Chapter 505 Yang Guang set off to cruise the canal.

Although the powerful families don't care about money, they also care about fame.

After all, no one wants to be scolded by others as a corrupt official, right?
However, in order to allow Yang Guang to cruise the canal at this time, it is necessary to build a dragon boat and a fleet for him.

Although they knew that they were set up by Yang Guang and Gao Yan, but at this time they couldn't control so much, even if they gritted their teeth, they had to donate the money.

With Xue Daoheng at the head, it is impossible for these other powerful families not to donate this money.These people give you 3000 taels of gold, and I give you 2000 taels of gold. They didn't have much time to donate, so they donated almost exactly.

It didn't take much time to donate nearly 20 taels of gold, which is nearly 20 taels of gold. It stands to reason that building a dragon boat for Yang Guang, plus [-] cruise ships, should not be a big problem.

Seeing Xue Daoheng and others scraping together the 20 taels of gold without blinking an eye, Yang Guang knew that this was a drop in the bucket for a powerful family.

However, Yang Guang's belief in getting rid of the aristocratic family was a little firmer at this time.Where did the wealth of these powerful families come from? Could it be that it fell from the sky?
You mean that a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and killed all the ministers of the powerful family, and Yang Guang believed it.

However, if you say that gold fell from the sky, Yang Guang would never believe it.

How did the aristocratic family accumulate such a huge amount of wealth? It depended on sucking the blood of the imperial court.

At this time, Yang Guang firmly believed in his heart. In this contest with the powerful family, he must win no matter what.

The coldness in Yang Guang's eyes was fleeting, and then Yang Guang said lightly: "Since the matter of money is settled, then this matter is settled."

"After the dragon boat is built, I can set out to inspect the canal."

The reason why Yang Guang said these words was to give people like Xue Daoheng a reassurance.They have already donated their money, so they need to feel at ease, so as to squeeze some oil and water out of them.

That's right, Yang Guang still wants to squeeze oil and water from Xue Daoheng and others. This is a hard-won opportunity, but he must squeeze them dry.

"My dear friends, send all the donated money to the Ministry of Households as soon as possible, and then the Ministry of Households will control these donations, and the Ministry of Industry will also come up with a shipbuilding plan as soon as possible."

"The Ministry of Households conducts central scheduling, and the Ministry of Industry conducts practical operations. This ship must be built as quickly as possible!" Sitting on the dragon chair, Yang Guang ordered to the courtiers.

"Your Majesty, please follow His Majesty's orders!" The ministers from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry responded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Guang ordered Gao Yan: "Gao Aiqing, the money was donated by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. The money must be registered in the register, and every penny must be used for real purposes."

Gao Yan naturally understood Yang Guang's meaning, bowed towards Yang Guang and said, "I obey the order."

Hearing this, the faces of Xue Daoheng and the others turned dark.

What kind of bullshit did everyone donate together, fart, it was obviously donated by people from powerful families like them.

As for the rest of the ministers, they donated a lonesome.

People like Xue Daoheng seemed to have eaten a dead mouse, and their faces could be said to be extremely ugly.

However, Gao Yan is not a person who does not do practical things. After the money donated by Xue Daoheng and others is in place.

Gao Yan immediately began to arrange shipbuilding matters intensively, buying shipbuilding timber and recruiting workers wantonly.

Docks were also built near the river, and the Ministry of Industry also dispatched technicians to speed up the construction of dragon boats.

In the first month of the project, workers were recruited, in the second month the dock was built, and in the third month the construction of dragon boats began.

In about a month, the keel of the dragon boat was built.It is twenty or thirty feet long, and it seems that it is very majestic.

Daxing City, Household Yamen.

Gao Yan is playing chess with Yu Wenkai. These two are big bosses, one is the Minister of the Ministry of Households, and the other is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

"Master Yuwen, you lost!" Gao Yan said with a slight smile.

In terms of chess strength, Yu Wenkai is naturally not Gao Yan's opponent, not only not an opponent, but also a lot worse.

Let's put it this way, when it comes to playing chess, Gao Yan is also at the national level, and Yu Wenkai is a stinky chess basket.

There are only two possibilities for this majestic big player to take the initiative to find a stinky chess basket to play chess. One is that Gao Yan is out of his mind, and the other is that Gao Yan has something to do with Yu Wenkai.

Gao Bin's brain obviously doesn't have watts, so there is only one other possibility left, Gao Bin has something to talk to Yu Wenkai about.

"No more, no more!"

"Master Gao, if you have anything to do, just tell me!" Yu Wenkai couldn't bear it anymore, and asked proactively.

Hearing Yu Wenkai asking himself, Xue Daoheng said calmly: "Have you stopped the project?"

As soon as Gao Yan said this, Yu Wenkai thought he heard it wrong, and asked in surprise: "What?"

"I said, stop the construction of dragon boats!" Gao Yan still said indifferently.

"Master Gao, this project has only just begun? How can we stop it as soon as we say it? For those who are present, we can't afford to blame His Majesty!" Yu Wenkai said.

Yu Wenkai thought that it was Gao Yan who disapproved of Yang Guang's inspection of the canal, so the construction of dragon boats had to be stopped.

Gao Yan thought to himself, His Majesty blamed him and couldn't afford it.No, His Majesty will not blame, because he was the one who stopped.

"The reason, of course there is a reason."

"The household department is out of money!" Gao Yan said confidently.

"What? No money, shouldn't it!" Yu Wenkai said in surprise.

You know, people from a powerful family donated nearly 20 taels of gold back then.Now that the project has just started and the keel of the dragon boat has just been built, how can there be no money?

Building dragon boats is a special purpose.Yuwenkai is an old project, and he knows how much the project has cost so far.

Let's just put it this way, one-third of the money donated by the powerful family is now sky-high.

Gao Yan took out the account book from his arms, and said to Yu Wenkai: "The money is really spent, and there is an account book to prove it."

Yu Wenkai took over the ledger and took a look. According to the amount on the ledger, the donations from that powerful family would have been spent.

However, Yu Wenkai knew that this ledger was wrong, and that the remembered ledger on it seemed to be clear, but in fact there was definitely something wrong.

However, Gao Yan's method of making fake accounts is very clever. Although it feels wrong, Yu Wenkai can't tell what's wrong.

"Master Gao, to be honest, how much have you been greedy for ink?" Yu Wenkai asked abruptly.

Gao Yan's face darkened, and he thought, what a lump of elm.So far, Gao Yan can only explain.

"This is His Majesty's intention. Your Majesty wants to squeeze the riches of the powerful family!" Gao Yan said in a low voice.


"Understood, understood!" Yu Wenkai suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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