Chapter 535

After all the courtiers had finished reporting, Li Mu came out of the battle, bowed his hands to Yang Guang and said, "Your Majesty, I have found the whereabouts of the family's remnants."

In the Battle of the Canal, Yang Guang won the battle.However, they were also unable to pursue the powerful family.This made the members of the aristocratic family headed by Yu Wenhuaji run away with the remnants of the defeated generals.

At that time, the whole Sui Dynasty was like a mess, so naturally there was no time to find Yu Wenhuaji and others.

After Li Mu sorted out many matters in the hall of the Qing Dynasty, he began to send people to find the whereabouts of Yu Wenhua and the remnants of these clans.

Just yesterday, the people sent by Li Mu finally found their whereabouts.

After all, when those people from the aristocratic families escaped from the territory of the Sui Dynasty, they were not alone or two.

It's a team of people, and they bring the wealth they have accumulated over the years.Such a large-scale team migration is difficult to hide from those who are interested.

Li Mu didn't have the time to deal with them before, but now, the chaos in the Sui Dynasty has been initially calmed down.

Now that he has freed up his hands, it is natural to clean up the remnants of Yu Wenhua and this group of elites.

Hearing that Li Mu had found the whereabouts of the family remnants, Yang Guang was also very happy.

If you want to say who hates these aristocratic families the most, it has to be Yang Guang.

You know, back then, these aristocratic families almost killed Yang Guang!
"Ai Qing, I don't know where these remnants of the family have fled?" Yang Guang asked Li Mu.

Li Mu opened his mouth slowly, and reported truthfully: "Your Majesty, the remnants of the clan headed by Yu Wenhuaji have now fled to Tuyuhun!"

After saying this, Li Mu immediately said again: "Your Majesty, I request the troops to attack Tuyuhun, and pay off the remaining crimes of the clan."

After Li Mu finished speaking, there was a sudden silence in the court hall.However, from the faces of these ministers, it can be seen that they do not seem to agree with sending troops to attack Tuyuhun.

Now that the remnants of the clan have fled to Tuyuhun, it should be difficult to do anything detrimental to the interests of the Sui Dynasty in a short period of time.

In the view of the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, if this is the case, there is actually no need to conquer Tuyuhun now.

After all, although the territory of the Sui Dynasty is temporarily pacified, there are still hidden dangers.

Because the aristocratic family planted many nails in the territory of the Sui Dynasty before leaving.At this time, the banditry in the entire Sui Dynasty was very serious, especially in the Henan generation, where there were bandits everywhere.

Internal troubles have not been eliminated, and if the troops are sent out rashly, it will be fine if they win the battle, but if the army is unlucky, it will be very detrimental to the internal stability of the Sui Dynasty.

Although many ministers felt that this matter was inappropriate, none of them dared to stand up and refute Li Mu for a while.

Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, Li Yuantong finally spoke up. He mused, "General, is it inappropriate to send troops at this time?"

"If the internal troubles are not eliminated, if we start the foreign war first, if we lose, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Li Mu naturally also knew that under such circumstances, if he lost the battle, he would face the consequences.

However, Li Mu has this confidence, he will not lose!
Moreover, Li Mu also has his own ideas.

The more unstable the inside, the more you have to show your fists to the outside.The harder the fist, the more stable the interior will naturally be.

To transfer internal conflicts to the outside world, this trick has been used by the US emperors in the previous life, and it can be said that it has been tried and tested.

"I, Li Mu, will not lose!" Li Mu's words were resounding.

All the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty knew that if the conquest of Tuyuhun came back with a big victory and wiped out the powerful families in one fell swoop, it would be beneficial.

If it fails, it may trigger a terrible chain effect, and even cause the Sui Dynasty to fall apart, and the powerful family will come back forever.

In fact, this is a very risky thing for Tai Sui.

Although it is possible to solve the remnants of the clan with the fastest speed, it is also very risky.

Most civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty still tend to use a slow and gentle method to quell the Sui affairs.

For example, first stabilize the interior, after the end of the imperial examination, develop steadily for two years, and then send troops to Tuyuhun.

This is the safest way.

However, these people did not dare to refute Li Mu's proposal to send troops.

After all, if others say that they will not lose, it may be a joke and bragging.

However, Li Mu said that he himself will not lose, so it is very likely that he really will not lose.

Regarding Li Mu's decision, Yang Guang has always supported Li Mu's decision unconditionally. As soon as Li Mu's voice fell, Yang Guang immediately expressed his opinion: "Okay, I promise the general to send troops."

Immediately afterwards, I heard Yang Guang continue to say: "The general I ordered to send troops was not for my own selfish desires, but every time I think of General Hu'er, think about it, come to Hong and others, I feel like a knife , all night is inevitable."

"Lai's family, five people, father and son, fought to protect me, and also, the soldiers who died on the canal."

"Every time I close my eyes, the scene of that night on the canal comes before my eyes."

"The canal was stained red with blood, and floating corpses were scattered everywhere on the surface of the river. It was Lai's father and son, the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty, and they exchanged their lives for my life."

"If it weren't for Lai's father and son, and for the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty, I would have died on the canal that day."

"Lai's father and son have never failed me, and the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty have never failed me, so I will not fail them either."

"If I don't know the whereabouts of the remnants of the powerful family, then it's all right. Now that I know, let them live another day, and I will have no face to face these martyrs."

"Tuyuhun, a small barbarian country, dares to take in the remnants of the powerful family, it should be destroyed!"

Yang Guang's words were sonorous and reasonable, and the people who listened were excited.

"Your Majesty, the Tuyuhun country is small and the people are weak, so I think that the troops should be fine rather than large."

"I lead an army of [-], which is enough to attack Tuyuhun!" Li Mu clasped his hands and said.

At this time, Yang Guang asked: "Aiqing personally led the army to attack Tuyuhun, so I can't rest assured."

"However, once Aiqing leaves, who should be responsible for the suppression of bandits?"

Now, Li Mu is in charge of suppressing bandits.Although these gangsters are not strong in combat, he is very disgusting.

From time to time, he got into the mountains and forests, playing hide and seek with the officers and soldiers, trying to wipe them out completely, but it was not easy.

Li Mu thought for a while, and recommended to Yang Guang: "The minister thinks that Pei Renji and Zhang Xutuo should be the chief and deputy envoys to suppress the bandits."

"When suppressing bandits, it's not something that can be miraculously effective for a while, you have to take it slow!"

In ancient times, there were bandits in all dynasties.As poor as the Three Kingdoms War period, there were bandits from Mount Tai and Bandits from Montenegro.As rich as the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties, there are also such grassroots bandits as Liang Shanshui Po.

In ancient times, this kind of thing of occupying the mountain as king was inevitable.All that is needed is to wipe out those bandits linked to by the Yumen clan!
(End of this chapter)

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