Chapter 497: The Clan's Ecstasy! ! !

Regarding the matter of Li Mu's real death or fake death, people from aristocratic families are somewhat uncertain.Some people think that Li Mu is really dead, but more people think that Li Mu is a fake death.

And the best way to confirm the news of Li Mu's death is to open Li Mu's coffin and see what the person said just now.

After reading this, it is obvious whether it is dead or alive.

Although the method is a method, how to open Li Mu's coffin has become a difficult problem.

Just when everyone was worrying, Su Kui said in a low voice: "This matter is not impossible, we can do this, this, and then this."

After Su Kui's analysis, the eyes of the powerful ministers present couldn't help but shine. Su Kui's plan is really a good plan!
In this way, it might be possible to open Li Mu's coffin.As soon as the coffin was opened, it was not easy to tell at a glance whether it was Li Mu inside or not.

"Nephew Su Xian's clever plan, since Yang Guang made the people of the city wear sackcloth and filial piety, let's use these people to open Li Mu's coffin." Xue Daoheng stroked his beard and said.

These ministers of the aristocratic family, according to Su Kui's idea, you and I supplemented the plan one by one.Soon, the people from the powerful family discussed a tight and well-planned plan.

When the news of Li Mu's death spread, it can be said that some people were happy and some were worried.However, this small group of people from aristocratic families must be the ones who rejoice. Most of the people in the Sui Dynasty were deeply saddened by Li Mu's death.

Throughout Daxing City, every household hung up white lanterns and put up white sails. Even places of leisure and entertainment such as brothels and teahouses had spontaneously closed down.

Daxing City, the General's Mansion.

The eyes of Li Mu's three wives were red with pain, as red and swollen as two peaches. They never thought that Li Mu would actually lie in this cold coffin.

The next day, the third day after Li Mu's coffin returned to the capital, the General's Mansion, which had been tightly closed, was opened.

Generals from the four prefectures of Daxing City began to come to worship one after another, and the sound of crying and howling resounded all around.

The generals of the left and right Beishen mansions and the left and right Jianmen mansions are all under Li Mu's subordinates, so they also came to worship Li Mu immediately.

After these generals came to worship, some officials who had a good relationship with Li Mu came to worship one after another.

However, at noon, dozens of elderly people over 80 years old suddenly came outside the general's mansion.

Seventy has been rare since ancient times, and there are very few people who lived to be 70 years old in this ancient times, let alone 80-year-old people.

Under normal circumstances, even if the 80-year-old man meets Yang Guang, he can still sit and talk.

"Generals, we are representatives elected by the people of Daxing City."

"We common people, there are too many people, we can't come to the mansion to pay homage to the general, we can only pay homage from afar."

"Therefore, everyone chose us to come here, we want to take a look at the general!" One of the old men said hoarsely.

This was Su Kui's plan, and the mouths of the people in Daxing City came to open the coffin.And this request will not arouse suspicion.

These days, the aristocratic family has been sending people to guide and induce the people in Daxing City.Sure enough, as soon as the General's Mansion allowed the worship, someone immediately mentioned the matter of opening the coffin.

In fact, this does not mean that these people have bad intentions in their hearts.They were simply induced by the people of the powerful family, and wanted to take a look at Li Mu.

These people also love Li Mu from the bottom of their hearts, so they naturally want to see Li Mu more.

After these old men made their demands, the civil servants and military generals who came to worship also looked at Li Mu's wives and Xu Maogong eagerly.

Xu Maogong cupped his hands towards the three wives and said: "The three wives decide!"

Among the three, Li Xiuning was the most temperamental. After thinking for a while, Li Xiuning said in a deep voice, "Change the cold jade bed. Before the burial, there is no need for a coffin."

"If they want to see it, let them see it. Now it's one less time to see it!"

As she said that, Li Xiuning's tears couldn't stop flowing down again.

This jade is divided into warm jade and cold jade. This cold jade can maintain a natural low temperature, and it is like turning on the refrigerator to cool it when people lie on it.

Now, Li Mu's funeral is naturally decided by his three wives.After Li Xiuning agreed, she temporarily retreated from the crowd.

About half an hour later, the General's Mansion started to worship again. This time, Li Mu had been moved from the coffin to the cold jade bed.

Li Mu lay on the cold jade bed, quietly as if falling asleep.However, when the line of sight moved to Li Mu's head, he could find that the left half of Li Mu's head was carved out of rosewood.

On that day, in order to make the fake Li Mu more like him, Li Mu chose to fall off a cliff and die.

Falling from a cliff, not to mention smashing your head halfway, even smashing it into a pulp is not an exaggeration.In this way, the birthmark problem on the left face of the stand-in can be perfectly solved.

Once this birthmark is removed, the similarity between the double and Li Mu will at least increase by several percent.

In addition, the person has been dead for several days, and the body is slightly swollen, and the difference in some details between the double and Li Mu is no longer visible.

Anyone who looks at it now has to regard this corpse as the real Li Mu.

When Li Mu's body was moved from the coffin to the cold jade bed, even though all the people who came to worship were prepared.

However, seeing the majestic Li Mu lying quietly on the cold jade bed, he still couldn't help crying bitterly.

"General, general!"


From up and down the general's mansion, there were bursts of crying and howling again.

Daxing City, Xue Daoheng Mansion.


"It's Li Mu, it's really Li Mu!"

"Dead, really dead!"

"I think it's true, half of the head was lost, and it was repaired with rosewood!" At this time, an official stumbled in and said.


"It's really dead!" Xue Daoheng was so surprised that he jumped up.

"Really, it's true!" the person said quickly.

The aristocratic family planned to open the coffin, just to see with their own eyes that Li Mu was really dead, after all, seeing is believing.

Everyone thought it was impossible for Li Mu to die, but now they got the news that Li Mu was really dead, which shocked everyone present.

They are very familiar with Li Mu, and it is absolutely impossible for them to misunderstand, that is to say, Li Mu is very likely to be really dead.

If Li Mu really died, it would mean that the tiger Yang Guang had no claws and became a paper tiger.

If this is true, it will be a great benefit to the powerful family!

"Let's go, let's go to worship too!"

"No matter what, he, Li Mu, opened up the territory of the Great Sui after all. Regardless of his position, his credit is worth giving him a stick of incense!" Xue Daoheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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