Chapter 601 Fuso Death Squad

As the saying goes, vigorously produces miracles.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, the combat effectiveness of the Sui army is far superior to that of the Fusang army.

At this time, the Sui army fully demonstrated what is called face-riding output. The Sui army who rushed to the forefront did not have any palm skills in fighting, just simple slashing.

The soldiers of the Sui army held a knife in one hand and a shield in the other.Constantly slashing at the enemy with the long knife in his hand, and sometimes even slapping the enemy directly with the round shield in his hand, like a cook slapping a cucumber.


"No retreat, no retreat!"

"Think about your wives, think about your children!" some Fusang generals shouted, cheering up their soldiers.

Before the Sui army attacked, Fujii Nobuyoshi had already brainwashed his subordinates, telling them that once the Sui army broke through the city, they would massacre the city.

It is precisely because of this that in the hearts of these Fusang soldiers, the Sui army is all demons.

Thinking about the wives, children, and children in my own family, these Fusang soldiers can be said to be irrevocable.

The two sides started a hand-to-hand battle at close range. Although the fighting power of the Fusang army was far inferior to that of the Sui army, since they were behind Wucheng.

For Fusang soldiers, they have no way to retreat, so they can only fight to the death.

The battle lasted for about half an hour. At this time, in addition to the [-] troops led by Pei Yuanqing who were fighting hard with the Fusang army, the [-] troops in Pei Renji's hands had also landed smoothly.

They are rushing to help in the direction of Wucheng. There is no doubt that once Pei Renji's army arrives, they will be able to easily defeat the Fusang army on the periphery.

As long as all the Fusang troops on the outskirts of Wucheng are cleared up, then they will be considered to have gained a firm foothold.After all the troops have landed, they are slowly concocting the Wucheng.


war room.


"The front battalion of the [-] Sui army has all landed, and our defensive troops outside the city may not last long!" The messenger reported to Nobuyoshi Fujii.

After hearing the news, Fujii Nobuyoshi's face was very ugly. He never expected that the Jiangzhong Saburo's department he sent out did not play a blocking role, and the Sui army came to the city easily.

It is precisely because of this that the defense under the city seems very hasty.

How should this battle be fought, or in other words, how should this battle be fought to win.

Thinking of this, Nobuyoshi Fujii fell into deep thought.

No matter who it is, if there is a war, then he must want to win the battle.

However, how to win a battle, especially a big victory, is a difficult question.

At this time, Fujii Nobuyoshi thought hard, but he never thought of a way to win.

"Prepare the fire oil, once the city is broken, you can burn the city!" Fujii Nobuyoshi thought for a long time before ordering to his cronies.

Fortify the wall and clear the field, and trade space for time. This is the tactic that Fujii Nobuyoshi and the others prepared from the beginning.

The Sui army was an expeditionary force, and if the supply line was stretched too long, there would inevitably be sequelae.

Even if they retreated, they would have to burn everything along the way, so that the Sui army could not get any supplies.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first.Once there is a problem with the supply line of the Sui army, the Fusang army will have a chance of victory at that time.

Wucheng is the first battle. Although Fujii Nobuyoshi wants to make a good start, it is obviously not realistic.

Since it is difficult to gain the upper hand in the battle of Wucheng, we can only prepare for the worst.

Withdrawing troops and burning the city is the worst preparation.

What Fujii Nobuyoshi wanted was to keep Fusang, but what Pei Yun wanted was completely different.

What Pei Yun wanted was Li Mu's head, he just wanted to kill Li Mu.

Of course, it was impossible for Pei Yun to tell Fujii Xinyi what was in his heart.

Moreover, as far as Fujii Nobuyoshi is concerned, in terms of scheming, he is much worse than Pei Yun.

Pei Yun looked at Fujii Nobuyoshi, and asked in a deep voice: "I don't know what the general thinks, and he won all the merits in one battle."

What does it mean to achieve full success in one battle, that is, to win a big victory in this first battle.

Only a shocking victory can be considered a full achievement.

In this war, the Sui army was strong, but Fusang was weak.If Fusang wants to win, he can only wait for the Sui army to make mistakes. It is best for Li Mu to use some stupid tricks.

However, wanting to wait for others to make mistakes is somewhat passive.

Therefore, Fujii Nobuyoshi did not expect to be able to defeat the Sui army from the very beginning.He just wanted to procrastinate until the Sui army's supply line collapsed.

