Gao Yan's doing this?
"Wu Jianzhang's death has nothing to do with us. It's only natural for Gao Yan to embarrass us!"

"What reason is there?" Cui Jin said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present couldn't help being dumbfounded.

The truth is really the same. In order to pay Yang Guang more, they plotted the loyalty and filial piety king Wu Jianzhang to death.

This Wu Jianzhang and Gao Yan are brothers who kowtowed to the ground, and this Gao Yan is avenging his personal revenge. What is the reason for this.

"Soldiers come to block, water to earth to cover!"

"Anyway, we can't get involved in such trivial matters. If Yang Guang really wants to pursue him, we will abandon the car and save the commander."

"In short, we can't delay that important event. Even if Yang Guang can take advantage of it temporarily, it's fine!" Xue Daoheng said firmly.

The aristocratic family gathered together to discuss countermeasures, while Gao Yan and his staff were busy sorting out the files on the household department's side.

Tomorrow, Gao Yan will take these dossiers and toss about in the court.

What Gao Yan did seemed to be doing useless work just on the surface.In fact, these things he did were also paving the way for Li Mu.

While the aristocratic family was scheming against Yang Guang, Li Mu was also scheming against the aristocratic family.

Now, whoever does things more secretly, whoever thinks better, can gain the upper hand.

The next day, early morning.

All the ministers arrived early, but Gao Yan was the only one who arrived late.It wasn't until Yang Guang was about to arrive that Gao Yan arrived unhurriedly.

Other ministers who came to the morning court came empty-handed, but Gao Yan came here with a shoulder pole, and there were two boxes hanging in front of the pole.

Obviously, the two boxes of things that Gao Yan brought must be the evidence he collected.

"Damn it, this old thing is really serious!" The ministers of the powerful family couldn't help cursing secretly when they saw Gao Yan coming with two boxes of evidence.

"His Majesty is here!"

A high-pitched shout sounded, and all the civil and military officials in the hall bowed together and said: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Yang Guang sat on the dragon chair, raised his hand towards everyone, and whispered: "The crowd Ai Qing is flat, but there is a beating!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister wants to impeach the officials in charge of Jiangnan, Longxi, Central Plains, counties, and prefectures!"

As soon as Yang Guang was firmly seated, Gao Yan immediately opened the map cannon. It can be said that he impeached all the officials in the place where the powerful family controlled the most.

What Gao Yan was going to do today was naturally to get along with Yang Guang, and Li Mu was grounded in the mansion.The leading actors in this drama today are Yang Guang and Gao Yan.

Although Li Mu was confined in the mansion, he was the behind-the-scenes director of this matter.

Yang Guang's acting skills are quite good. First, he intentionally showed a look of surprise, and then his expression returned to normal. Finally, he asked in a deep voice, "Gao Aiqing, what are you impeaching?"

"Report to Your Majesty, in Longxi, Jiangnan, and Central Plains, the taxation is different everywhere!"

"These days, I checked the tax accounts of the Ministry of Households for the past five years, and found that [-]% of the tax revenues of Longxi, Jiangnan, and Central Plains in the past five years were fake accounts."

"Among them, there are countless tax revenues intercepted by the local governments. Whose pockets did these money and food go into? I beg your Majesty to find out!" Gao Yan said, but his eyes glared at these ministers from the powerful families.

People from aristocratic families have already made plans to abandon their cars to protect their handsomeness. Taking this trouble at this time is to make themselves uncomfortable.

Therefore, what Gao Yan said about him, the ministers of these powerful families, just pretended not to hear it.


"I dared to withhold the tax revenue of the Sui Dynasty. Are the officials in these places emboldened?"

"Gao Aiqing, you have evidence!" Yang Guang pretended to be angry.

"Your Majesty, I will naturally not aim at nothing!"

"Taking last year as an example, in Mei County, Yuhang, the actual tax paid was 3 shi. After investigation by the minister, the tax payable should be [-] shi. There is a difference of nearly [-] shi! "

"In Yuhangning County, the actual tax paid is [-] shi. After investigation by the minister, the tax payable is [-] shi. There is also a difference of more than [-] shi!"

"Longxi, Changping County, the actual tax paid is [-] shi. After investigation by the minister, the accompanying tax is [-] shi. Among them, there is a difference of [-] shi."

After a few examples, Gao Yan said in a deep voice: "This is just some isolation last year. I have checked the tax accounts for the past five years, and it has been the same for the past five years."

"All states, prefectures, and counties are without exception. Among them, the interception in Jiangnan is the most serious. Every year, the tax interception in each county is about [-] shi."

"Your Majesty, the old minister has already discovered such a big problem after only checking the accounts of the past five years. From this, it can be seen that the withholding of taxes has probably become a common practice."

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that this trend cannot last, otherwise, if it goes on like this, wouldn't it impoverish our Great Sui Dynasty and enrich these lawless people?"

(End of this chapter)

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