Pei Yun asked him if he wanted to get all the merits in the first battle, which was somewhat beyond Fujii Nobuyoshi's expectations.

Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for the weak to defeat the strong, but such battles are all products of the combination of the right time, place and people.

Obviously, at this time, Fujii Nobuyoshi does not think that he has reached the point where he has the right time, place and people.

At this time, for the first line of defense in Wucheng, Fusang only deployed 15 soldiers and horses, and the Sui Army's expeditionary force also had 15 soldiers and horses.

There are also 15 soldiers and horses, but the combat effectiveness of the two sides is very different.

Therefore, just this person and the top, the Fusang army does not count as occupying the top.

Let's put it this way, with the right time and place, Fusang Dingduo can be regarded as occupying a favorable location.

Although he thought it was unbelievable to want to win all the merits in one battle, Fujii Nobuyoshi still asked: "Brother Pei, how do you count as one battle to achieve all merits?"

Pei Yun stroked his beard and asked, "Slaying the head of the enemy general counts?"

Hearing this, Fujii Nobuyoshi showed an incredulous look on his face.

Beheading the head of the enemy general, isn't that the same as beheading Li Mu's head?
This is of course a complete victory in the first battle.

It can be said that Li Mu is the soul of the Sui army, if Li Mu is really beheaded by them.

The morale of the Sui army must be low, and it is not impossible for the entire army to collapse directly.

But, then again, Li Mu is not a fool, can he stand there and let you kill him?
Anyone can say it, but how to cut it is a problem.

"Ten thousand troops, take the head of the enemy general!"

"Is this a bit of a fantasy?" Fujii Nobuyoshi asked Pei Yun.

When Fujii Nobuyoshi said the Arabian Nights, it was very polite.In fact, Fujii Nobuyoshi was thinking in his heart at this time.

Good guy, you still killed Li Mu, you probably didn't wake up, right?

Pei Yun came to the map and drew the marching route of the Sui Army on the map.

"Look, General, now that Pei Renji's front battalion has successfully landed, within an hour, Qin Qiong and Wu Yunzhao's left and right armies will all be waiting ashore!"

"At this time, only Li Mu's central army and Zhang Xutuo's rear army are left on the sea."

"We still have [-] sailors and ships hidden in advance. These sailors are not good at defending the city, and even if they stay in the city, their combat effectiveness is worrying."

"Since that's the case, it's better to fight with the [-] sailors. It's best to kill Li Mu, even if you can't kill Li Mu, if you are attacked in the rear, you will definitely be able to suspend the attack of the Sui army on the front line!" Pei Yun pointed at himself. The Sui army's offensive line map drawn is correct.

After hearing Pei Yun's words, Fujii Nobuyoshi was also moved.

As Pei Yun said, the combat effectiveness of the [-] navy and land troops is indeed worrying, and staying in the city to participate in the defense of the city is indeed of little use.

What Pei Yun said is indeed reasonable. After Li Mu in the rear is attacked, it is very likely that the attacking troops on the front line will send troops to rescue.

Even if they don't divide their troops to rescue, they have to slow down their attack to avoid any mistakes in the rear.

Thinking of this, Fujii Nobuyoshi felt that using [-] sailors to fight this is simply a small gain.

Even if they lost, it would be nothing more than a loss of [-] useless sailors. If they won, it would be a big victory.

After the arrival of the large forces of the Sui Army, Fusang had already lost the right to fight on the sea.With [-] sailors, there is no use for it other than wasting food.

After thinking about it, Fujii Nobuyoshi was also willing to take the gamble. After all, according to what Pei Yun said, it seems that he is not too bad.

"Mr. Pei, if we make a sneak attack, how should we fight to win!" Fujii Nobuyoshi asked Pei Yun.

Pei Yun said: "General, maybe you forgot the method we used for investigation."

"First equip a hundred or so fast boats, and on top of these a hundred or so fast boats, put sulfur, hay, kerosene and other fire starters."

"Then, cover the hundreds of fast boats with blue cloth, and slowly approach the Sui army fleet. After approaching the Sui army fleet, we will insert the middle army and the rear army horizontally, and use the fire boat to destroy the middle army and the rear army. The army is isolated!"

"Then, let's concentrate all our forces and storm Li Mu's flagship. Even if the entire army is wiped out, as long as we can kill Li Mu, it will be worth it!"

After listening to Pei Yun's words, Fujii Nobuyoshi made a calculation in his heart, and felt that this matter was reliable, and if the plan went well, it might really be able to kill Li Mu.

If Li Mu can be killed smoothly, then all this is simply too cost-effective.

"In that case, let Mr. Pei arrange everything!" Fujii Nobuyoshi said to Pei Yun.

This time, Pei Yun seemed to see an opportunity to kill Li Mu again, so he hurriedly went to make arrangements.

The first thing to do is to transform those Clippers.Compared with the ships of the Sui Army, Fusang's ships were too small, almost the difference between carp and crocodile.

If it is a normal battle, it is difficult to get close to the ships of the Sui army.

It is conceivable that Li Mu's flagship must be in the middle of the Sui army's fleet, so if you want to kill Li Mu, you must first disperse the Sui army's fleet.

Only by breaking up the fleet of the Sui army can they approach Li Mu's flagship.

Pei Yun had someone inlaid four or five feet long iron nails on the bow of the clipper. The function of these iron nails was to ram into the Sui army's ships under a high-speed charge.

In this way, Fusang's ship will collide with the Sui army's ship. When the time comes, if you ignite your own ship, you will have a chance to ignite the Sui army's ship.

Of course, it's just a chance.After all, their ships were too small compared to those of the Sui army.

However, as long as there is a fire, the Sui army will inevitably panic.At that time, when there is a gap in the fleet, the rest of the Fusang ships can rush in and storm Li Mu's flagship.

The disparity in the strength of the fleets of the two sides is too great, so it is almost impossible to exchange the ships of Fusang for the ships of the Sui army.

The purpose of sacrificing Fusang's ships is to open the gap in the Sui army's fleet, so that the rest of the ships can approach Li Mu's flagship, and then kill Li Mu.

Once Li Mu died, everything would be fine for Fusang.

Pei Yun's plan can be said to be extremely meticulous. Obviously, this is definitely not a temporary act.

For today, Pei Yun has deduced it in his mind countless times.He thought about it all the time, so that he could kill Li Mu quickly.


"Mr. Pei, the left and right armies of the Sui army have all landed and are already marching towards Wucheng!" Fusang's spies reported to Pei Yun.

After receiving this information, Pei Yun knew that the long-awaited opportunity had come.

The left and right armies of the Sui army also went ashore, so now there are only the central army and the rear army on the sea.

You must know that it is easy to go ashore and difficult to enter the water. Once they launch a surprise attack on the Sui army fleet, the troops on the shore will not be able to support them in a short time.

You must know that the formation under Li Mu is an arrow formation, and now that the lethal arrows have landed on the shore, what remains on the surface of the sea are the arrow shafts and arrow feathers that are not lethal.

"Send the order, and make a surprise attack immediately!" Pei Yun gave the order.

Pei Yun's order was issued quickly, at a hidden coast twenty or thirty miles away from the Sui army fleet.

More than a hundred fast boats covered with blue curtains, like arrows leaving the string, headed towards the Sui army fleet at high speed.

The ships had a deep draft and were obviously fully loaded.Under the curtain, there are all kinds of fire starters such as dry grass, sulfur, and kerosene.

After these more than a hundred fire ships, there is also the Fusang troop carrier covered with curtains.

At this time, the [-] Fusang navy had actually been abandoned, and what they were doing today was the work of death squads.

Whether successful or not, they are absolutely back and forth.On the sea, there is nowhere to run, no way to escape, they have only one dead end.

However, these people have no choice, because they still have family members.

Since these ships are covered with blue curtains, they are almost integrated with the sea from a distance.

The visibility is actually very low. If you look at it with the naked eye, you have to be within a few hundred meters at least to see the clues.

Moreover, it takes an extremely careful person to watch carefully to discover the clues.

Soon, these ships from Fusang arrived in the sea not far from the Sui army fleet.

However, what the leaders of Fusang did not expect was that the Sui army did not watch with the naked eye.

At this time, the lookouts of the Sui army were already equipped with binoculars.

Although the monoculars at this time were very simple, their visibility was relatively inferior to the telescopes of later generations.

However, nothing is better than nothing, much better than the naked eye.


"There is something approaching on the sea!"

"Gunner, [-] steps ahead, [-] o'clock direction, try to fire!" The lookout immediately shouted after noticing something was wrong on the sea.

After discovering that there is an enemy situation on the sea, conducting tentative attacks with artillery fire is a common method used by the navy, and it is also one of the naval ethics.

After receiving the order, the gunner immediately began to adjust the gun position, ready to fire for firepower testing.

(End of this chapter)

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